《劍橋政治思想史原著系列》每一本都有一個評論性的導言,加上歷史年表、生平梗概,進一步閱讀指南,以及必要的詞彙表和原文注解。《劍橋政治思想史原著系列》的終目的,為西文政治思想的整個發展脈絡提供一個清晰的輪廓。目錄pfefaceintroductiontranslators notechronology of principal eventsbibliographybiographical notestatesmanindex作者介紹暫時沒有內容文摘this seems to be a simple and wele point.plato is saying that political theory should not e up with solutions which are so idealized that they have no hope of applving in the world as it is.and this is certainly what platos position is in the laws f874e- 875d) when he says that the ideal expeft ruler is an unattainable ideal.since it is not in human nature to attain to experr knowledge or to remain uncorrupted bv the potential for its use on other humans.when this is platos firm conclusion.he ceases to devote attention to tlle expert ruler as a solution to political problems. but in the statesman it is harder to see exacfly what platos position is.for despite his clear application of the myth of the golden age,plato continues to develop the idea that the experr ruler is t11e best answer to political problems.the best way to produce a state run in the interests of a11.0ther types of solution are,by the end of the dialogue,firmly relegated to second.best. further.his treatment of the golden age myth is itself somewhat elusive.he treats the details of the traditional material in ways tllat are strikingly surreal,raising unavoidablv the question of how seriously he is talking the idea even as a myth.and this in turn clouds the idea of just what the circumstances are which are being excluded as too ideal for relevance to actual societies.
定價:NT$ 105
《劍橋政治思想史原著系列》每一本都有一個評論性的導言,加上歷史年表、生平梗概,進一步閱讀指南,以及必要的詞彙表和原文注解。《劍橋政治思想史原著系列》的終目的,為西文政治思想的整個發展脈絡提供一個清晰的輪廓。目錄pfefaceintroductiontranslators notechronology of principal eventsbibliographybiographical notestatesmanindex作者介紹暫時沒有內容文摘this seems to be a simple and wele point.plato is saying that political theory should not e up with solutions which are so idealized that they have no hope of applving in the world as it is.and this is certainly what platos position is in the laws f874e- 875d) when he says that the ideal expeft ruler is an unattainable ideal.since it is not in human nature to attain to experr knowledge or to remain uncorrupted bv the potential for its use on other humans.when this is platos firm conclusion.he ceases to devote attention to tlle expert ruler as a solution to political problems. but in the statesman it is harder to see exacfly what platos position is.for despite his clear application of the myth of the golden age,plato continues to develop the idea that the experr ruler is t11e best answer to political problems.the best way to produce a state run in the interests of a11.0ther types of solution are,by the end of the dialogue,firmly relegated to second.best. further.his treatment of the golden age myth is itself somewhat elusive.he treats the details of the traditional material in ways tllat are strikingly surreal,raising unavoidablv the question of how seriously he is talking the idea even as a myth.and this in turn clouds the idea of just what the circumstances are which are being excluded as too ideal for relevance to actual societies.
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