為建立完整之國內土石流防災資訊,持續蒐集國內外最新土石流科技、防災應變作為及災情案例等相關資料,特編製97年土石流年報。在土石流防災策略上,以「落實土石流災害管理機制,建立社區安全之土石流防護網」為主體,成果包含開設土石流災害緊急應變小組、完成土石流防災地圖、培訓土石流防災專員、提昇土石流防災資訊網等。在土石流防災科技應用與創新方面,則包含土石流防災整備指標研擬,土石流潛勢地區易致災調查與危害頻率分析、土石流潛勢溪流資料更新、互動式Google Earth資訊平台應用與開發等成果之呈現。在土石流防災教育訓練與宣導方面,97年計已完成15場土石流災害防救業務研習,培訓250名土石流防災專員,辦理175場土石流防災教育宣導,輔導土石流自主防災社區36處,以強化基層土石流自主防災能力。在土石流災前整備方面,則詳實記錄了防汛期前各單位土石流防災整備與土石流防災疏散避難計畫更新情形,以及土石流防災疏散避難演練等,以強化各級政府及民眾防災應變能力。在土石流災中應變方面,則紀錄了97年度土石流災害緊急應變小組開設情形、土石流觀測站創新與出勤情形、易致災點之重機械作業情形、土石流災害應變系統、重大土砂災情即時現勘機制,以及97年歷次風水災之災情紀實,相關成果豐碩。
The debris flow disaster prevention strategy has the core as "concretizing debris flow disaster management system, and establishing the debris flow protection network for community safety”. Its include organizing Debris Flow Disaster Emergency Action Team, completing the debris flow disaster prevention map, cultivating debris-flow volunteer specialist, and upgrading the debris flow disaster prevention information website etc. As for the technology application and innovation of debris flow disaster prevention, include drafting of the preparedness guidelines of debris flow disaster, the vulnerability investigation of potential debris flow hazard area and anaylsis of hazard fequency, update and management of potential debris flow torrent, application of Google Earth information system, As for Debris Flow Disaster Prevention Education and Publicity, till now 15 sessions of Debris Flow Disaster Prevention and Protection Operation Study Course have been held, 250 specialists of debris-flow volunteer have been recruited, 175 sessions of debris flow disaster prevention education have been held, 36 debris flow autonomous disaster prevention communities have been selected in this year in order to strengthen people the knowledge of debris flow disaster prevention. As for the preparation before debris flow disaster, understanding of the debris flow disaster prevention and preparation status for every organization before the flooding season, the updated status of Debris Flow Disaster Prevention and Evacuation Program, the establishment of disaster prevention emergency correspondence system and the debris flow evacuation exercises have been in place in order to strengthen the ability of disaster prevention emergency operation for every-level government and the public. As for the emergency operation for debris flow disaster, the establishment status of Debris Flow Disaster Emergency Action Team this year, the innovation and performing of debris flow investigation station, and the status of heavy machinery operation have been recorded. Meanwhile, the debris flow disaster emergency operation system and the real-time on-the-spot survey mechanism were established. In the record of typhoon and flood.
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 665 NT$ 700
為建立完整之國內土石流防災資訊,持續蒐集國內外最新土石流科技、防災應變作為及災情案例等相關資料,特編製97年土石流年報。在土石流防災策略上,以「落實土石流災害管理機制,建立社區安全之土石流防護網」為主體,成果包含開設土石流災害緊急應變小組、完成土石流防災地圖、培訓土石流防災專員、提昇土石流防災資訊網等。在土石流防災科技應用與創新方面,則包含土石流防災整備指標研擬,土石流潛勢地區易致災調查與危害頻率分析、土石流潛勢溪流資料更新、互動式Google Earth資訊平台應用與開發等成果之呈現。在土石流防災教育訓練與宣導方面,97年計已完成15場土石流災害防救業務研習,培訓250名土石流防災專員,辦理175場土石流防災教育宣導,輔導土石流自主防災社區36處,以強化基層土石流自主防災能力。在土石流災前整備方面,則詳實記錄了防汛期前各單位土石流防災整備與土石流防災疏散避難計畫更新情形,以及土石流防災疏散避難演練等,以強化各級政府及民眾防災應變能力。在土石流災中應變方面,則紀錄了97年度土石流災害緊急應變小組開設情形、土石流觀測站創新與出勤情形、易致災點之重機械作業情形、土石流災害應變系統、重大土砂災情即時現勘機制,以及97年歷次風水災之災情紀實,相關成果豐碩。
The debris flow disaster prevention strategy has the core as "concretizing debris flow disaster management system, and establishing the debris flow protection network for community safety”. Its include organizing Debris Flow Disaster Emergency Action Team, completing the debris flow disaster prevention map, cultivating debris-flow volunteer specialist, and upgrading the debris flow disaster prevention information website etc. As for the technology application and innovation of debris flow disaster prevention, include drafting of the preparedness guidelines of debris flow disaster, the vulnerability investigation of potential debris flow hazard area and anaylsis of hazard fequency, update and management of potential debris flow torrent, application of Google Earth information system, As for Debris Flow Disaster Prevention Education and Publicity, till now 15 sessions of Debris Flow Disaster Prevention and Protection Operation Study Course have been held, 250 specialists of debris-flow volunteer have been recruited, 175 sessions of debris flow disaster prevention education have been held, 36 debris flow autonomous disaster prevention communities have been selected in this year in order to strengthen people the knowledge of debris flow disaster prevention. As for the preparation before debris flow disaster, understanding of the debris flow disaster prevention and preparation status for every organization before the flooding season, the updated status of Debris Flow Disaster Prevention and Evacuation Program, the establishment of disaster prevention emergency correspondence system and the debris flow evacuation exercises have been in place in order to strengthen the ability of disaster prevention emergency operation for every-level government and the public. As for the emergency operation for debris flow disaster, the establishment status of Debris Flow Disaster Emergency Action Team this year, the innovation and performing of debris flow investigation station, and the status of heavy machinery operation have been recorded. Meanwhile, the debris flow disaster emergency operation system and the real-time on-the-spot survey mechanism were established. In the record of typhoon and flood.
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