Part 1
Lecture 10 Literature:Sea Wolf 海狼
As the story progresses, we can’t help but feel bad for crew members and several major characters on the Ghost. The incredible strength of Wolf Larsen makes him somewhat invincible from the attack of the crew members. Several themes make us feel there should be something happening to reverse the trend, and yes things are starting to change. As a saying goes, no one holds all the cards.
Wolf Larsen cannot always be in the upper hand. Readers expect to see some changes, and everyone has his or her own weaknesses. It’s just a matter of time. The story reaches the climax by revealing Wolf Larsen’s weakness to the reader: the headache…The headache is probably a sign that shows he will not remain the king of the Ghost.
Part 2
Lecture 2 Psychology:Coffee and the Compound Effect 心理學,咖啡和累加效應
1. What aspect of coffee does the professor mainly discuss?
(A) Its history and development
(B) It can be used as an example to elucidate the theory of the Compound Effect.
(C) The importance of decorations and comfort in a coffee shop.
(D) The main reasons why buying coffee of other brands is better than buying coffee of huge brands.
2. How does the professor present the idea to the class?
(A) She invites experts to warn students how costly a cup of coffee can be.
(B) She shows students the result of buying coffee of huge brands and coffee other brands in a given time.
(C) She talks mainly about coffee of huge brands.
(D) She talks at length about other coffee brands.
3. Why does the professor mention “the 22k salary”?
(A) Because she values student’s response.
(B) Because it’s the modern-day phenomenon
(C) Because it’s an indicator and it’s relatively costly to people earning that amount of salary
(D) Because it’s a comment given by well-known experts
4. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
(A) To show how amnesia can do to people, and people forget things.
(B) To warn consumers the importance of taking notes on what you have purchased.
(C) To let consumers know they should do a basic calculus before buying expensive appliances.
(D) To show small amount of money beguiles us into thinking it’s harmless.
5. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
(A) She wants students to stay slim and fit.
(B) She wants students to know drinking water improves health.
(C) To solidify what she has said so far.
(D) To let students know the theory can be applied to the calorie, too.
Lecture 5 Marine biology: 海洋生物學,探討甲殼綱、鯨類和鰭足類動物
As you can see from the video, a crab stays pretty vigilant on the shore. All of a sudden, an octopus shows up unannounced dragging the crab, which struggles hard to escape, into the water. This demonstrates octopus’ another victory on land. Octopuses have been known for their high intelligence, remarkable camouflage, and ink. They are the master of the marine creatures. Their inborn talent allows them to inhabit different marine habitats.
Crustaceans and mollusks are on their food list. Preys will be injected with a paralyzing saliva and disjointed with their beaks. Clams and crabs, although equipped with a hard shell, can’t withstand the toxin saliva they secrete. The enzyme of the saliva will dissolve the calcium structure of the shell. Without the protection of the shell, the prey will be consumed in an instant.
Three traits of the octopus package them with the ability to inhabit different marine habitats, taking down preys such as crustaceans and mollusks. Despite these, they have their natural enemies, too. They are vulnerable to the attack of cetaceans, sharks, pinnipeds, sea otters, or sea birds. However, another phenomenal attack of the giant octopus takes down a shark, which leads us to think that size matters when it comes to the attack. We cannot really say about the outcome since things can change in the blink of the eye. Shrimps, crabs, and lobsters belong to the category of the crustaceans. Cetaceans, on the other hand, refer to whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The defense mechanisms have allowed animals to have a high successful survival rate. Octopuses, with the ability to spill ink, is one of the examples, although this will not always work. Aside from the ink cloud, the venom and coloration are also the defense mechanism. Blue-ringed octopuses are the representative, and their toxicity can kill you in a minute.
Part 3
Campus 6 商業話題探討: Give and Take,所以哈利波特是giver嗎?
1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) How to write Harry Potter
(B) How to avoid digression from the main topic
(C) How to outperform classmates
(D) Work on a report through fictional characters
2. Why does the professor say “what do you have in mind”?
(A) He wants the student to do something as he asked.
(B) He wants to know how the student thinks.
(C) He does not want someone who changes his mind very often
(D) He wants the student to make up his mind
3. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
(A) Matchers always expect something in return
(B) Matchers will lose if they give something first
(C) Matchers won’t forget to return things
(D) Matchers will return similar or equitable favors to others
4. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
(A) Takers think all people can be defeated.
