This title helps to discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry in the latest edition of this brief, cost-effective, reader-oriented text. Masterton/Hurley's "Chemistry: Principles And Reactions, 6e International Edition", provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. This edition takes you directly to the crux of concepts with simplicity and allows you to efficiently cover all topics found in the typical general chemistry book. New and proven concept-driven examples as well as examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding provide important practice. New 'Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom' essays by guest authors demonstrate the relevance of the concepts you are learning and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program further assists you in visualizing chemical concepts. For the first time, this edition fully integrates OWL (Online Web-based Learning), the homework management system trusted by tens of thousands of students. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWL.
定價:NT$ 2234
This title helps to discover all of the fundamental topics of general chemistry in the latest edition of this brief, cost-effective, reader-oriented text. Masterton/Hurley's "Chemistry: Principles And Reactions, 6e International Edition", provides a clear, concise presentation based on the authors' more than 50 years of combined teaching experience. This edition takes you directly to the crux of concepts with simplicity and allows you to efficiently cover all topics found in the typical general chemistry book. New and proven concept-driven examples as well as examples that focus on molecular reasoning and understanding provide important practice. New 'Chemistry: Beyond the Classroom' essays by guest authors demonstrate the relevance of the concepts you are learning and highlight some of the most up-to-date uses of chemistry. A strong, enhanced art program further assists you in visualizing chemical concepts. For the first time, this edition fully integrates OWL (Online Web-based Learning), the homework management system trusted by tens of thousands of students. Integrated end-of-chapter questions and Key Concepts correlate to OWL.
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