This book is every managera s best friAnd when putting a team together. The authors outline a step--by--step model to recruit, assess, build, and facilitate a high--performing team. Each chapter Ands with a "Quick Review" that summarizes the concepts covered.Youa ll improve your organization by: aeo Recruiting members and forming a team that works aeo Resolving conflict quickly aeo Facilitating meetings effectively ...and much more! Grasp the structure of an efficient, cohesive, productive team. Your organization will benefit from a distribution of skills and tasks that will cut the bottom line. Order one for every manager in your organization today!
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。定價:NT$ 750
This book is every managera s best friAnd when putting a team together. The authors outline a step--by--step model to recruit, assess, build, and facilitate a high--performing team. Each chapter Ands with a "Quick Review" that summarizes the concepts covered.Youa ll improve your organization by: aeo Recruiting members and forming a team that works aeo Resolving conflict quickly aeo Facilitating meetings effectively ...and much more! Grasp the structure of an efficient, cohesive, productive team. Your organization will benefit from a distribution of skills and tasks that will cut the bottom line. Order one for every manager in your organization today!
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,