(B) In order to win, you don’t have to act like takers because there are other ways
(C) Success favors takers in some ways
(D) Defeating people gives takers a leg up in the game
5. What will the student probably do next?
(A) Help audiences relate to the idea
(B) Remind his friends that don’t be a taker
(C) Spend less time with classmates
(D) Reread details so he can work on the writing
這篇是關於校園類話題有提到書籍和哈利波特,要掌握推測題型和了解taker, matcher, giver間的關係和教授給的建議。
Main idea 1 report on Give and Take + Harry Potter
Harry informs Cedric about the first task
Cedric returns that favor by telling Harry the second task
Giver, taker, matcher
matcher:Cedric, value a fair return
Main idea 2
success doesn’t mean you have to defeat people like what most takers do.
Takers can only win something for a very short-term.
“It’s easier to win if everybody wants you to win”.
1 write about defining the role of being a taker, a matcher, and a giver through fictional characters in Harry Potter Series.
2 using those characters can make readers and audiences more resonate to the concept
Part 1
Lecture 10 Literature:Sea Wolf 海狼
As the story progresses, we can’t help but feel bad for crew members and several major characters on the Ghost. The incredible strength of Wolf Larsen makes him somewhat invincible from the attack of the crew members. Several themes make us feel there should be something happening to reverse the trend, and yes things are starting to change. As a saying goes, no one holds all the cards.
Wolf Larsen cannot alway...
新托福聽力的測驗時間約為一小時,測驗中包含兩段校園場景的對話和四段學術場景的講座。書籍的規劃則包含了三個主要架構:漸進式的影子跟讀練習(包含校園場景和學術講座)、學術講座和校園場景的實戰練習。而其實在官方試題TPO中其實會找到出題的規律,包含常見的服務諮詢和office hour中會討論的問題。在第一部分的影子跟讀中收錄了「獎學金」和「研究中心動物遺失」,後者是改以更趣味式的長篇對話,讓學習者練習影子跟讀練習,在學習上更不枯燥。第二和第三部分的話,除了延續了新托福試題和提供解析外,加入了試題音檔的影子跟讀練習、記筆記練習、聽力填空練習和聽力摘要練習。
「試題音檔的影子跟讀練習」是很必要的練習,因為聽力「專注力」的提升能有效補足僅單靠題海策略和寫題目看答案與解析後分數仍停滯在某分數的問題。另外規劃了「記筆記」練習,主要是新托福聽力能記筆記,實際練習這部分能提升讀者答較細節性的題目。(但考生須注意的是,聽力理解力遠比記筆記更重要,要拿捏這部分。)而「聽力填空練習」則是檢視自己拼字能力、提升聽細節性訊息和口譯能力,也能提升傳統聽力或口譯試題中spot dictation的答題能力。最後是「摘要練習」,是重新聽原音檔後,能寫出一段摘要或完整口述所聽到的訊息,這部分能大幅提升考生在答寫作和口說整合題型的問題、寫作和口譯能力,當中運用到「聽」與「寫」還有「聽」與「說」之間的關聯性。考生可以播放一段原音檔後,摘要給同學或友人聽,也可以播放原音檔後,在紙上寫出這段音檔的摘要。
書籍特色除了納入所提到的學習方法外,在內容上則考量到更生活化,以更貼近生活層面為主的內容。很多時候office hour不見得在詢問課業,反而是跟熟識的老師聊聊其他生活小事,課業問題反而自己去圖書館就搞定了。在校園場景中,包含了聊到兩性問題談論到《Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love》中four men who went fishing的趣味小故事。另外有考量到大多數考生,在考完且唸完研究所後,其實還是要面臨就業跟未來規劃等的問題,也納入了可能去問老師們關於未來規劃和求職的問題,包含了提到幾本書《Lean In》、《Business Model You》、《Getting There》、《The Achievement Habit》、《Where You Go Is Not Who You Will Be》。在學習上,提到了《Peak》、《Outliers》、《Give and Take》、哈利波特和天龍八部。在協助學生找回自信中提到了《The School of Greatness》、股神巴菲特。
在校園場景中,除了學術話題(例如:共同演化等)外,也融入更生活化題材,包含了與生活息息相關的咖啡和《The Compound Effect》、《The Power of Habit》、年輕世代的面臨的underachievement問題、費爾普斯和《The Power of Moments》,讓讀者在備考外,也有較不一樣的感受。最後其實感謝的是協助審稿和校對的洪婉婷,像個良師益友般,對書籍提供了寶貴的建議,從她身上學習到很多。還要感謝倍斯特出版給予此次出書的機會。最後祝所有讀者都能考取理想成績。
韋爾 敬上
倍斯特編輯部 敬上
新托福聽力的測驗時間約為一小時,測驗中包含兩段校園場景的對話和四段學術場景的講座。書籍的規劃則包含了三個主要架構:漸進式的影子跟讀練習(包含校園場景和學術講座)、學術講座和校園場景的實戰練習。而其實在官方試題TPO中其實會找到出題的規律,包含常見的服務諮詢和office hour中會討論的問題。在第一部分的影子跟讀中收錄了「獎學金」和「研究中心動物遺失」,後者是改以更趣味式的長篇對話,讓學習者練習影子跟讀練習,在學習上更不枯燥。第二和第三部分的話,除了延續了新托福試題和提供解析外,加入了...
