作者:Roy, Ron
繪者:Bush, Timothy
定價:NT$ 140
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 126
After taking a tour of the National Bureau of Printing and Engraving, KC and Marshall find out from KC's stepdad, the president of the United States, that several stacks of $100 bills have gone missing. That's thousands of dollars—gone! KC is determined to track down the thieves, and her number one suspect is a woman named Polly, who works at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. Is sweet Polly a criminal mastermind? Or is she just a pawn in a bigger plot to steal from the Treasury? KC和Marshall一起去參觀了美國印製鈔票的中心,而就在當天就發生了有人偷了剛印好的鈔票,這是怎麼一回事呢?頭號嫌疑犯是Polly小姐,她會是主嫌嗎?還是遭人利用,KC他們能幫總統抓到小偷嗎?
Ron Roy is the author of Random House's popular A to Z Mysteries. He lives in an old farmhouse in Connecticut with his white puppy, Pal. When he's not writing a thrilling new A to Z Mystery or Capital Mystery, Ron Roy spends his time traveling all over the country and restoring his Connecticut farmhouse. Timothy Bush is a writer-illustrator with many children's projects to his credit, including the elaborate visual extravaganza James in the House of Aunt Prudence. He lives in New York, New York.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。作者:Roy, Ron
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 126 NT$ 140
After taking a tour of the National Bureau of Printing and Engraving, KC and Marshall find out from KC's stepdad, the president of the United States, that several stacks of $100 bills have gone missing. That's thousands of dollars—gone! KC is determined to track down the thieves, and her number one suspect is a woman named Polly, who works at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. Is sweet Polly a criminal mastermind? Or is she just a pawn in a bigger plot to steal from the Treasury? KC和Marshall一起去參觀了美國印製鈔票的中心,而就在當天就發生了有人偷了剛印好的鈔票,這是怎麼一回事呢?頭號嫌疑犯是Polly小姐,她會是主嫌嗎?還是遭人利用,KC他們能幫總統抓到小偷嗎?
Ron Roy is the author of Random House's popular A to Z Mysteries. He lives in an old farmhouse in Connecticut with his white puppy, Pal. When he's not writing a thrilling new A to Z Mystery or Capital Mystery, Ron Roy spends his time traveling all over the country and restoring his Connecticut farmhouse. Timothy Bush is a writer-illustrator with many children's projects to his credit, including the elaborate visual extravaganza James in the House of Aunt Prudence. He lives in New York, New York.
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