出版社:Random House
陰錯陽差地被送到「綠色屋頂之家」的紅髮女孩兒,終於在女主人惻隱之心下獲得了棲身之處。當作者露西透過安妮的一雙眼為視角回顧自己的少女時代時,對那時的悲喜、憧憬以及幻夢,似乎都有了更為強烈的感受。 收養安妮的老兄妹,也是一對活生生被描寫出來的性格人物。極端內向害羞的馬修,默默地做著莊稼漢份內的工作,但是在骨子裡卻是個頑固的人,同時也跟安妮一般,擁有純真而赤誠的心。他一看到安妮,就深深的被這麼小不點兒的她迷上了。至於瑪莉娜則剛剛相反,她是事事求是的實際派,她屢次被安妮整得哭笑不得,但是在骨子裡,仍然人情味十足......。
Grade 5-8-The nostalgic charm of Avonlea comes alive in Lucy Maud Montgomery's heart-warming tale set on the quaint island of Prince William about an aging brother and sister, Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, and their decision to adopt a young boy to help with chores around their farm. However, as the result of a misunderstanding the boy turns out to be a feisty, independent, and wildly imaginative redheaded girl named Anne. Marilla's first reaction to this news is, "What use is she to us?" Wherein Mathew replies, "We might be of some use to her." Throughout this moving story these two statements mix and meld together so richly and completely that they become one truth. Three lives are changed so dramatically that none can imagine life without the others. Each new day brings a new set of adventures, often hilarious and always uplifting. Anne's vivid and overactive imagination is the cause of many mishaps, but her saving grace is her heart of gold. Her best friend and "kindred spirit," Diana, and her handsome admirer, Gilbert Blythe, often find themselves unintentional victims of Anne's escapades. Narrator Shelly Frasier's pleasant voice is especially enjoyable during the rapid ramblings of Anne and as the soft-spoken, slow-paced Mathew. Her voice reflects the human qualities of each character, switching seamlessly between broken and despaired, curt and crisp, or dreamy and absent-minded. This perennial classic, divided into convenient three minute tracks and containing a short biography of the author, is a must have for expanding audiobook collections.