a bit~attract/catch ones attention
back (…)up-by the way
call at~cut up
date back to/date from~due to
eat out~except for
face to face(with)~from now/then on
generally speaking ~grow up
had/d better~hurry up
if only~instead of
join(…)in~just now
keep a record (of)~know of
later on~lose touch with
make a choice~move on
name after…~now that
object to~owing to
participate in~put up with
queue up~
rather than~rush sb off his feet
safe and sound~switch to
take a look (at)~tum up
under construction~used to
vice versa~vote for
wait for~ write off for
year after year~yield to
a bit~attract/catch ones attention
back (…)up-by the way
call at~cut up
date back to/date from~due to
eat out~except for
face to face(with)~from now/then on
generally speaking ~grow up
had/d better~hurry up
if only~instead of
join(…)in~just now
keep a record (of)~know of
later on~lose touch with
make a choice~move on
name after…~now that
object to~owing to
participate in~put up with
queue up~
rather than~rush sb off his feet
safe and sound~switch to
take a look (at)...