定價:NT$ 480
二手價:72 折,NT$ 346
年輕的丹麥王子哈姆雷特,發現叔叔是毒斃生父國王的兇手,而皇后─自己的母親卻在父王過世不到兩個月,便與國王的弟弟結婚,王子心中與大家一樣,充滿各種懷疑,而這位由叔叔登基的新國王,實在與父王有著天壤之別,不但在人品與性格上截然不同,還有著卑鄙下流的性情,直到父親的亡靈出現,才對哈姆雷特說明了一切,便使王子哈姆雷特在哀悼與羞恥的心情下,走上復仇之路,不惜裝瘋賣傻、拋棄愛情,最後甚至犧牲性命。莎士比亞給了哈姆雷特一個悲劇結局,也使他成為古今文學、戲劇中永遠的悲劇人物 。
From the Royal Shakespeare Company -- a fresh new edition of Shakespeare's most celebrated play. This book includes: * An introduction to Hamlet by award-winning scholar Jonathan Bate * The play -- with clear explanatory notes on each page * A scene-by-scene analysis * An introduction to Shakespeare's career and the Elizabethan theatre * A rich exploration of approaches to staging Hamlet The most enjoyable way to understand a Shakespeare play is to see it or participate in it. This book presents a historical overview of Hamlet in performance, recommends film versions, takes a detailed look at specific productions and includes interviews with three leading Directors -- Michael Boyd, Ron Daniels and John Caird -- so that we may get a sense of the extraordinary variety of interpretations that are possible - a variety that gives Shakespeare his unique capacity to be reinvented and made 'our contemporary' four centuries after his death.
About the Author
JONATHAN BATE is Professor of Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature, University of Warwick, UK, and the editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He has held visiting posts at Harvard, Yale and UCLA and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a Fellow of the British Academy, an Honorary Fellow of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, and a Governor and Board member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. A prominent critic, award-winning biographer and broadcaster, he is the author of several books on Shakespeare, including The Genius of Shakespeare (Picador), which was praised by Sir Peter Hall, founder of the RSC, as "the best modern book on Shakespeare." In June 2006 he was awarded a CBE by HM The Queen 'for services to Higher Education'. ERIC RASMUSSEN is Professor of English at the University of Nevada, USA, and the Textual Editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He is co-editor of the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama and has edited volumes in both the Arden Shakespeare and Oxford World's Classics series. He is the General Textual Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions project - one of the most visited Shakespeare websites in the world. For over nine years he has written the annual review of editions and textual studies for the Shakespeare Survey.
TAAZE 單純提供網路二手書託售平台予消費者,並不涉入書本作者與原出版商間之任何糾紛;敬請各界鑒察。
二手價:72 折,NT$ 346 NT$ 480
年輕的丹麥王子哈姆雷特,發現叔叔是毒斃生父國王的兇手,而皇后─自己的母親卻在父王過世不到兩個月,便與國王的弟弟結婚,王子心中與大家一樣,充滿各種懷疑,而這位由叔叔登基的新國王,實在與父王有著天壤之別,不但在人品與性格上截然不同,還有著卑鄙下流的性情,直到父親的亡靈出現,才對哈姆雷特說明了一切,便使王子哈姆雷特在哀悼與羞恥的心情下,走上復仇之路,不惜裝瘋賣傻、拋棄愛情,最後甚至犧牲性命。莎士比亞給了哈姆雷特一個悲劇結局,也使他成為古今文學、戲劇中永遠的悲劇人物 。
From the Royal Shakespeare Company -- a fresh new edition of Shakespeare's most celebrated play. This book includes: * An introduction to Hamlet by award-winning scholar Jonathan Bate * The play -- with clear explanatory notes on each page * A scene-by-scene analysis * An introduction to Shakespeare's career and the Elizabethan theatre * A rich exploration of approaches to staging Hamlet The most enjoyable way to understand a Shakespeare play is to see it or participate in it. This book presents a historical overview of Hamlet in performance, recommends film versions, takes a detailed look at specific productions and includes interviews with three leading Directors -- Michael Boyd, Ron Daniels and John Caird -- so that we may get a sense of the extraordinary variety of interpretations that are possible - a variety that gives Shakespeare his unique capacity to be reinvented and made 'our contemporary' four centuries after his death.
About the Author
JONATHAN BATE is Professor of Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature, University of Warwick, UK, and the editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He has held visiting posts at Harvard, Yale and UCLA and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a Fellow of the British Academy, an Honorary Fellow of St Catherine's College, Cambridge, and a Governor and Board member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. A prominent critic, award-winning biographer and broadcaster, he is the author of several books on Shakespeare, including The Genius of Shakespeare (Picador), which was praised by Sir Peter Hall, founder of the RSC, as "the best modern book on Shakespeare." In June 2006 he was awarded a CBE by HM The Queen 'for services to Higher Education'. ERIC RASMUSSEN is Professor of English at the University of Nevada, USA, and the Textual Editor of The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works. He is co-editor of the Norton Anthology of English Renaissance Drama and has edited volumes in both the Arden Shakespeare and Oxford World's Classics series. He is the General Textual Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions project - one of the most visited Shakespeare websites in the world. For over nine years he has written the annual review of editions and textual studies for the Shakespeare Survey.
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