定價:NT$ 360
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 317
Translingualism is a catalyst or stimulant of building more positive heterogeneous relationships in Taiwan.
Sakahemaw sa ko faloco' a mafana' to kahirahira no cingraw (Pangcah/ Amis).
Translingualism: The True Beauty of Taiwan assumes that all citizens of Taiwan live in a multicultural and multilingual society and all language groups accept all the languages and cultures as equally-valued. Given the assumption in the preceding sentence, then this book will explore the idea of translingualism, which is based on the notion of interdependence of languages and the ability of speakers to transfer their language competence from one language to another. I have found that speakers can learn several languages at the same time though, at first, progress may be slower than learning one new language. Tung-chiou Huang has been teaching courses on the sounds and structures in multilingual classes for over 30 years and have found that applying action research interchange across several languages can achieve knowledge of another minority languages. Thus the goal of this book is to develop more strategies to give young people among minorities the chance to preserve the language and culture of the elders and awaken their interest in preserving their language and culture and prevent the loss of aboriginal languages. “Translingualism” lets peoples feel that there is a real neighbourhood of speaking different languages in Taiwan at a time.
Tung-Chiou Huang
Akiyo Pahalaan
Ph. D. National Centre for Language and Literacy, The University of Reading, Great Britain
Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication, Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China
Former Chair, Institute & Department of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Fo Guang University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Director, Aboriginal Centre for Transmitting Languages and Cultures
Vice President, Ethnic College in Yilan County, Taiwan, Republic of China
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 317 NT$ 360
Translingualism is a catalyst or stimulant of building more positive heterogeneous relationships in Taiwan.
Sakahemaw sa ko faloco' a mafana' to kahirahira no cingraw (Pangcah/ Amis).
Translingualism: The True Beauty of Taiwan assumes that all citizens of Taiwan live in a multicultural and multilingual society and all language groups accept all the languages and cultures as equally-valued. Given the assumption in the preceding sentence, then this book will explore the idea of translingualism, which is based on the notion of interdependence of languages and the ability of speakers to transfer their language competence from one language to another. I have found that speakers can learn several languages at the same time though, at first, progress may be slower than learning one new language. Tung-chiou Huang has been teaching courses on the sounds and structures in multilingual classes for over 30 years and have found that applying action research interchange across several languages can achieve knowledge of another minority languages. Thus the goal of this book is to develop more strategies to give young people among minorities the chance to preserve the language and culture of the elders and awaken their interest in preserving their language and culture and prevent the loss of aboriginal languages. “Translingualism” lets peoples feel that there is a real neighbourhood of speaking different languages in Taiwan at a time.
Tung-Chiou Huang
Akiyo Pahalaan
Ph. D. National Centre for Language and Literacy, The University of Reading, Great Britain
Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Languages and Communication, Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China
Former Chair, Institute & Department of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Fo Guang University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Director, Aboriginal Centre for Transmitting Languages and Cultures
Vice President, Ethnic College in Yilan County, Taiwan, Republic of China
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