適合程度:Intermediate, 科技大學、大學大一及大二英語課程
級數:CEF B1-B2
配備:Teacher’s file (Teaching notes, answer key), Audio MP3
閱讀理解及語法練習,強化學生核心閱讀技巧 (skimming, scanning, reference),厚實語法基礎。
以有趣又富挑戰性的字彙練習活動,讓學生熟記字彙的Spelling, Meaning, Referencing, Writing, Word Forms。亦可靈活結合網路資源 (Macmillan Online Dictionary, thefreedictionary等),幫助學生熟悉網路查找技巧。
字彙學習研究(Stahl & Nagy, 2005)發現學習者要對一個單詞有完整的瞭解需要7-10個不同的語境,可能是閱讀到或聽到這個新單詞,反覆幾次之後才會真正學的起來。Unique系列強調提供多重情境來反覆學習字彙。
Unique Science and Technology (Grammar Level 1)
Unique Everyday Living (Grammar Level 1)
Unique Workplace and Career (Grammar Level 2)
Unique Media and Marketplace (Grammar Level 2)
Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program!
Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to
review the fundamental skills that enhance reading comprehension
reinforce the fundamental concepts that boost vocabulary development
There are four thematic books in the series:
Unique Science and Technology (Grammar Level 1)
Unique Everyday Living (Grammar Level 1)
Unique Workplace and Career (Grammar Level 2)
Unique Media and Marketplace (Grammar Level 2)
All books include:
20-24 high-interesting and unique texts from various media and academic sources
a full range of activities to reinforce reading skills and word power
creative text-related cartoons add humor and reinforce memory
essential rules of grammar illustrated in Grammar appendix
Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program!
Unique was written especially for you. Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to review and reinforce the fundamental skills and concepts that enhance reading comprehension and boost vocabulary development. There are four thematic books in the series: Science and Technology; Everyday Living; Workplace and Career; Media and Marketplace.
Pre-reading inspires student enthusiasm for new vocabulary and themes, as well as preparing them for the lessons.
Vocabulary lists the important words to acquire in each lesson. It is composed of both high-frequency and challenging vocabulary to enrich your word bank.
Reading includes high interest excerpts from real-world documents, forms, advertisements and how-to instructions, as well as academic sources (approximate reading level 4.0). Diagrams and other graphics support instruction and maintain interest.
Reading Comprehension not only offers activities to reinforce student reading skills, such as skimming and scanning, but also introduces referencing techniques essential to reading fluency. The series covers 16 basic grammar rules (in Everyday Living and Science and Technology) and 10 advanced rules (in Workplace and Career and Media and Marketplace).
Vocabulary Study provides a wide variety of different activities to help students understand and remember the spelling, meaning and form of unfamiliar words. Other strategies offered include the efficient referencing of a dictionary and thesaurus. Thinking skills, such as drawing conclusions and completing analogies, are included as reinforcement.
Different word power skills (spelling, understanding meaning, word form, writing and referencing) are strengthened via a wide variety of activities:
Review Lessons evaluate students’ acquisition of new vocabulary through various activities, such as puzzles and analogies. They also encourage students to apply newly acquired vocabulary by writing their own sentences.
Grammar appendix illustrates essential rules of grammar that supplement the Syntax exercise in Reading Comprehension.
Glossary lists some important scientific and technical words that all educated
people should know.
A word of advice: Don’t stop “reading and thinking of words” when you finish this program. First-class English skills must be constantly renewed! In order to earn a reputation as a first-rate communicator, you must incorporate everything you have learned into your everyday speech and writing.
Welcome to Unique—an English Reading and Vocabulary Program!
Unique was written especially for you. Raising communication skills to a higher, more fluent level is the overarching goal of the Unique series. To this end, each of the worktexts has been carefully designed to review and reinforce the fundamental skills and concepts that enhance reading comprehension and boost vocabulary development. There are four thematic books in the series: Science and Technology; Everyday Living;...
Introduction iii
Lesson 1 Test-Wise? 考試是明智的嗎?
Lesson 2 Phone Scams 電話詐騙
Lesson 3 Keep Your Cool! 情緒管理
Lesson 4 Controlling Pests 抑制害蟲
Lesson 5 Car Safety Features 駕駛安全
Lesson 6 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 1
Lesson 7 Computers and Health 電腦與健康
Lesson 8 Easy Biscuits 烤餅乾
Lesson 9 Lend a Hand 社會服務
Lesson 10 Gardening Project 園藝工程
Lesson 11 Mental Health 心理健康
Lesson 12 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 2
Lesson 13 Life Insurance 人壽保險
Lesson 14 Megavitamins 綜合維他命
Lesson 15 Mass Mailings 廣告郵件
Lesson 16 Conservation 環保概念
Lesson 17 Washing Your Car 洗車
Lesson 18 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 3
Lesson 19 Food Labels 食品標籤
Lesson 20 Tools and Tasks 工具與任務
Lesson 21 Graffiti 街頭塗鴉
Lesson 22 Painting a Room 粉刷房間
Lesson 23 Safe Driving 安全駕駛
Lesson 24 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 4
End-of-Book Test
Introduction iii
Lesson 1 Test-Wise? 考試是明智的嗎?
Lesson 2 Phone Scams 電話詐騙
Lesson 3 Keep Your Cool! 情緒管理
Lesson 4 Controlling Pests 抑制害蟲
Lesson 5 Car Safety Features 駕駛安全
Lesson 6 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 1
Lesson 7 Computers and Health 電腦與健康
Lesson 8 Easy Biscuits 烤餅乾
Lesson 9 Lend a Hand 社會服務
Lesson 10 Gardening Project 園藝工程
Lesson 11 Mental Health 心理健康
Lesson 12 Vocabulary Stretch
Review 2
Lesson 13 Life Insurance 人壽保險
Lesson 14 Megavit...