1. Are You Sleeping? 你在睡覺嗎?
2. Ten Little Indians 十個印第安小男孩
3. Happy Birthday to You 生日快樂歌
4. Hot Potato 燙手山芋
5. Hot Cross Bun 熱騰騰的小圓麵包
6. The Muffin Man 瑪芬人
7. Star Light 星光
8. Little Green Frog 小綠蛙
9. Row, Row, Row Your Boat 划著你的船兒
10. Bluebird, Bluebird 藍知更鳥
11. Lazy Mary 懶惰瑪麗
12. The Train Is A-Coming 火車來囉!
13. Go In and Out the Window 進出窗戶
14. Little Peter Rabbit 小小彼得兔
15. I Caught a Fish 我抓到一隻魚
16. Good Night 晚安
17. Days of the Week 一星期的日子
18. Trot to Boston 跑到波士頓
19. I Like Coffee 我愛喝咖啡
20. Color Song 色彩歌
21. The Alphabet Song 字母歌
22. Pea Porridge Hot 豌豆粥燙喔!
23. Michael, Row Your Boat 麥克,快划船!
24. Farm Song 農場之歌
25. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 頭兒、肩膀、膝蓋、腳趾
26. This Little Pig 這隻小豬
27. I Saw Three Ships 我看見三艘船
28. I掭 a Little Teapot 我是小茶壺
29. My Bonnie 我的邦妮
30. The Itsy Bitsy Spider 可愛小蜘蛛
31. Teddy Bear 泰迪小熊
32. I See the Moon 我看見月亮
33. Where Is a Thumb? 大拇指哪去了?
34. What Are You Wearing? 你穿什麼衣服?
35. Jimmy Crack Corn 吉米磨玉米
36. Sally Goes Around the Sun 莎莉繞著太陽轉
37. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 我的小狗到哪兒去了?
38. Pat-A-Cake 打蛋糕
39. Bingo 賓果
40. All Night, All Day 日日夜夜
41. Found a Peanut Just Now 我剛發現一顆花生
42. Long Legged Sailor 長腿水手
43. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
44. The Bear Went Over the Mountain 大熊爬山
45. Polly Put the Kettle On 波莉放上水壺
46. Did You Ever See a Lassie? 你可曾看到一位少女?
1. Are You Sleeping? 你在睡覺嗎?
2. Ten Little Indians 十個印第安小男孩
3. Happy Birthday to You 生日快樂歌
4. Hot Potato 燙手山芋
5. Hot Cross Bun 熱騰騰的小圓麵包
6. The Muffin Man 瑪芬人
7. Star Light 星光
8. Little Green Frog 小綠蛙
9. Row, Row, Row Your Boat 划著你的船兒
10. Bluebird, Bluebird 藍知更鳥
11. Lazy Mary 懶惰瑪麗
12. The Train Is A-Coming 火車來囉!
13. Go In and Out the Window 進出窗戶
14. Little Peter Rabbit 小小彼得兔
15. I Caught a Fish 我抓...