口語式句型,讓你的回答更流暢! 書中收錄各種口語常見句型,例如before you know it(沒有意識到;很快地)、I am a foodie person(我是美食愛好者)、with all due respect(恕我直言)、This is just me talking, but I...(這只是我個人意見,不過…)、… is something one can relate to.(…是某人能感同身受的)等等,學會這些口語常見說法,讓你的回答聽起來更自然。
Part 1 1+1 答題法 001 Work What is your job? 你的工作是什麼? 002 Work Why did you choose this job? 你為什麼選擇這個工作? 003 Work Do you like your job? 你喜歡你的工作嗎? 004 Work Where do you see yourself in five years? 你認為五年後會成為什麼樣的人? 005 Study What do you study? 你念什麼科系? 006 Study Why did you choose this subject? 你為什麼選擇這個科系? 007 Study What do you like most about your studies? 在念書的過程中你最喜歡什麼? 008 Study Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject? 你打算找和你念的科系同樣領域的工作嗎? 009 Hometown Where is your hometown? 你的家鄉在哪裡? 010 Hometown What is your hometown like? 你的家鄉是什麼樣子? 011 Hometown What is it known for? 你的家鄉有什麼出名的東西? 012 Hometown Has your hometown changed much since you were a child? 跟你小時候比起來,你的家鄉變了很多嗎? 013 Weekends How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?] 你通常怎麼度過週末?〔為什麼?〕 014 Weekends Which is your favourite part of the weekend? [Why?] 你最喜歡週末的哪個部分?〔為什麼?〕 015 Weekends Do you think weekends are long enough? [Why/Why not?] 你覺得週末夠長嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 016 Weekends How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends? [Why?] 你認為週末有空閒時間有多重要?〔為什麼?〕 017 Music What types of music do you like to listen to? [Why?] 你喜歡聽什麼類型的音樂?〔為什麼?〕 018 Music At what times of day do you like to listen to music? [Why?] 你喜歡在一天中的哪些時間聽音樂?〔為什麼?〕 019 Music Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child? [Why/Why not?] 你小時候學過樂器嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 020 Music Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument? [Why/Why not?] 你認為所有的孩子都應該學習演奏樂器嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 021 Travel Do you enjoy travelling? [Why/Why not?] 你喜歡旅行嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 022 Travel Have you done much travelling? [Why/Why not?] 你有很多旅行的經驗嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 023 Travel Do you think it’s better to travel alone or with other people? [Why?] 你覺得一個人旅行比較好,還是和別人一起比較好?〔為什麼?〕 024 Travel Where would you like to travel in the future? [Why?] 你未來想去哪裡旅遊?〔為什麼?〕 025 Pets Do you have a pet? 你有寵物嗎? 026 Pets What’s your favourite animal? 你最喜歡什麼動物? 027 Pets What is a popular pet to have in your country? 在你的國家流行養什麼寵物? 028 Pets Did you have a pet as a child? 你小時候養過寵物嗎? 029 TV Do you often watch TV? 你常看電視嗎? 030 TV What sorts of things do you watch on TV? 你看什麼樣的電視節目? 031 TV What is your favourite TV programme? 你最喜歡的電視節目是? 032 TV Do you ever watch foreign programmes or films? 你看過外國節目或電影嗎? 033 Reading Do you often read? 你經常閱讀嗎? 034 Reading What is your favourite kind of book to read? 你最喜歡看哪一類書? 035 Reading When do you usually read? 你通常在什麼時候閱讀? 036 Reading What books did you read as a child? 你小時候看過哪些書? 037 Food and cooking What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?] 你最喜歡吃什麼食物?〔為什麼?〕 038 Food and cooking Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why?] 你家平時誰做飯?〔為什麼?〕 039 Food and cooking Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?] 你會看電視上的烹飪節目嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 040 Food and cooking In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?] 大致說來,你比較喜歡在外面吃飯還是在家吃飯?〔為什麼?〕
