1.「國名」: Denmark, Queensland, Connecticut, German…等等。
2.「家電用品」:refrigerators, telephones, kitchen...等等。
3.「顏色」:yellow, Red or blue, orange...等等。
4.「答案包含三個單字」:royalty and respect…等等。
5.「工作職稱、工作名」:typist, housewife, fashion designers…等等
6.「哪國的人/國籍」:the Arabs, the European, Egyptians...等等。
7.「發明家/人名」:Thomas Edison, …等等。
8.「形容詞」:transparent, bright, waterproof, gregarious…等等。
9.「物品」:camera, battery, light bulb, diaper...等等。
10.「常考名詞」:contribution, legacy, commitment, poverty, popularity…等等。
11.「生物名」:a blue lobster, brown bears, polar bears, seals…等等。
12.「(考到爛的)氣體名稱、自然現象」:droughts, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, food chain, tropical rainforests…等等。
13.「section 3和4出現的較難的名詞」:equilibrium, land exploitation, urbanization…等等。
14.「學術專有名詞」:blowholes, viviparious...等等
15.「數字+年份」:17 years…等等。
16.「月份/月份+日期」:October 21st,
17.「各種形式的數字」:3792, 3600 pages, 350 million users, six, 19605052, zero, 18 months, 2.8 billion passengers…等等。
Simply Learning, Simply Best!(簡單學習,就是最好!)
Part 1 影子跟讀「短對話」練習
Customer service: I am afraid all our drivers are flat out at the moment. I would suggest you take a taxi from the airport to the campus, but it would cost you an arm and a leg.
Mark: Would you refund the cost of the pickup service since I
was not picked up?
Customer service: Unfortunately, it has all been prepaid, and it
is customer’s responsibility to provide us the correct flight details.
Mark: That is totally unfair! I did provide the correct itinerary to my agent. It is not my fault if the information somehow got lost in the system. I can’t get hold of my agent due to the time difference. If I would be charged anyway, I would rather stick around here for your next available driver.
Part 2 影子跟讀「短段落」練習 (針對數字、國名等單字究極聽力強化)
Unit 7 聽力參考答案
1. popularity 2. youngsters
3. 100,000 business pages 4. companies
5. potential customers 6. business potential
7. social network 8. October 2008
9. headquarters 10. Ireland
11. October 2011 12. 100 billion photos
13. 350 million users 14. mobile phones
15. Facebook traffic 16. New York
17. software developer 18. graduate course
19. computer programs 20. Communication
Unit 17 聽力參考答案
1. typewriter 2. machine
3. ink impressions 4. practical products
5. telephones 6. refrigerators
7. inventors 8. a machine
9. commercially practical 10. American inventor
11. design 12. handwriting
13. Denmark 14. Europe
Part 3 影子跟讀「實戰練習」
Unit 5 聽力參考答案
1. commercial films 2. powerful medium
3. film genres 4. global blockbuster
5. animated musical comedy 6. anti-pollution lawsuit
7. documentary 8. tropical rainforests
9. indigenous peoples 10. greenhouse gases
11. industrialization 12. urgency
13. deforestation 14. terrestrial species
15. carbon dioxide 16. equilibrium
17. droughts 18. annihilation
19. polar bears 20. seals
21. commercial overfishing 22. food chain
23. water resource access 24. sanitation facilities
Unit 5 聽力參考答案
1. Land exploitation 2. Urbanization
3. sanctuary 4. nickname
5. habitat destruction 6. 3792
7. life-saving surgery 8. facial trauma
9. Queensland 10. overpass
11. koala-crossing infrastructure 12. speed limit
13. Wildlife-friendly driving 14. preventive effect
15. twenty hours 16. Koala crossing signs
17. territory 18. July and September
19. shining eyes 20. headlights
21. towel or blanket 22. vet surgeons
23. hazard lights 24. wildlife rehabilitation
Unit 7 鯨魚
There are more than 90 species of whales, all whale species can be categorised into baleen whales and toothed whales. The baleen whales eat by swimming slowly through fish-rich water and straining food into their mouth. And toothed whales as their names indicate, have teeth. Whales live in marine environment and they are mammals. Just like the continental mammals, whales are also viviparous, which means they reproduce by giving birth to a calf rather than eggs, which leads to fewer offspring and longer-lived individuals. Whales breath with their lungs, and they all have blowholes positioned on top of their head. They breathe in air through the blowholes when they are on the water surface
and close it up when they dive. All mammals need to sleep, but whales have to be awake at all times to maintain breath. So whales have a special sleep pattern: half of their brain falls asleep while the other half keeps awake, that makes whales sleep 24 hours per day.
