定價:NT$ 1050
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 924
產品特色 :
1. 2010年最新版攜帶型全彩色圖解詞典,是同等級詞典中收納最多圖解的詞庫。
2. 每個詞彙皆以五國語言標示:英語,西班牙語,法語,德語及意大利語。
3. 2600幅詳細的圖片,說明9500個詞條,加上五種語言標示,讓讀者一次學習和比較。
4. 以主題收錄詞彙,包括:宇宙和地球、人類、動物、房子DIY、藝術和建築、科學和能源、體育和遊戲等12大主題,皆符合日常生活或生活科技新知所需。
5. 多元化的輔助工具,可提供完善的學校詞彙教學輔助,可作為旅遊學習工具書、家庭百科瀏覽等,適合不同讀者的需求使用。
6. 單字索引(Index)依字母排序,讓讀者可透過單字,檢視插圖,快速搜尋到其他相關的詞彙。
1. 使用主題目錄(Contents)檢索搜尋,找尋有興趣的主題及相關性的詞彙。
2. 使用單字索引(Index)檢索搜尋,對照插圖了解字義解釋。
3. 使用章節(List of Chapters)檢索搜尋,對照章節中的插圖查詢相關詞彙。
4. 這本字典最棒的地方就是,就算讀者只有個模糊的概念,也能透過插圖找尋到相關的詞彙!
Product Description
A portable visual inventory of today's world listing thousands of words and concepts in five different languages.
*2,600 highly detailed pictures illustrate the meaning of 9,500 terms in English, Spanish. French, German, and Italian.
*Thousands of images with each term identified in five languages.
*Chapters and corresponding themes include:universe and earth;the human being;animal kingdom;house and do-it-yourself;arts and architecture;science and energy;sports and games, and much more!
*Perfect for school or college, travel, home study, or browsing
*Full-color illustrations
*Technical and everyday terms
*Organized by subject
Users may gain access to the contents of this dictionary in a variety of ways:
*From the table of contents, the user can locate the section that is of interest.
*The index can be consulted to locate a specific term, and by examining the illustration cited, the user can see what corresponds to the word.
*The user can examine the illustrations in the relevant sections of the dictionary. The great strength of this dictionary is the fact that the illustrations enable the user to find a word even if he or she only has a vague idea of what it is.
About the Author
Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world.
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 924 NT$ 1050
產品特色 :
1. 2010年最新版攜帶型全彩色圖解詞典,是同等級詞典中收納最多圖解的詞庫。
2. 每個詞彙皆以五國語言標示:英語,西班牙語,法語,德語及意大利語。
3. 2600幅詳細的圖片,說明9500個詞條,加上五種語言標示,讓讀者一次學習和比較。
4. 以主題收錄詞彙,包括:宇宙和地球、人類、動物、房子DIY、藝術和建築、科學和能源、體育和遊戲等12大主題,皆符合日常生活或生活科技新知所需。
5. 多元化的輔助工具,可提供完善的學校詞彙教學輔助,可作為旅遊學習工具書、家庭百科瀏覽等,適合不同讀者的需求使用。
6. 單字索引(Index)依字母排序,讓讀者可透過單字,檢視插圖,快速搜尋到其他相關的詞彙。
1. 使用主題目錄(Contents)檢索搜尋,找尋有興趣的主題及相關性的詞彙。
2. 使用單字索引(Index)檢索搜尋,對照插圖了解字義解釋。
3. 使用章節(List of Chapters)檢索搜尋,對照章節中的插圖查詢相關詞彙。
4. 這本字典最棒的地方就是,就算讀者只有個模糊的概念,也能透過插圖找尋到相關的詞彙!
Product Description
A portable visual inventory of today's world listing thousands of words and concepts in five different languages.
*2,600 highly detailed pictures illustrate the meaning of 9,500 terms in English, Spanish. French, German, and Italian.
*Thousands of images with each term identified in five languages.
*Chapters and corresponding themes include:universe and earth;the human being;animal kingdom;house and do-it-yourself;arts and architecture;science and energy;sports and games, and much more!
*Perfect for school or college, travel, home study, or browsing
*Full-color illustrations
*Technical and everyday terms
*Organized by subject
Users may gain access to the contents of this dictionary in a variety of ways:
*From the table of contents, the user can locate the section that is of interest.
*The index can be consulted to locate a specific term, and by examining the illustration cited, the user can see what corresponds to the word.
*The user can examine the illustrations in the relevant sections of the dictionary. The great strength of this dictionary is the fact that the illustrations enable the user to find a word even if he or she only has a vague idea of what it is.
About the Author
Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world.
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