作者:Lougheed Lin
定價:NT$ 2150 特價:NT$ 1500
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 1350
朗文新多益高級備考題庫解析套書組,包含: 1.Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test Advanced Course with Answer Key and Audio script , 4/e (考題題庫本+解答) 2.Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test Advanced Course Complete Audio Program,4/e (完整版聽力練習CD7片) 這套書提供讀者許多的模擬考試練習,主要是在增進考試解答的技巧,讓學生充滿自信應答,藉由此書,學生可輕鬆得到850的高分 。 ◎幫助你熟悉考試方法 1.建立必要英文字庫 2.加強練習商業及一般會話情景 3.溫習文法 ◎ 提高考試技巧,得到考試最高的成績 1. 廣泛的最新模擬試題演練 2. 編列有效的解題策略 3. 熟悉考試模式 ◎提供完善的新式考試技巧 1.練習分辨重音及口氣 2.四地五國發音,搭配CD練習聽力。 3.加強理解廣告文章, 商務英語書信技巧,數據與圖表的關係, 以及各式文章與報告 新舊制比較-主要的改變 .第一大題原本的照片敘述一共有20題,New TOEIC上則縮減為10題 . 第三大題的短對話及第四大題的短獨白加長了題目內容,減少了題目的題數,改為以題組的方式測驗 (例如: 原本有些題目只問一個問題,現在會以題組的方式出題,一篇問三個問題。) New TOEIC將以四種不同的英語口音呈現,題目中可能出現美式英語、英式英語、澳洲式英語及加拿大英語。 Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC(R) Test: Advanced Course, Fourth Edition, gives students the skills, strategy, practice, and confidence they need to increase their scores on the new TOEIC(R) test. Ideal for a TOEIC(R) test preparation course or for self-study, the Advanced Course is intended for students who achieve TOEIC(R) test scores from 450 to 850. The Complete Audio Program is also available. The Advanced Course features: *New material that mirrors the format of the new TOEIC(R) test *Step-by step strategies and skills to improve performance on each section of the test *More than 1,000 practice items that reflect the format and content of the new test *An audio CD that includes the Listening Comprehension Review section from the book *An audioscript that includes all the material recorded for the complete audio program *Two TOEIC(R) -length review tests, one for Listening Comprehension and one for Reading *Two complete Practice Tests, with accompanying TOEIC(R) test-style answer sheets, for diagnosis or assessment and to prepare students for TOEIC(R) test conditions
Dr. Lin Lougheed started his EFL career in 1968 as a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey and has been teaching, teacher training, writing, and presenting at conferences ever since. He earned his doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University and has recei暸ڸgrant in Sri Lanka and a professor grant in Tunisia. In 1983, he founded Instructional Design International, Inc. to develop English teaching materials in all media. Dr. Lougheed is a past member of the TESOL Executive Board and has also served the organization as Chair of two special interest groups: Teaching English Internationally and Materials Writers. Dr. Lougheed is an acknowledged leader in the area of English for Specific Purposes and has written over 25 EFL/ESP texts.
7????暸ˠion from the book .An a
作者:Lougheed Lin
特價:NT$ 1500
優惠價: 9 折, NT$ 1350 NT$ 2150
朗文新多益高級備考題庫解析套書組,包含: 1.Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test Advanced Course with Answer Key and Audio script , 4/e (考題題庫本+解答) 2.Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test Advanced Course Complete Audio Program,4/e (完整版聽力練習CD7片) 這套書提供讀者許多的模擬考試練習,主要是在增進考試解答的技巧,讓學生充滿自信應答,藉由此書,學生可輕鬆得到850的高分 。 ◎幫助你熟悉考試方法 1.建立必要英文字庫 2.加強練習商業及一般會話情景 3.溫習文法 ◎ 提高考試技巧,得到考試最高的成績 1. 廣泛的最新模擬試題演練 2. 編列有效的解題策略 3. 熟悉考試模式 ◎提供完善的新式考試技巧 1.練習分辨重音及口氣 2.四地五國發音,搭配CD練習聽力。 3.加強理解廣告文章, 商務英語書信技巧,數據與圖表的關係, 以及各式文章與報告 新舊制比較-主要的改變 .第一大題原本的照片敘述一共有20題,New TOEIC上則縮減為10題 . 第三大題的短對話及第四大題的短獨白加長了題目內容,減少了題目的題數,改為以題組的方式測驗 (例如: 原本有些題目只問一個問題,現在會以題組的方式出題,一篇問三個問題。) New TOEIC將以四種不同的英語口音呈現,題目中可能出現美式英語、英式英語、澳洲式英語及加拿大英語。 Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC(R) Test: Advanced Course, Fourth Edition, gives students the skills, strategy, practice, and confidence they need to increase their scores on the new TOEIC(R) test. Ideal for a TOEIC(R) test preparation course or for self-study, the Advanced Course is intended for students who achieve TOEIC(R) test scores from 450 to 850. The Complete Audio Program is also available. The Advanced Course features: *New material that mirrors the format of the new TOEIC(R) test *Step-by step strategies and skills to improve performance on each section of the test *More than 1,000 practice items that reflect the format and content of the new test *An audio CD that includes the Listening Comprehension Review section from the book *An audioscript that includes all the material recorded for the complete audio program *Two TOEIC(R) -length review tests, one for Listening Comprehension and one for Reading *Two complete Practice Tests, with accompanying TOEIC(R) test-style answer sheets, for diagnosis or assessment and to prepare students for TOEIC(R) test conditions
Dr. Lin Lougheed started his EFL career in 1968 as a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey and has been teaching, teacher training, writing, and presenting at conferences ever since. He earned his doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University and has recei暸ڸgrant in Sri Lanka and a professor grant in Tunisia. In 1983, he founded Instructional Design International, Inc. to develop English teaching materials in all media. Dr. Lougheed is a past member of the TESOL Executive Board and has also served the organization as Chair of two special interest groups: Teaching English Internationally and Materials Writers. Dr. Lougheed is an acknowledged leader in the area of English for Specific Purposes and has written over 25 EFL/ESP texts.
7????暸ˠion from the book .An a
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