My experience in enhancing english skills
To improve your spoken English, you can try reading out loud an English newspaper editorial every day. Reading out loud can enhance your memory of new words and phrases. Read editorials of the Wall Street Journal Asia, South China Morning Post, the Standard and International Herald Tribune every day. After that, go through the piece again and jot down new words and phrases on a notebook or electronic notebook. The words and phrases in editorials are the newest, most commonly used and most practical. This notebook would be a lifelong treasure for you.
Read editorials, listen to radio, and watch English movies and TV programs as much as possible. After a while, you will be able to digest and use English spontaneously. Learn English via popular TV series too: for instance, I noticed the following from [CSI]: “To make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs” (meaning “you have to make sacrifices in order to succeed”). In another TV series [Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles]: “You are full of carrots and apples” (meaning “you are full of energy”). Always memorize vocabularies in contexts and scenarios. Actively study and apply the words. Doing so, you will be able to use the words correctly and spontaneously under different circumstances. English language is something you use or lose. Use new words you have learnt from editorials frequently. Sometimes it may feel awkward to do so (such as talking to yourself ), but those who have high English levels are those who are not shy and willing to take one step further. Meanwhile, watch English programs on TV every day, including news and other programs, and while watching you should turn off the Chinese subtitles or cover them with a piece of paper.
“Wherever you are, you are with BBC”. When commuting, you can listen to BBC’s programs through radio channel AM675 or the internet via your mobile phone, or listen to English songs if you think news programs are boring. Country music is better, such as songs by Joshua Radin, Taylor Swift, Peter, Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell and Simon & Garfunkel. When working at your desk, you can listen to BBC or National Public Radio online, if possible. The addresses are: www.news.
bbc.co.uk; and www.npr.org/programs/atc/index.html
You should overcome shyness and use more English in public. Be brave, and don’t be afraid of setbacks. Speaking English well doesn’t mean worshipping everything foreign; on the contrary, it can help Hong Kong maintain its status as one of the world’s great financial centers. People who laugh at your passion about English are real losers. Stay positive. Everyone is different in talents. If you have a positive attitude and persevere in learning, you can become an expert in English in no time.
Another experience I want to share with you is [Sing wherever you are] (whenever you can). This is my favorite song by Simon & Garfunkel with the title “For Emily whenever I may find her”.
Please enjoy the song’s beautiful lyrics:
What a dream I had
Pressed in organdy
Clothed in crinoline of smoky burgundy
Softer than the rain
I wandered empty streets down, passed the shop displays
I heard cathedral bells, tripping down the alley ways, as I walked on
And when you ran to me your cheeks flushed with the night
We walked on frosted fields of juniper and lamp light
I held your hand
And when I awoke and felt you warm and near
I kissed your honey hair with my grateful tears
Oh I love you, girl
Oh, I love you.
Mutual encouragement works. Find two or three friends, meet twice a week (or come to my current English discussion group). For schedules, please see deanfungenglish.blogspot.com. Have faith in yourself, my friend!
Write to Victor Fung at victorfung3@hotmail.com
Blog: deanfungenglish.blogspot.com
My experience in enhancing english skills
To improve your spoken English, you can try reading out loud an English newspaper editorial every day. Reading out loud can enhance your memory of new words and phrases. Read editorials of the Wall Street Journal Asia, South China Morning Post, the Standard and International Herald Tribune every day. After that, go through the piece again and jot down new words and phrases on a notebook or electronic notebook. The words and phrases in editorials are the...
Part A. 聽歌看戲學英文
Like a rolling stone / 12
Neil Diamond / 14
Blowing in the wind / 16
Born in the U.S.A. / 18
天國驕雄 / 20
Part B. 活用英文心法
讀社論學英文 / 24
自創英語環境 / 26
人才難求 / 28
大學生每況愈下? / 30
Simple English is good English / 32
6 個學英文的好網站 / 36
全人教育 / 38
港童英語水平不錯 / 40
學好英文要花多久? / 42
Part C. 時事英語Guide
不自由 毋寧死 / 46
外國免費報紙 / 48
褻瀆還是侮辱國旗? / 50
新聞真假難分? / 52
性問題專家「跌眼鏡」 / 54
喝酒好? / 56
報界寒冬未過 / 58
為何加拿大人不南下? / 60
種族仇恨 / 62
借醉行兇有根據 / 64
網上欺凌 / 66
名人雜誌風起雲湧 / 69
My Life So Far / 71
Fly in the face of / 74
Oprah Winfrey 傳奇一生 / 76
Blogger 危機 / 79
新面貌 / 81
Out of sight / 83
夤夜趕科場 / 85
Part D. 從名人身上學英文
張藝謀訪港 / 90
愛恨普京 / 92
追尋理想 / 94
成龍魅力沒法擋 / 96
紐約罪惡剋星 / 98
一顆明星的誕生 / 100
Apple of my eye / 102
舒娃如何成為世界第一? / 103
超人—強戰回歸 / 105
教父眼中的香港 / 107
何謂愛情? / 110
成功—要勇於嘗試 / 112
Part E. 39 篇短文進補英文
Disheartening / 116
The Meaning of Tingo / 118
如何建立品牌? / 120
鶼鰈情深 / 122
1976 年的遊學團 / 124
贏得滿堂掌聲 / 126
Irresponsible drinking / 128
Subscribe to two operators? / 130
Make yourself happy / 132
Unputdownable / 134
Heart-wrenching / 136
Uncanny resemblance / 138
Thank you, Grandma! / 140
A matter of trust / 142
Bringing back sweet memories / 144
A time to celebrate and reflect / 146
Love them no matter what / 148
Counting marbles / 150
I am the character / 152
Truly internationalized education / 154
Creating learning opportunities / 156
There is always a price to pay / 158
On language learning / 160
Emotion unlocked / 162
Angelina Jolie and me / 164
You can make a world of difference / 166
United we stand / 168
Live in hope, not fear / 170
Songs that touch my heart / 172
Recognizing industrialists’ contributions / 175
Philosophies of life / 177
The agony of separation / 179
A parent’s secrets of success / 182
Good-bye, my friends / 184
Professor Chu, thank you / 186
Food for thought / 189
I have a dream / 192
The three Michelles / 194
If this be treason... / 197
Part A. 聽歌看戲學英文
Like a rolling stone / 12
Neil Diamond / 14
Blowing in the wind / 16
Born in the U.S.A. / 18
天國驕雄 / 20
Part B. 活用英文心法
讀社論學英文 / 24
自創英語環境 / 26
人才難求 / 28
大學生每況愈下? / 30
Simple English is good English / 32
6 個學英文的好網站 / 36
全人教育 / 38
港童英語水平不錯 / 40
學好英文要花多久? / 42
Part C. 時事英語Guide
不自由 毋寧死 / 46
外國免費報紙 / 48
褻瀆還是侮辱國旗? / 50
新聞真假難分? / 52
性問題專家「跌眼鏡」 / 54
喝酒好? / 56
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