山有多高/陳建年 【Disc 1】
1. 走在雲霧的山路上 Walking on the misty mountain trail
2. 秋水彎彎 Meandering river in the autumn
3. 京城印象 Image of the native city
4. 歸鄉路 The road home
5. 古廟旁的老磚牆 Old brick wall of the ancient temple
6. 吐煙回想 Reminiscing while puffing away on a pipe
7. 熱烘烘的太陽 Nice and warm sun
8. 湘江邊的父子 Father and son sit by the riverside of Xiang River
9. 存糧樂 Joy of storing up grain
10. 品餚話家常 Chit-chatting while savoring
11. 禾風中的思念 The yearning for home is blowing in the wind
12. 山有多高 How high is the mountain