PART 1影子跟讀
Campus 1: 獎學金1
Campus 2: 獎學金2
Campus 3: 獎學金3
Campus 4: 研究中心動物遺失1
Campus 5: 研究中心動物遺失2
Campus 6: 研究中心動物遺失3
Campus 7: 研究中心動物遺失4
Campus 8: 研究中心動物遺失5
Campus 9: 研究中心動物遺失6
Campus 10: 研究中心動物遺失7
Lecture 1 Ecology:水的重要性The Importance of Water
Lecture 2 American history:美國歷史,亂世佳人看南北戰爭1
Lecture 3 American History:美國歷史,亂世佳人看南北戰爭2
Lecture 4 Nutrition:營養學,食物攝取
Lecture 5 Sociology:社會學,第一印象與外貌
Lecture 6 Sociology:社會學,整形
Lecture 7 Business:Advertisement 廣告充斥在生活週遭
Lecture 8 Zoology:Stability穩定性
Lecture 9 Business:Marketing Through Social Platforms透過社交平台行銷
Lecture 10 Literature:Sea Wolf 海狼
PART 2學術場景
Lecture 1 Zoology:生物間的關係,很多時候視頻並未接露全貌
Lecture 2 Psychology:Coffee and the Compound Effect 心理學,咖啡和累加效應
Lecture 3 Psychology:Preparedness 卓越成功者的準備超乎你想像,費爾普斯
Lecture 4 Biology:Co-evolution共同演化,蠑螈和束帶蛇
Lecture 5 Marine biology: 海洋生物學,探討甲殼綱、鯨類和鰭足類動物
Lecture 6 Psychology: Underemployment 年輕人都面對的困境學非所用/畢業後低就
Lecture 7 Business:Start you own startup – The Power of Moments 從「時刻的力量」一書來談創業
PART 3校園話題
Campus 1 心理學專題:鳩摩智也是靠「刻意練習」練就絕世武功嗎?
Campus 2 選美比賽落選:股神巴菲特「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」
Campus 3 求職與學歷:難道這就是耶魯大學學歷的價值!?
Campus 4 學歷與未來成就:從Where You Go Is Not Who You Will Be看求職與就業
Campus 5 求職與生涯規劃:The Achievement Habit,從「把成功變成習慣」探討職涯軌跡為何
Campus 6 商業話題探討: Give and Take,所以哈利波特是giver嗎?
Campus 7 心理學話題:10,000 hours,從「刻意練習」一書看「異數」中提到的一萬小時的學習法則的瑕疵處
Campus 8 心理學話題:Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love 從「為何男性想要性而女性需要的是愛情」一書談兩性差異
Campus 9 轉職:Lean In 挺身而進:「如果你坐上一艘火箭船,別問什麼座位號。趕緊上車。」
Campus 10 求職:Business Model You 一個人的獲利模式:用這張圖,探索你未來要走的路
Campus 11 運動傷害:由Lewis Howes, The School of Greatness,從運動傷害中拾回自信
PART 1影子跟讀
Campus 1: 獎學金1
Campus 2: 獎學金2
Campus 3: 獎學金3
Campus 4: 研究中心動物遺失1
Campus 5: 研究中心動物遺失2
Campus 6: 研究中心動物遺失3
Campus 7: 研究中心動物遺失4
Campus 8: 研究中心動物遺失5
Campus 9: 研究中心動物遺失6
Campus 10: 研究中心動物遺失7
Lecture 1 Ecology:水的重要性The Importance of Water
Lecture 2 American history:美國歷史,亂世佳人看南北戰爭1
Lecture 3 American History:美國歷史,亂世佳人看南北戰爭2
Lecture 4 Nutrit...