Part 2 心智圖答題法 061 Places Describe your favourite place 描述你最喜歡的地方 062 Places Describe your favourite school 描述你最喜歡的學校 063 Objects Describe an object that is important to you 描述一個對你很重要的東西 064 Objects Describe your favourite book 描述你最喜歡的書 065 Objects Describe your favourite toy in your childhood 描述一下你小時候最喜歡的玩具 066 People Describe your best friend 描述你最好的朋友 067 People Describe your favourite teacher 描述你最喜歡的老師 068 Personal traits What makes good friendship 良好友誼的條件 069 Personal traits Which house would you be in if you were in Hogwarts 如果你是霍格華茲的學生,會在哪個學院? 070 Past experiences Describe things you regret 講講你感到遺憾的事 071 Past experiences Describe an adventure in your life 描述你生命中的一次冒險 072 Activities and interests Describe your favourite event 描述你最喜歡的活動 073 Activities and interests Describe your favourite leisure activity 描述你最喜歡的休閒活動 074 Activities and interests Describe your favourite TV series 描述你最喜歡的電視劇
Part 3 AEC答題法 081 Art Did you enjoy doing art lessons at school when you were a child? [Why/Why not?] 你小時候喜歡在學校上藝術課嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 082 Art Do you ever draw or paint pictures nowadays? [Why/Why not?] 你現在還有畫畫嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 083 Art When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? 你上一次去畫廊或看展覽是什麼時候? 084 Art What type of art or paintings do you like to have in your home? [Why?] 你喜歡家裡有什麼類型的藝術品或畫作?〔為什麼?〕 085 Online reviews What kinds of things do people write online reviews about in your country? 在你的國家,人們會在網路上寫哪些事情的評論? 086 Online reviews Why do some people write online reviews? 為什麼有些人會在網路上寫評論? 087 Online reviews Do you think that online reviews are good for both shoppers and companies? 你認為網路評論對購物者和公司都有好處嗎? 088 Online reviews Do you think posting online reviews is a completely selfless act? 你認為發表網路評論是一種完全無私的行為嗎? 089 Customer service How important is customer service for you? 顧客服務對你來說有多重要? 090 Customer service What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job? 你認為從事顧客服務工作會是什麼樣的? 091 Customer service What can companies do to improve their customer service? 公司可以做些什麼來改善他們的顧客服務? 092 Customer service Why do you think employees sometimes don’t provide good customer service? 你認為員工為什麼有時不能提供良好的顧客服務? 093 The culture of consumerism Why do many people today keep buying things which they do not need? 為什麼現今很多人持續購買他們不需要的東西? 094 The culture of consumerism Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society outweigh the disadvantages? 你認為消費社會的利大於弊嗎? 095 The culture of consumerism What are some possible disadvantages of consumerism? 消費主義有哪些可能的缺點? 096 The culture of consumerism How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism? 如何避免消費主義的文化? 097 Electronic books How popular are electronic books in your country? 電子書在你的國家有多受歡迎? 098 Electronic books What are the main differences between reading physical books and electronic books? 閱讀實體書和電子書的主要區別是什麼? 099 Electronic books What are the advantages of parents reading electronic books (compared to printed books)? 家長閱讀電子書(和紙本書相比)有哪些優勢? 100 Electronic books Will electronic books ever completely replace printed books in the future? 未來電子書會完全取代紙本書嗎? 101 Finance If you had a huge amount of money, how would you spend it? [Why?] 如果你有一大筆錢,你會怎麼花?〔為什麼?〕 102 Finance Do you think it is important for parents to teach their kids to learn how to manage money? 你認為父母親教孩子學習如何理財重要嗎? 103 Personality Talk about one way your personality has changed since you were a child. 談談你的性格從小到大改變了的一個地方。 104 Reading What do you like to read in your free time? (1) newspapers (2) magazines (3) books 空閒時你喜歡看什麼?(1) 報紙 (2) 雜誌 (3) 書 105 Video games Explain whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Children should not be allowed to play video games.” 請說明你是否同意以下陳述:「不應允許兒童玩電子遊戲。」
作者序 三大答題法開箱說明
Part 1 1+1 答題法 001 Work What is your job? 你的工作是什麼? 002 Work Why did you choose this job? 你為什麼選擇這個工作? 003 Work Do you like your job? 你喜歡你的工作嗎? 004 Work Where do you see yourself in five years? 你認為五年後會成為什麼樣的人? 005 Study What do you study? 你念什麼科系? 006 Study Why did you choose this subject? 你為什麼選擇這個科系? 007 Study What do you like most about your studies? 在念書的過程中你最喜歡什麼? ...