Whales have very advanced hearing and they can hear from miles away. They produce low frequency sound, which can be detected over large distances. Now many species of whales are declared as endangered. Apart from human activities such as illegal whaling, these animals collide with ships or get entangled with fishing nets. They are also threatened by pollution and habitat loss from climate change. Now I will briefly talk about four types of baleen
The first one is the blue whale. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. It is also the largest animals ever to have lived, since they are much larger than dinosaurs. Their heart has the same size of a small car, which bumps tons of blood through the circulatory system of the blue whale. The largest blue whale that was ever found was 33.58 meters long and weighed 190 tons. The skin of the blue whale is blue-grey colored. On top of its head, there is a large ridge located from the tip of the nose to the blowhole. The blue whale has a very small dorsal fin and relatively
small tail flukes. In terms of feeding and distribution, the blue whale feeds almost exclusively on krill, and you can find the blue whales worldwide. They travel to polar waters to feed during summer time and spend the winter in tropical or subtropical areas. Blue whales like to swim alone or in groups of 2 or 3. In the past century, blue whale has been extensively hunted and the number has deceased to a very low level. Hence, it is now listed as an endangered species. The second one I will introduce is the fin whale. The fin whale is a fast swimmer. It can swim at the speed of 30 km/hr. Occasionally, the fin whale can jump out of the water. The average length of the fin whale is about 18 to 22 meters and it
can weigh up to 70 tons. The fin whale looks long and slender, the head resembles the blue whale but the color is dark grey to brown. The fin whale prefers to stay in deep water and it is also distributed all over the the world's ocean. Unlike the blue whale, the fin whale is more gregarious, which means they live in flocks and are more sociable. Fin whales are generally seen in groups of 10 or more. They mainly feed on small crustaceans such as crabs, lobsters and shrimps. Northern hemisphere fin whales also feed on fish.
