優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 158 NT$ 180
Jigsaw Jones偵探系列(書+CD)
對書裡的主人翁Jigsaw Jones來說,破解懸案的過程,就好像是在組合拼圖一般。在組合拼圖時,你必須要看清楚每塊小拼圖,注意每塊拼圖的缺角和顏色,才能夠拼成一個完整的圖形。就如同在查證案件時,你必須要留意案件的人、事、時、地、物每個小細節,才能夠成功地破案。近年來,類似哈利波特或龍騎士等奇幻故事書大行其道,孩子們大量閱讀這些故事後,個個都極具創造力和想像力。而在閱讀Jigsaw Jones Mystery時,孩子們卻能夠培養出對週遭事物的觀察力和專注力,還有邏輯思考的能力。更重要的是,孩子能學會像書中獨立而聰慧的Jigsaw Jones一樣,擁有遇到困難時,依靠自己解決問題的能力。在孩子們閱讀大量繪本或分級讀本之後,家長或老師們在為孩子們選擇第一本chapter book時,用簡易的句型和平實文字,配合豐富插畫的Jigsaw Jones,可說是early chapter book系列中的最佳選擇。清楚的敘述,有趣的對話和劇情,讓學生們在跟著Jigsaw Jones,一同破解謎團的過程中,同時提昇英文的閱讀能力和對閱讀的興趣。
A surprise author is coming to Ms. Gleason's class! It's a real mystery. Ms. Gleason won't say the name of the writer. Some kids think it might be a ghostwriter! The class hires detectives Jigsaw and Mila to solve the case. They are on the trail of the mystery author in this spooky thriller!
Preller, James
James Preller is the author of many books for young children, including the popular JIGSAW JONES series and his middle-grade novels, ALONG CAME SPIDER and JUSTIN FISHER DECLARES WAR! He lives in Delmar, New York, with his wife, Lisa; three children — Nicholas, Maggie, and Gavin; two cats; and a goldendoodle named Daisy.