口語式句型,讓你的回答更流暢! 書中收錄各種口語常見句型,例如before you know it(沒有意識到;很快地)、I am a foodie person(我是美食愛好者)、with all due respect(恕我直言)、This is just me talking, but I...(這只是我個人意見,不過…)、… is something one can relate to.(…是某人能感同身受的)等等,學會這些口語常見說法,讓你的回答聽起來更自然。
Part 1 1+1 答題法 001 Work What is your job? 你的工作是什麼? 002 Work Why did you choose this job? 你為什麼選擇這個工作? 003 Work Do you like your job? 你喜歡你的工作嗎? 004 Work Where do you see yourself in five years? 你認為五年後會成為什麼樣的人? 005 Study What do you study? 你念什麼科系? 006 Study Why did you choose this subject? 你為什麼選擇這個科系? 007 Study What do you like most about your studies? 在念書的過程中你最喜歡什麼? 008 Study Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject? 你打算找和你念的科系同樣領域的工作嗎? 009 Hometown Where is your hometown? 你的家鄉在哪裡? 010 Hometown What is your hometown like? 你的家鄉是什麼樣子? 011 Hometown What is it known for? 你的家鄉有什麼出名的東西? 012 Hometown Has your hometown changed much since you were a child? 跟你小時候比起來,你的家鄉變了很多嗎? 013 Weekends How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?] 你通常怎麼度過週末?〔為什麼?〕 014 Weekends Which is your favourite part of the weekend? [Why?] 你最喜歡週末的哪個部分?〔為什麼?〕 015 Weekends Do you think weekends are long enough? [Why/Why not?] 你覺得週末夠長嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 016 Weekends How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends? [Why?] 你認為週末有空閒時間有多重要?〔為什麼?〕 017 Music What types of music do you like to listen to? [Why?] 你喜歡聽什麼類型的音樂?〔為什麼?〕 018 Music At what times of day do you like to listen to music? [Why?] 你喜歡在一天中的哪些時間聽音樂?〔為什麼?〕 019 Music Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child? [Why/Why not?] 你小時候學過樂器嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 020 Music Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument? [Why/Why not?] 你認為所有的孩子都應該學習演奏樂器嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 021 Travel Do you enjoy travelling? [Why/Why not?] 你喜歡旅行嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 022 Travel Have you done much travelling? [Why/Why not?] 你有很多旅行的經驗嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 023 Travel Do you think it’s better to travel alone or with other people? [Why?] 你覺得一個人旅行比較好,還是和別人一起比較好?〔為什麼?〕 024 Travel Where would you like to travel in the future? [Why?] 你未來想去哪裡旅遊?〔為什麼?〕 025 Pets Do you have a pet? 你有寵物嗎? 026 Pets What’s your favourite animal? 你最喜歡什麼動物? 027 Pets What is a popular pet to have in your country? 在你的國家流行養什麼寵物? 028 Pets Did you have a pet as a child? 你小時候養過寵物嗎? 029 TV Do you often watch TV? 你常看電視嗎? 030 TV What sorts of things do you watch on TV? 你看什麼樣的電視節目? 031 TV What is your favourite TV programme? 你最喜歡的電視節目是? 032 TV Do you ever watch foreign programmes or films? 你看過外國節目或電影嗎? 033 Reading Do you often read? 你經常閱讀嗎? 034 Reading What is your favourite kind of book to read? 你最喜歡看哪一類書? 035 Reading When do you usually read? 你通常在什麼時候閱讀? 036 Reading What books did you read as a child? 你小時候看過哪些書? 037 Food and cooking What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?] 你最喜歡吃什麼食物?〔為什麼?〕 038 Food and cooking Who normally does the cooking in your home? [Why?] 你家平時誰做飯?〔為什麼?〕 039 Food and cooking Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?] 你會看電視上的烹飪節目嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 040 Food and cooking In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home? [Why?] 大致說來,你比較喜歡在外面吃飯還是在家吃飯?〔為什麼?〕