Part 1 影子跟讀「短對話」練習
Customer service: I am afraid all our drivers are flat out at the moment. I would suggest you take a taxi from the airport to the campus, but it would cost you an arm and a leg.
Mark: Would you refund the cost of the pickup service since I
was not picked up?
Customer service: Unfortunately, it has all been prepaid, and it
is customer’s responsibility to provide us the correct flight details.
Mark: That is totally unfair! I did provide the correct itin...
雅思聽力與考生所熟悉的傳統聽力考試不太同的地方是,它包含了填空題,而填空題無法像選擇題聽力那樣大致聽懂主旨等,選出對的答案或是儘管在聽不懂或來不及答完試題時用猜的。雅思聽力一共有 4 個 section,總共 40 題試題,有時候整場考試下來,於填完答案卡後一數,涉及拼字的填空或摘要題多達 30 題,這部分也顯示出除了要聽懂外,更要能拚出該單字。很多時候單字是你我都熟悉不過的單字,例如冰箱等生活場景的字彙,但有時候考生太久沒用卻忘了怎麼拚了,而造成失分。有時候卻是因為答案不只一個單字,可能是月份+日期、兩個單字、月份+年、國名、數字(電話號碼、序號等)和家電用品等。聽起來似乎不太容易但其實卻是有脈絡可循,雅思聽力考的字不難而且考試考來考去就那些字,只要針對這些字彙強化就能在考試中有顯著的成效。
書籍中一共規劃了四個部分,影子跟讀「短對話」、影子跟讀「短段落」、影子跟讀「實戰練習」和雅思必考字彙。規劃影子跟讀的用意是強化考生聽力專注力,考生可以藉由每個單元練習數十次的影子跟讀,並於熟悉語速後逐步拉長影子跟讀的句子,在能聽到更多訊息後再跟著讀,能大幅強化應考實力。影子跟讀「短對話」可以強化section 1 和 2 聽短訊息時的能力,要注意的是別因為這兩個部分較簡單,而因為分心造成分數失分。影子跟讀「短段落」的部分則包含試題練習,先由短段落練習影子跟讀並用後面規劃的試題演練大幅強化聽月份、數字、年、日期和家電用品等雅思必考字彙。影子跟讀「實戰練習」也包含了長段落影子跟讀和試題,試題能有效強化聽 section 3 和 4 的應考實力,考生常會在聽較長訊息時會因許多因素,如較不專注或看題本某題空格遲遲未聽到該題相關聽力訊息、誤判定位等使自己在 section 3 和 4 的答對題數不理想。建議可以多練習這部分影子跟讀的次數並確實完成試題,直到每個填空題都能答對為止。
最後的部分是雅思必考字彙,必考字彙更便於考生在考前觀看和熟悉生活場景字彙(其實程度很好的考生,可能僅看下必考字彙單元就能於考試中拿到聽力 7-7.5+左右的成績。)。此外,聽力前三部份的設計和量,其實非常紮實,做數十次後其實遠比數學期聽力課效用更高,也很適合欲累積逐步口譯能力的考生不斷作練習並增進自己的能力。最後祝所有考生都能考取理想成績。
倍斯特編輯部 敬上
雅思聽力與考生所熟悉的傳統聽力考試不太同的地方是,它包含了填空題,而填空題無法像選擇題聽力那樣大致聽懂主旨等,選出對的答案或是儘管在聽不懂或來不及答完試題時用猜的。雅思聽力一共有 4 個 section,總共 40 題試題,有時候整場考試下來,於填完答案卡後一數,涉及拼字的填空或摘要題多達 30 題,這部分也顯示出除了要聽懂外,更要能拚出該單字。很多時候單字是你我都熟悉不過的單字,例如冰箱等生活場景的字彙,但有時候考生太久沒用卻忘了怎麼拚了,而造成失分。有時候卻是因為答案不只一個單字,可能是月份+...
Part 1 影子跟讀「短對話」
Unit 1 機場接機
Unit 2 註冊費遲交
Unit 3 選課錯誤
Unit 4 銀行開戶
Unit 5 作業要求延遲交件
Unit 6 科目被當見教授
Unit 7 買學生票沒帶證件
Unit 8 宿舍室友吵鬧
Unit 9 共同廚房誰整理
Unit 10 房屋修繕
Unit 11 退租押金
Unit 12 安裝電話費用的紛爭
Unit 13 買車
Unit 14 車窗被砸
Unit 15 預約看醫生
Unit 16 有人插隊
Unit 17 申請表填錯
Unit 18 上網購物收到錯誤商品
Unit 19 找工作
Unit 20 住宿
Unit 21 沒拿到薪水
