定價:NT$ 200
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 190
本計畫利用地理資訊系統工具,擴建港灣工程基本資料查詢展示系統。計畫期間邀集本中心各研究群組參與資料之收集及建置,並運用程式語言建立查詢管理流程及查詢內容,另外針對台灣港埠所曾遭受的重大破壞,如颱風、地震等特定災損情形,計畫配合醫療救災環境之調查,增建港灣地區防救災體系。工作執行乃依港研中心各研究群組之專長,將總計畫劃分成六個子計畫,合力彙整中心歷年研究成果,擴建港灣工程基本資料庫,並撰寫分析程式及查詢模組。所執行的六個子計畫分別為:(一)港灣地區地工資料建檔及液化自動分析模組之建立、(二)港灣地區港工材料建檔及查詢展示模組之建立、(三)港灣地區海氣象資料彙整建檔、(四)港灣設施結構資料更新建置、(五)建構港灣工程基本資料網路查詢系統、(六)運用地理資訊系統技術建立港灣地區防救災體系之研究。本計畫所完成的工作,計有十大項:(1)系統架構擴建規劃設計(2)地質資料之更新及擴建 (3)液化自動分析模組之建立及應用(4)碼頭斷面資料查詢模組之建構及更新(5)碼頭鋼板腐蝕調查資料查詢模組之建構(6)堤防斷面資料查詢模組之建構 (7)海氣象調查資料查詢模組之更新及建構 (8)貨櫃碼頭運量查詢模組資料擴建(9)港灣工程基本資料網路查詢系統建構。(10)港灣地區防救災體系架構規劃建置。後續計畫將繼續擴增資料內容,期使所建資料庫系統更臻完善。
This project expands the harbor engineering basic database query system stored in the Center by using GIS developing tools. The major tools are MapInfo (desk-top GIS) and Mapguide (web GIS). We have added much data on MapInfo and used some related program languages to create new consulting modules. The project is divided into six sub-projects to summarize the research results over the years, expand the harbor construction basic database, and create the analysis program and inquiry module. The six sub-projects respectively are: 1) Establishment of harbor area database and liquefaction auto-analysis modules. 2) Establishment of harbor area material database and inquiry and display modules. 3) Establishment of oceanographic data. 4) Update and establishment of harbor facility structural data. 5) Establishment of internet inquiry system of harbor construction basic information. 6) Establishment of harbor area disaster prevention system by using GIS. We have finished ten items in this project, as follows: 1) Expansion and design of system structure. 2) Renewal and expansion of geologic database. 3) Establishment of liquefaction auto-analysis modules. 4) Expansion and application of consulting module of wharf section data. 5) Establishment of consulting module of corrosion data of steel piles. 6) Expansion and application of consulting module of breakwater section data. 7) Expansion and application of consulting module of oceanographic data. 8) Establishment of consulting module of container load and unloading data of wharves, 9) establishment of web inquiry system of harbor engineering basic data. 10) Planning and establishment of disaster prevention and rescue system in harbor areas. We will continue to grow consistently in the following year to establish a more complete system.
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 190 NT$ 200
本計畫利用地理資訊系統工具,擴建港灣工程基本資料查詢展示系統。計畫期間邀集本中心各研究群組參與資料之收集及建置,並運用程式語言建立查詢管理流程及查詢內容,另外針對台灣港埠所曾遭受的重大破壞,如颱風、地震等特定災損情形,計畫配合醫療救災環境之調查,增建港灣地區防救災體系。工作執行乃依港研中心各研究群組之專長,將總計畫劃分成六個子計畫,合力彙整中心歷年研究成果,擴建港灣工程基本資料庫,並撰寫分析程式及查詢模組。所執行的六個子計畫分別為:(一)港灣地區地工資料建檔及液化自動分析模組之建立、(二)港灣地區港工材料建檔及查詢展示模組之建立、(三)港灣地區海氣象資料彙整建檔、(四)港灣設施結構資料更新建置、(五)建構港灣工程基本資料網路查詢系統、(六)運用地理資訊系統技術建立港灣地區防救災體系之研究。本計畫所完成的工作,計有十大項:(1)系統架構擴建規劃設計(2)地質資料之更新及擴建 (3)液化自動分析模組之建立及應用(4)碼頭斷面資料查詢模組之建構及更新(5)碼頭鋼板腐蝕調查資料查詢模組之建構(6)堤防斷面資料查詢模組之建構 (7)海氣象調查資料查詢模組之更新及建構 (8)貨櫃碼頭運量查詢模組資料擴建(9)港灣工程基本資料網路查詢系統建構。(10)港灣地區防救災體系架構規劃建置。後續計畫將繼續擴增資料內容,期使所建資料庫系統更臻完善。
This project expands the harbor engineering basic database query system stored in the Center by using GIS developing tools. The major tools are MapInfo (desk-top GIS) and Mapguide (web GIS). We have added much data on MapInfo and used some related program languages to create new consulting modules. The project is divided into six sub-projects to summarize the research results over the years, expand the harbor construction basic database, and create the analysis program and inquiry module. The six sub-projects respectively are: 1) Establishment of harbor area database and liquefaction auto-analysis modules. 2) Establishment of harbor area material database and inquiry and display modules. 3) Establishment of oceanographic data. 4) Update and establishment of harbor facility structural data. 5) Establishment of internet inquiry system of harbor construction basic information. 6) Establishment of harbor area disaster prevention system by using GIS. We have finished ten items in this project, as follows: 1) Expansion and design of system structure. 2) Renewal and expansion of geologic database. 3) Establishment of liquefaction auto-analysis modules. 4) Expansion and application of consulting module of wharf section data. 5) Establishment of consulting module of corrosion data of steel piles. 6) Expansion and application of consulting module of breakwater section data. 7) Expansion and application of consulting module of oceanographic data. 8) Establishment of consulting module of container load and unloading data of wharves, 9) establishment of web inquiry system of harbor engineering basic data. 10) Planning and establishment of disaster prevention and rescue system in harbor areas. We will continue to grow consistently in the following year to establish a more complete system.
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