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Helbling Readers Red Series書系簡介
● Helbling Classics(經典文學)
● Helbling Fiction(當代原創)
全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(Cambridge) KET / 全民英檢(GEPT) 初級 / 歐洲共同語言能力(CEF) A1~A2 / 倫敦聖三一學院(Trinity) 1~ 4 級
Level 1 - 400字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1、Trinity1,2級
Level 2 - 600字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1/A2、Trinity 2,3級
Level 3 - 1000字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A2、Trinity3,4級
◎About this Book單元: 分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。
◎Before Reading/After Reading: 閱讀前/後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Level 2 / Helbling Classics / Recording in British English
Book Description
“Curiouser and curiouser.”
It is a hot afternoon and Alice is bored. She follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit hole and arrives in a strange place called Wonderland.
Here nothing is as it seems: animals can talk, cakes and drinks can make you bigger and smaller and the Queen of Hearts can cut off your head.
Can Alice find her way home again?
About the Author(作者簡介)
Lewis Carroll’s real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. He was born in 1832 in a small village in the northwest of England. Charles studied Mathematics at Christ Church College, Oxford. After his degree he became a teacher of Mathematics at Christ Church but he didn’t enjoy this job very much.
In his free time he wrote poems and short stories. Many of them appeared in magazines. In 1856 he published his first piece of work, a poem, under the name Lewis Carroll. His best-known work, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, was published in 1865. It was a great success and Carroll become rich and famous but he continued to teach. In 1871 he published another ‘ Alice’ book called Alice Through The Looking Glass. He finally stopped teaching in 1881 to concentrate on writing.
He was a good photographer and he took many photographs of Lice Liddell, one of the daughters of the Dean of Christ Church. She was the model for the Alice in his stories.
Carroll never moved away from Christ Church College and he never married. In 1867 he went to Russia but this was the only time he traveled abroad. He died in January 1898 and he is buried in Guildford, where his sisters had a house.