Part 2 心智圖答題法 061 Places Describe your favourite place 描述你最喜歡的地方 062 Places Describe your favourite school 描述你最喜歡的學校 063 Objects Describe an object that is important to you 描述一個對你很重要的東西 064 Objects Describe your favourite book 描述你最喜歡的書 065 Objects Describe your favourite toy in your childhood 描述一下你小時候最喜歡的玩具 066 People Describe your best friend 描述你最好的朋友 067 People Describe your favourite teacher 描述你最喜歡的老師 068 Personal traits What makes good friendship 良好友誼的條件 069 Personal traits Which house would you be in if you were in Hogwarts 如果你是霍格華茲的學生,會在哪個學院? 070 Past experiences Describe things you regret 講講你感到遺憾的事 071 Past experiences Describe an adventure in your life 描述你生命中的一次冒險 072 Activities and interests Describe your favourite event 描述你最喜歡的活動 073 Activities and interests Describe your favourite leisure activity 描述你最喜歡的休閒活動 074 Activities and interests Describe your favourite TV series 描述你最喜歡的電視劇
Part 3 AEC答題法 081 Art Did you enjoy doing art lessons at school when you were a child? [Why/Why not?] 你小時候喜歡在學校上藝術課嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 082 Art Do you ever draw or paint pictures nowadays? [Why/Why not?] 你現在還有畫畫嗎?〔為什麼∕為什麼不?〕 083 Art When was the last time you went to an art gallery or exhibition? 你上一次去畫廊或看展覽是什麼時候? 084 Art What type of art or paintings do you like to have in your home? [Why?] 你喜歡家裡有什麼類型的藝術品或畫作?〔為什麼?〕 085 Online reviews What kinds of things do people write online reviews about in your country? 在你的國家,人們會在網路上寫哪些事情的評論? 086 Online reviews Why do some people write online reviews? 為什麼有些人會在網路上寫評論? 087 Online reviews Do you think that online reviews are good for both shoppers and companies? 你認為網路評論對購物者和公司都有好處嗎? 088 Online reviews Do you think posting online reviews is a completely selfless act? 你認為發表網路評論是一種完全無私的行為嗎? 089 Customer service How important is customer service for you? 顧客服務對你來說有多重要? 090 Customer service What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job? 你認為從事顧客服務工作會是什麼樣的? 091 Customer service What can companies do to improve their customer service? 公司可以做些什麼來改善他們的顧客服務? 092 Customer service Why do you think employees sometimes don’t provide good customer service? 你認為員工為什麼有時不能提供良好的顧客服務? 093 The culture of consumerism Why do many people today keep buying things which they do not need? 為什麼現今很多人持續購買他們不需要的東西? 094 The culture of consumerism Do you believe the benefits of a consumer society outweigh the disadvantages? 你認為消費社會的利大於弊嗎? 095 The culture of consumerism What are some possible disadvantages of consumerism? 消費主義有哪些可能的缺點? 096 The culture of consumerism How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism? 如何避免消費主義的文化? 097 Electronic books How popular are electronic books in your country? 電子書在你的國家有多受歡迎? 098 Electronic books What are the main differences between reading physical books and electronic books? 閱讀實體書和電子書的主要區別是什麼? 099 Electronic books What are the advantages of parents reading electronic books (compared to printed books)? 家長閱讀電子書(和紙本書相比)有哪些優勢? 100 Electronic books Will electronic books ever completely replace printed books in the future? 未來電子書會完全取代紙本書嗎? 101 Finance If you had a huge amount of money, how would you spend it? [Why?] 如果你有一大筆錢,你會怎麼花?〔為什麼?〕 102 Finance Do you think it is important for parents to teach their kids to learn how to manage money? 你認為父母親教孩子學習如何理財重要嗎? 103 Personality Talk about one way your personality has changed since you were a child. 談談你的性格從小到大改變了的一個地方。 104 Reading What do you like to read in your free time? (1) newspapers (2) magazines (3) books 空閒時你喜歡看什麼?(1) 報紙 (2) 雜誌 (3) 書 105 Video games Explain whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Children should not be allowed to play video games.” 請說明你是否同意以下陳述:「不應允許兒童玩電子遊戲。」
作者序 三大答題法開箱說明
Part 1 1+1 答題法 001 Work What is your job? 你的工作是什麼? 002 Work Why did you choose this job? 你為什麼選擇這個工作? 003 Work Do you like your job? 你喜歡你的工作嗎? 004 Work Where do you see yourself in five years? 你認為五年後會成為什麼樣的人? 005 Study What do you study? 你念什麼科系? 006 Study Why did you choose this subject? 你為什麼選擇這個科系? 007 Study What do you like most about your studies? 在念書的過程中你最喜歡什麼? ...