定價:NT$ 440
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 396
No sound, no problem! (掩耳盜鈴)
Groundless worries (杞人憂天)
There are hundreds more of these Chinese idioms (chengyu) that pack a lot of meaning into four characters.
Many of these Chinese idioms originate from historical events, classics, and folklore; they give us valuable insights into Chinese culture, history, and literature.
Aimed at English learners, The Magic Four groups together some of these well-known stories with attitude and behaviour as its theme.
Each story is accompanied with extra learning elements:
• The literal and figurative meanings;
• A similar idiom/phrase in the English language;
• Definitions of useful vocabularies in the story;
• Meanings of different idioms/phrases used in the stories and examples.
Not only will you gain insight into Chinese wisdom accumulated for centuries but also learn fun aspects of the English language too!
Catherine Chan
For over two decades, Catherine Chan worked for major newspaper companies that publish English educational titles. She had initiated student publications for primary and secondary students, and book projects, ranging from educational materials to children stories to university publications. Currently, Catherine is the Consulting Editor for Hong Kong Economic Journal (Education section), and has launched her own audio-enabled publication for young children titled BINGO!
Simon Lau
Born in England, Simon has been working in education and the media in Hong Kong since 1996. He has worked as a writer and editor for South China Morning Post, Pearson, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Standard (published under the Sing Tao Group) and Hong Kong Economic Journal. He has worked as a certified examiner for various Cambridge English exams and has written and published humorous short stories and poems.
William Ma
Born in Shandong and now living in Guangzhou, William is an illustrator whose drawings have been published in children's books and magazines for two decades. Watercolour version of the artwork in this book first appeared in The Korea Herald, an English language national newspaper published in South Korea. William has produced books and cards together with kindergarteners to create their masterpieces.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。作者:Written by Catherine Chan、 Simon Lau Illustrated by William Ma
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 396 NT$ 440
No sound, no problem! (掩耳盜鈴)
Groundless worries (杞人憂天)
There are hundreds more of these Chinese idioms (chengyu) that pack a lot of meaning into four characters.
Many of these Chinese idioms originate from historical events, classics, and folklore; they give us valuable insights into Chinese culture, history, and literature.
Aimed at English learners, The Magic Four groups together some of these well-known stories with attitude and behaviour as its theme.
Each story is accompanied with extra learning elements:
• The literal and figurative meanings;
• A similar idiom/phrase in the English language;
• Definitions of useful vocabularies in the story;
• Meanings of different idioms/phrases used in the stories and examples.
Not only will you gain insight into Chinese wisdom accumulated for centuries but also learn fun aspects of the English language too!
Catherine Chan
For over two decades, Catherine Chan worked for major newspaper companies that publish English educational titles. She had initiated student publications for primary and secondary students, and book projects, ranging from educational materials to children stories to university publications. Currently, Catherine is the Consulting Editor for Hong Kong Economic Journal (Education section), and has launched her own audio-enabled publication for young children titled BINGO!
Simon Lau
Born in England, Simon has been working in education and the media in Hong Kong since 1996. He has worked as a writer and editor for South China Morning Post, Pearson, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Standard (published under the Sing Tao Group) and Hong Kong Economic Journal. He has worked as a certified examiner for various Cambridge English exams and has written and published humorous short stories and poems.
William Ma
Born in Shandong and now living in Guangzhou, William is an illustrator whose drawings have been published in children's books and magazines for two decades. Watercolour version of the artwork in this book first appeared in The Korea Herald, an English language national newspaper published in South Korea. William has produced books and cards together with kindergarteners to create their masterpieces.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,