定價:NT$ 300
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 285
本計畫第二年目標為利用第一年所完成之海嘯模式,模擬國內各港口受台灣海峽及太平洋鄰近區域發生海嘯時所受之影響。根據模擬結果顯示,臺灣東北部與西南部是海嘯侵襲之高風險區域;當海嘯發生在臺灣東北部時,基隆港及蘇澳港會產生最大流速為2.6m/s,其最大波高為0.5m;當海嘯發生於臺灣西南部時,高雄港區會產生2m/s之流速及1.5m之波高。發生在日本之海嘯則對臺灣沒有影響。 本計畫也利用 COMCOT模式模擬高雄港在海嘯來時所產生之溢淹;結果顯示,當地震規模9所引起之海嘯入侵高雄港市時,所產生之溢淹範圍甚廣,其最大溢淹範圍可到北高雄地區;同時,高雄港內水位變化將持續五個小時。經不同地震規模測試顯示,高雄港能抵禦由地震規模7.8所引起之海嘯。 邊緣波是ㄧ種在陸階地形中由海嘯或其他長波所引起的。本計畫利用HHT分析恆春海嘯之現場實測資料;分析之結果顯示水位有抬昇之現象。也同時說明了恆春海嘯確實發生邊緣波現象。效益及應用:根據模擬結果顯示,臺灣東北部與西南部是海嘯侵襲之高風險區域;當海嘯發生在臺灣東北部時,基隆港及蘇澳港會產生最大流速為2.6m/s,其最大波高為0.5m;當海嘯發生於臺灣西南部時,高雄港區會產生2m./s之流速及1.5m之波高。發生在日本之海嘯則對臺灣沒有影響。模擬高雄港在海嘯來時所產生之溢淹;結果顯示,當地震規模9所引起之海嘯入侵高雄港市時,所產生之溢淹範圍甚廣,其最大溢淹範圍可到北高雄地區;同時,高雄港內水位變化將持續五個小時。經不同地震規模測試顯示,高雄港能抵禦由地震規模7.8所引起之海嘯。海岸居民遇海嘯襲擊時,逃生避難將是重要課題。
In the second year, the numerical model of PARI used in the first year is also applied to simulate the influence of a tsunami on international harbors in Taiwan. The tsunami source is assumed to be located in the Taiwan Strait, Japan and New Guinea. These results show that both the Northeast and the Southwest of Taiwan are vulnerable to hazardous tsunamis. The largest velocity of 2.6 m/s and the highest wave height of 0.5 m are found in Keelung and Suao Harbors when the tsunami source is in the Northeast of Taiwan. When a tsunami occurs in the Southwest of Taiwan, 2m/s velocity and 1.5m surface elevations are found in Kaohsiung Harbor. However, Taiwan was not affected by the tsunami which occurred in Japan. The COMCOT model is used to simulate the inundation of Kaohsiung Harbor in this project. The figures indicate that the tsunami induced by a scale 9 magnitude earthquake can cause serious flooding. During inundation, the bore is bound for the North of Kaohsiung City. The oscillation of the surface elevation will last for five hours. Based on the simulation, Kaohsiung Harbor can resist the tsunami induced by earthquake of Mw 7.8 in the Manila trench. An edge wave is usually induced by a tsunami or other long-period oscillations in the continental shelf. After applying HHT to analyze the field measurement in the Hengchun Earthquake period. The analytical results show that the wave elevation is raised. The evidence for the existence of an edge wave is found in the present study.
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 285 NT$ 300
本計畫第二年目標為利用第一年所完成之海嘯模式,模擬國內各港口受台灣海峽及太平洋鄰近區域發生海嘯時所受之影響。根據模擬結果顯示,臺灣東北部與西南部是海嘯侵襲之高風險區域;當海嘯發生在臺灣東北部時,基隆港及蘇澳港會產生最大流速為2.6m/s,其最大波高為0.5m;當海嘯發生於臺灣西南部時,高雄港區會產生2m/s之流速及1.5m之波高。發生在日本之海嘯則對臺灣沒有影響。 本計畫也利用 COMCOT模式模擬高雄港在海嘯來時所產生之溢淹;結果顯示,當地震規模9所引起之海嘯入侵高雄港市時,所產生之溢淹範圍甚廣,其最大溢淹範圍可到北高雄地區;同時,高雄港內水位變化將持續五個小時。經不同地震規模測試顯示,高雄港能抵禦由地震規模7.8所引起之海嘯。 邊緣波是ㄧ種在陸階地形中由海嘯或其他長波所引起的。本計畫利用HHT分析恆春海嘯之現場實測資料;分析之結果顯示水位有抬昇之現象。也同時說明了恆春海嘯確實發生邊緣波現象。效益及應用:根據模擬結果顯示,臺灣東北部與西南部是海嘯侵襲之高風險區域;當海嘯發生在臺灣東北部時,基隆港及蘇澳港會產生最大流速為2.6m/s,其最大波高為0.5m;當海嘯發生於臺灣西南部時,高雄港區會產生2m./s之流速及1.5m之波高。發生在日本之海嘯則對臺灣沒有影響。模擬高雄港在海嘯來時所產生之溢淹;結果顯示,當地震規模9所引起之海嘯入侵高雄港市時,所產生之溢淹範圍甚廣,其最大溢淹範圍可到北高雄地區;同時,高雄港內水位變化將持續五個小時。經不同地震規模測試顯示,高雄港能抵禦由地震規模7.8所引起之海嘯。海岸居民遇海嘯襲擊時,逃生避難將是重要課題。
In the second year, the numerical model of PARI used in the first year is also applied to simulate the influence of a tsunami on international harbors in Taiwan. The tsunami source is assumed to be located in the Taiwan Strait, Japan and New Guinea. These results show that both the Northeast and the Southwest of Taiwan are vulnerable to hazardous tsunamis. The largest velocity of 2.6 m/s and the highest wave height of 0.5 m are found in Keelung and Suao Harbors when the tsunami source is in the Northeast of Taiwan. When a tsunami occurs in the Southwest of Taiwan, 2m/s velocity and 1.5m surface elevations are found in Kaohsiung Harbor. However, Taiwan was not affected by the tsunami which occurred in Japan. The COMCOT model is used to simulate the inundation of Kaohsiung Harbor in this project. The figures indicate that the tsunami induced by a scale 9 magnitude earthquake can cause serious flooding. During inundation, the bore is bound for the North of Kaohsiung City. The oscillation of the surface elevation will last for five hours. Based on the simulation, Kaohsiung Harbor can resist the tsunami induced by earthquake of Mw 7.8 in the Manila trench. An edge wave is usually induced by a tsunami or other long-period oscillations in the continental shelf. After applying HHT to analyze the field measurement in the Hengchun Earthquake period. The analytical results show that the wave elevation is raised. The evidence for the existence of an edge wave is found in the present study.
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