特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Kick off the New Year with January's issue of Ivy League ! Even if you didn't have the best year in 2017, it was probably nothing compared to all the flops on display in The Museum of Failures . Pick yourself up, and try again. You have to start somewhere, and drinking tea will certainly help you feel more invigorated.
Pour yourself a cup, sit down, and read about The Teas of Taiwan . If you need to cheer up, put on some music.
Elvis is always a good choice, so listen to some tunes and see that it's Funny How Time Slips Away . Another
good way to take your mind off things is to catch a movie. See what's playing nearby and quickly browse The Evolution of the Movie Poster . Before you know it, 2018 will be off to a great start and you can start to see A Beautiful Sign of Spring . This is your chance for a fresh beginning, so pick up a copy of Ivy League and turn that frown upside down.
以《常春藤解析英語》一月號來為新年揭開序幕吧!即使 2017 年不是你過得最好的一年,與《失敗為成功之母 ──失敗博物館》展出的所有失敗品相比,這也許就不算什麼了。
打起精神再試一次吧。你必須有個起點,而喝茶肯定會幫助你感到更加精力充沛。為自己斟一杯茶,然後坐下來讀一讀《 以春光佐茶 ── 會回甘的臺灣茶文化》。如果你需要振奮精神,就放點音樂吧。貓王的歌總是不錯的選擇,所以聽些曲子,看看這篇《不朽的搖滾靈魂 ── 貓王》。另一個讓你暫時忘掉煩惱的好辦法就是去看場電影。看看附近在播映什麼電影,並快速瀏覽海報,一起《走入電影海報的時光隧道》。在不知不覺中,2018 年將是一個好的開端,你會開始看到《喚醒春天的水仙綻放》。這是你全新開始的機會,所以拿起一本《 常春藤解析英語》,別再皺著眉頭了。