Classic 經典詩句
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes
英國浪漫時期主要詩人之一拜倫(Lord Byron)在 1814 年寫下
一首為後世所津津樂道的詩,即《她走在美中》(She Walks in Beauty),其中知名的詩句有:She walks in beauty, like the night / Of cloudless climes and starry skies; / And all that’s best of dark and bright / Meet in her aspect and her eyes(參考翻譯:她走在美中,彷彿夜晚/無雲的蒼穹與滿天星星/暗黑與光明之最精華部/交匯在她的外貌與眼眸)。詩中反覆出現的 o’er 就是over。
這首詩與其說是首情詩(love poem),還不如說是對美(beauty)的讚美。1814 年,26 歲的拜倫在一場舞會中遇見新近喪偶、一身黑衣的表妹霍頓夫人(Lady Wilmot Horton),不禁感受到來自繆斯女神(Muse)的靈感而寫下這首讚美之詩。這裡的美不單只是指女人外在的美,也涵蓋自然之美和內在之美。
aspect n. 外觀,方位,方面,觀點
Which aspects of the job do you like?
Consider every aspect of the problem.
這首詩一開頭就說 She walks in beauty。in 後面接名詞(名詞前接或不接冠詞的意義各不相同)就是介系詞片語,這種片語通常作形容詞或副詞用,詩句裡的 in beauty 就是副詞片語,用來修飾動詞walk。
類似句型有 walk in the park、play in the snow、sing in the rain 等,這些介系詞片語都是副詞功能,但也可作形容詞用,例如 He is in the park 或 a man in the park 中的 in the park 就是形容詞片語。
Your beauty shines like stars in the sky, guiding me through the dark night. I see on your face a smile that wins my heart and a blush that glows in the dark.
Your graceful gait and dignified demeanor show all the best that can be expected of a lady. I feel the presence of a peaceful mind and an innocent heart. It is the result of days spent in goodness.
Please light a way for me with your radiant beauty. I am a soul looking for redemption in beauty. You are a woman that possesses both inner and outer beauty, which makes you all the more attractive among women that I can get to know.
With love.
英國詩人喬治‧戈登‧拜倫(George Gordon Byron,1788-1824)人稱「拜倫勳爵」(Lord Byron),為英國 18 世紀末期至19 世紀前數十年浪漫時期的重要詩人之一,以《恰爾德‧哈羅爾德遊記》和《唐璜》等長篇詩作聞名,《她走在美中》算是小品,這首詩寫於 1814 年,1815 年出版,收錄在名為《希伯來詠唱詩》的詩集中,顧名思義,詩集中的詩可以譜成曲子,這是《她走在美中》之所以成名並傳唱至今的原因之一,有興趣者可至 YouTube 搜尋以這首詩為詞的歌曲。詩的頭兩行 She walks in beauty, like the night / Of cloudless climes and starry skies 最為人所熟知,予人一種崇高(sublime)之感,但事實上,詩人營造出的崇高意象是從女子身上所穿的黑衣及黑衣上的閃亮飾片引申出來。
Classic 經典詩句
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes
英國浪漫時期主要詩人之一拜倫(Lord Byron)在 1814 年寫下
一首為後世所津津樂道的詩,即《她走在美中》(She Walks in Beauty),其中知名的詩句有:She walks in beauty, like the night / Of cloudless climes and starry skies; / And all that’s best of dark and bright / Meet in her aspect and her eyes(參考翻譯:她走在美中,彷彿夜晚/無...
許乃文Brian Hsu
許乃文Brian Hsu
Part 1 致愛人:那些愛的關係
1. 介系詞片語 Byron, She Walks in Beauty
2. 感嘆句 Thomas Hardy, How Great My Grief
3. 雙重否定句 Shelley, Love’s Philosophy
4. 分詞形容詞 Yeats, When You Are Old
5. 被動句 Alfred Joyce Kilmer, Trees
6. 對等連接詞 Zoe Akins, I Am The Wind
7. 插入語 Edwin Arnold, Destiny
8. 感官動詞 William Wordsworth, The Solitary Reaper
9. 關係代名詞they who / people who Sir Walter Raleigh, The Silent Lover
10. 假設語氣 Christopher Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
11. 所有格代名詞 Sir Walter Scott, The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Canto V. Stanza 13
12. 連接詞Emily Dickinson, That I Did Always Love
13. 不定詞片語 Walt Whitman, Out of the Rolling Ocean, the Crowd
14. 動詞片語 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Reason For Love’s Blindness
15. 複合形容詞 Robert Browning, Meeting at Night
16. 倒裝句 William Shakespeare, That Time Of Year Thou Mayst In Me Behold (Sonnet 73)
17. compare to / with William Shakespeare, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? (Sonnet 18)
18. somewhere Richard Le Gallienne, Song: ‘She’s somewhere in the sunlight strong’
19. so… that… / too… to… Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Arrow and the Song
20. apart from Spike Milligan, Have A Nice Day
Part 2 愛的恐懼與不安
1. 從屬子句 Claude McKay, If We Must Die
2. 介系詞in spite of Sara Teasdale, Alone
3. 祈使句 Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach
4. 主詞+受詞+受詞補語 Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, The Sin of Omission
5. 片語動詞be afraid of Ramon de Campoamor, Two Fears
6. 不定詞作形容詞用 Charles Dickens, Lucy’s Song in The Village Coquettes
7. 不定代名詞 Wallace Stevens, The Snow Man
8. be filled with / be full of Paul Laurence Dunbar, A Golden Day
9. be動詞+形容詞+of James Russell Lowell, The Fountain
10. think / consider Robert Frost, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
11. be aware of T. S. Eliot, Hysteria
12. doubt Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
13. in fear of / for fear that Wendell Berry, The Peace of Wild Things
14. dare Robert Herrick, To Electra
15. as much as Henry Alford, You And I
16. gaze、stare、gape、glare Heinrich Heine, When I Gaze into Your Eyes
17. neither… nor… Edward Thomas, Rain
Part 3 沒有你的日子:思念
1. 形容詞子句 Conrad Aiken, Music I Heard
2. 複合關係代名詞 Billy Collins, Forgetfulness
3. 動名詞的功能 Khalil Gibran, On Pain
4. 並列句 Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Solitude
5. 虛主詞 it D. H. Lawrence, Piano
6. no time to+動詞 William Henry Davies, Leisure
7. it is evident that… Elizabeth Bishop, One Art
8. a crowd of / a host of William Wordsworth, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
9. what on earth / why on earth Emily Brontë, A Little While
10. never… without / never… but Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee
11. at the end Ernest Dowson, April Love
Part 1 致愛人:那些愛的關係
1. 介系詞片語 Byron, She Walks in Beauty
2. 感嘆句 Thomas Hardy, How Great My Grief
3. 雙重否定句 Shelley, Love’s Philosophy
4. 分詞形容詞 Yeats, When You Are Old
5. 被動句 Alfred Joyce Kilmer, Trees
6. 對等連接詞 Zoe Akins, I Am The Wind
7. 插入語 Edwin Arnold, Destiny
8. 感官動詞 William Wordsworth, The Solitary Reaper
9. 關係代名詞they who / people who Sir Walter Raleigh, The Silent Lover
10. 假設語氣 Christopher Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd to His...