Reading is one of the most important language skills. It can help you understand more and learn more. It can also become a fulfilling hobby. Reading is an essential part of your study of the English language. The only way to improve your reading skills is to practice, practice, practice.
By reading this book, you will have the chance to practice. You will learn the skills to find out the key points and the details of an article or a story. You will also learn how to summarize, how to think critically, and how to build up vocabulary.
Success With Reading 1 is the first volume of a series exercise books concentrating on training reading skills. The book comprises of hundreds of articles with reading comprehension tests, and each test aims at developing different reading skills. Follow the instruction in front of each unit and finish the tests step by step, reading proficiencies can be acquired by ease. The topics of reading materials are varied. By reading the articles, you will be equipped with not only reading capability but a wide variety of knowledge including arts, history, technology and biology.
You may acquire all types of reading skills at school. However, only by practice can you gain high proficiency. And this is the reason why Success With Reading exists.
1. 程度分級:本套書共分五冊,依程度分級,難度由淺入深,讀者可配合英語程度,選擇適合自己的分冊。
2. 主題明確:全書依照學習主題分為五大單元,各單元內容針對一學習重點撰寫,包括讀取資訊、重點摘要、字彙學習、參考資料、影像圖表等,每一單元皆配合大量閱讀測驗題,讓讀者透過實際演練,將閱讀技巧內化為個人能力。
3. 文章主題豐富:每一篇閱讀測驗不僅配合學習閱讀技巧,文章主題亦包羅萬象,從文學、藝術、史地、人物、科技、生物、政治,生活中接觸到的一切專業及非專業知識,都配合閱讀習題一一呈現;閱讀本書不但提升閱讀技巧,同時能累積各種生活上的知識。
4. 大量而充足的練習題:本書不只根據學習主題提示閱讀技巧,並且配合設計大量且完整的閱讀測驗,藉由持續練習進一步累積技巧。
5. 彩圖說明:配合文章主題,各篇閱讀測驗皆放置彩圖輔助學習,不僅加深學習印象,也提供相關且更深入的背景知識。
Greg Bahlmann was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He graduated from the University of Johannesburg with a B.A. in English and Private Law. During the 1990s he started a tourism company and a small advertising agency both which he ran with partners. He also busied himself honing his writing skills. In 2001 he moved to Taiwan with the aim of completing his first fantasy novel. His first book was published in 2005 and he is working on a sequel. Greg not only enjoys writing, but also art and computer programming.
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