這本《如何建構語言:基於使用的語言習得理論》於2003年由哈佛大學出版社出版。在書中,作者Michael Tomasello總結了兒童語言習得領域大量的實證研究,批評生成語言學理論對兒童語言習得過程所作的不切合實際的解釋,系統提出了自己基於使用的、以構式學習為中心的語言習得理論。可供各大專院校作為教材使用,也可供從事相關工作的人員作為參考用書使用。
1 Usage-Based Linguistics
2 Origins of Language
2.1 Phylogenetic Origins
2.2 Ontogenetic Origins
2.3 Children's First Utterances
2.4 Summary
3 Words
3.1 Early Words and their Uses
3.2 Processes of Word Learning
3.3 Theories of Word Learning
3.4 Summary
4 Early Syntactic Constructions
4.1 The Nature of Constructions
4.2 Early Constructional Islands
4.3 Marking Syntactic Roles
4.4 Summary
5 Abstract Syntactic Constructions
5.1 Abstract Constructions
5.2 Constructing Constructions
5.3 Constraining Constructions
5.4 Theories of Syntactic Development
5.5 Summary
6 Nominal and Clausal Constructions
6.1 Reference and Nominals
6.2 Predication and Clauses
6.3 Learning Morphology
6.4 Summary
7 Complex Constructions and Discourse
7.1 Complex Constructions
7.2 Conversation and Narrative
7.3 Summary
8 Biotogicat, Cultural, and Ontogenetic Processes
8.1 Dual Inheritance
8.2 Psycholinguistic Processes of Acquisition
8.3 Psycholinguistic Processes of Production
8.4 The Development of Linguistic Representations
8.5 Summary
9 Toward a Psychology of Language Acquisition
1 Usage-Based Linguistics
2 Origins of Language
2.1 Phylogenetic Origins
2.2 Ontogenetic Origins
2.3 Children's First Utterances
2.4 Summary
3 Words
3.1 Early Words and their Uses
3.2 Processes of Word Learning
3.3 Theories of Word Learning
3.4 Summary
4 Early Syntactic Constructions
4.1 The Nature of Constructions
4.2 Early Constructional Islands
4.3 Marking Syntactic Roles
4.4 Summary
5 Abstract Syntactic Constructions
5.1 Abstract Constructions