定價:NT$ 680
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 646
「國家氣候變遷調適行動計畫(102-106年)」即將屆期,為能讓鐵公路管理機關於研提新一期調適行動計畫時能有所參據,爰執行本計畫。 本計畫以前期鐵公路氣候變遷風險評估成果為基礎,檢視「維生基礎設施調適行動方案(102-106)年」中有關鐵公路設施相關計畫之執行成效,以問卷調查及訪談方式,蒐集鐵公路管理機關近年修復、養護等之主要方向,據以盤點國內鐵公路調適能力缺口。最後以評估工具面、風險管理面、設施韌性面、災後復建面、跨域整合面等五大面向,歸納出31項調適策略建議。 此外,本計畫根據鐵公路主管機關需求,新增「鐵公路氣候變遷調適資訊平台」功能,包括線上風險試算、圖層透明度修正等,並依據鐵公路設施最新資料,更新風險評估指標資料庫,產製新版鐵公路風險地圖。
英文內容大要: “The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” requires the central industry competent authorities to draft adaptation strategies and submit adaptation results annually. In addition, “the Adaptation Action Plan to Climate Change in Taiwan (2013-2017)” will soon expire; this project is to provide recommended adaptation action plans as a reference for railway and highway administrations to draft the new adaptation action plan. In order to identify adaptation gaps and recommend corresponding adaptation action plan, this project gathered information on administration’s infrastructure repair and maintenance mechanisms and reviewed outcomes of the Adaptation Action Plan. The project recommended 31 adaptation strategies in the following five directions: analysis tools, risk management, infrastructure resilience, and disaster recovery and cross-sector integration. This project also added new features requested by the railway and highway administrations to the adaptation platform, including online risk calculator and map layer transparency adjustment. The risk index database was updated with new information from the administrators and the risk map was renewed accordingly.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。作者:胡以琴、吳清如、周諺鴻、戴子純、林恩德、任雅婷、曾佩如、張瓊文、 朱珮芸、陳怡妃、蕭為元、李仕勤
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 646 NT$ 680
「國家氣候變遷調適行動計畫(102-106年)」即將屆期,為能讓鐵公路管理機關於研提新一期調適行動計畫時能有所參據,爰執行本計畫。 本計畫以前期鐵公路氣候變遷風險評估成果為基礎,檢視「維生基礎設施調適行動方案(102-106)年」中有關鐵公路設施相關計畫之執行成效,以問卷調查及訪談方式,蒐集鐵公路管理機關近年修復、養護等之主要方向,據以盤點國內鐵公路調適能力缺口。最後以評估工具面、風險管理面、設施韌性面、災後復建面、跨域整合面等五大面向,歸納出31項調適策略建議。 此外,本計畫根據鐵公路主管機關需求,新增「鐵公路氣候變遷調適資訊平台」功能,包括線上風險試算、圖層透明度修正等,並依據鐵公路設施最新資料,更新風險評估指標資料庫,產製新版鐵公路風險地圖。
英文內容大要: “The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act” requires the central industry competent authorities to draft adaptation strategies and submit adaptation results annually. In addition, “the Adaptation Action Plan to Climate Change in Taiwan (2013-2017)” will soon expire; this project is to provide recommended adaptation action plans as a reference for railway and highway administrations to draft the new adaptation action plan. In order to identify adaptation gaps and recommend corresponding adaptation action plan, this project gathered information on administration’s infrastructure repair and maintenance mechanisms and reviewed outcomes of the Adaptation Action Plan. The project recommended 31 adaptation strategies in the following five directions: analysis tools, risk management, infrastructure resilience, and disaster recovery and cross-sector integration. This project also added new features requested by the railway and highway administrations to the adaptation platform, including online risk calculator and map layer transparency adjustment. The risk index database was updated with new information from the administrators and the risk map was renewed accordingly.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,