Unit 22 被騙
Unit 23 換工作
Unit 24 車禍
Unit 25 租車
Unit 26 分擔油錢
Unit 27 開車被臨檢
Unit 28 看醫生沒有保險
Unit 29 沒趕上飛機
Unit 30 飯店換房間
Unit 31 取消訂房
Unit 32 不滿意旅行團的服務
Unit 33 迷路
Unit 34 錯過該搭的車
Unit 35 折扣算錯
Unit 36 機場退稅
Unit 37 上班遲到
Unit 38 忘記上司交代的事
Unit 39 護照弄丟重新申請
Unit 40 銷售能力
Unit 41 動手不動口的人太多了
Unit 42 搞砸生意
Unit 43 勝任團隊合作
Unit 44 做事抄捷徑
Unit 45 生意談成的機會不高
Unit 46 共識
Unit 47 搞砸了
Unit 48 燒錢
Unit 49 時機
Unit 50 無法共事
Unit 51 兩種車型的比較
Unit 52 擴張業務部門
Unit 53 熱臉貼冷屁股
Unit 54 估算一個數字
Unit 55 尋找有經驗的創業者
Unit 56 拍馬屁
Unit 57 好的創意都支持
Unit 58 炒魷魚
Unit 59 營運作業上有豐富經驗
Unit 60 折扣和優惠討論
Unit 61 繼續保持
Unit 62 簽約
Unit 63 重新獲得產品優勢
Unit 64 我的想法
Unit 65 咬緊牙關
Unit 66 裁員
Unit 67 扭轉劣勢
Unit 68 討論訂單
Unit 69 請假代班
Unit 70 卸責
Part 2 影子跟讀「短段落」
Unit 1 電視的發展
Unit 2 電視的發展
Unit 3 印刷術
Unit 4 印刷術
Unit 5 銀行的演變
Unit 6 電話的發展
Unit 7 臉書的普及和沿革
Unit 8 Google 的成立
Unit 9 條碼的沿革
Unit 10 塑膠工業之父
Unit 11 諾貝爾的生平
Unit 12 直升機的發展和貢獻
Unit 13 聽診器帶來的便利性
Unit 14 汽車發展史
Unit 15 飛機的發明
Unit 16 利普斯
Unit 17 打字機的發明
Unit 18 石墨:皇室的象徵
Unit 19 原子筆的潛力
Unit 20 解雇促成了立可白發明
Unit 21 紙技術傳至歐洲
Unit 22 底片的進展
Unit 23 燈泡的發展
Unit 24 尿布
Part 3 影子跟讀「實戰練習」
Unit 1 塗鴉及凱斯哈林
Unit 2 魯蛇或溫拿
Unit 3 虛構世界的未來會是如何
Unit 4 動物和視頻
Unit 5 電影和環境保護
Unit 6 無尾熊
Unit 7 鯨魚
Unit 8 雪梨歌劇院
Part 4 雅思聽力必考字彙
Unit 1 租屋概況
Unit 2 租屋的外在環境與交通
Unit 3 租屋的傢俱與電器
Unit 4 租屋的開銷和注意事項
Unit 5 參觀藝術展
Unit 6 參觀國家公園
Unit 7 參觀雪梨歌劇院
Unit 8 遊覽大堡礁
Unit 9 訂機票
Unit 10 在機場出境
Unit 11 在機場入境
Unit 12 藥店買藥
Unit 13 露營
Unit 14 遊覽澳洲動物園
Unit 15 申請澳洲的手機門號
Unit 16 在澳洲申請銀行帳戶
Unit 17 診所看病
Unit 18 看牙醫
Unit 19 配眼鏡
Unit 20 看足科醫師
Unit 21 皇家農業展
Unit 22 澳紐軍團日
Unit 23 大洋路
Unit 24 考駕照
Unit 25 租車
Unit 26 澳洲高等教育
Unit 27 申請大學
Unit 28 正式入學前的英文進修
Unit 29 大學的學習
Unit 30 大學的考核
Unit 31 大學的專業
Unit 32 大學的設施
Unit 33 研究方法之量化研究
Unit 34 研究方法之質化研究
Unit 35 校園就業服務
Unit 36 求職
Unit 37 急救認證
Unit 38 袋鼠
Unit 39 無尾熊
Unit 40 全球暖化
Unit 41 土壤侵蝕退化
Unit 42 沙漠化
Part 1 影子跟讀「短對話」
Unit 1 機場接機
Unit 2 註冊費遲交
Unit 3 選課錯誤
Unit 4 銀行開戶
Unit 5 作業要求延遲交件
Unit 6 科目被當見教授
Unit 7 買學生票沒帶證件
Unit 8 宿舍室友吵鬧
Unit 9 共同廚房誰整理
Unit 10 房屋修繕
Unit 11 退租押金
Unit 12 安裝電話費用的紛爭
Unit 13 買車
Unit 14 車窗被砸
Unit 15 預約看醫生
Unit 16 有人插隊
Unit 17 申請表填錯
Unit 18 上網購物收到錯誤商品
Unit 19 找工作
Unit 20 住宿
Unit 21 沒拿到薪水
Unit 22 被騙
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