You must study the Band Descriptors to understand exactly how you can achieve your ideal score. Your score is based (almost) 100% on the band descriptors, so understanding them is one of your top priorities. While most students are too lazy to study the Band Descriptors, you cannot afford to be. To give the examiners what they want, you must know how they are scoring you. If you have taken the IELTS multiple times in the past without much improvement, perhaps one of the reasons is because you don't understand the Band Descriptors. This chapter will help.
4 criteria on the Band Descriptors (each worth 25% of your score) 雅思口說評分標準的四大項目(每一項佔總分的25%)
1. Fluency and Coherence (FC) 流利度與連貫性 2. Lexical Resource (LR) 詞彙豐富度 3. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) 文法多樣性與準確度 4. Pronunciation (P) 發音
There are two versions of the Band Descriptors: the public version and the examiner's version.
Naturally, examiners use the examiner's version. Luckily, the two versions are nearly identical for Fluency and Coherence (FC), Lexical Resource (LR), and Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA). However, the public version's Pronunciation (P) criteria lacks important information, so I will explain the differences in more detail later in this chapter.
How, precisely, is the speaking score calculated? 口說分數到底是怎麼算出來的?
The four criteria (Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation) each receive an integer score and are rounded, but they are not rounded according to normal rounding rules. Speaking (and writing) scores are not rounded up - they are only rounded down. Note that this method of rounding is only for the Speaking and Writing scores but not for the Overall score. Let's look at a few examples to make it clearer:
The following scores all produce an Overall Band 7 以下四項評分標準的分數配置,都會讓口說成績變成Band 7
(FC-LR-GRA-P) 7-7-7-7 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 6-6-8-8(算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 8-7-6-7 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 9-7-5-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7.25) 8-8-7-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7.25)
The following scores all produce an Overall Band 6.5 以下四項評分標準的分數配置,都會讓口說成績變成Band 6.5 (FC-LR-GRA-P) 7-7-6-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.5) 6-6-6-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.5) 7-7-7-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.75) 6-6-7-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.75)
As you can see, if you hope to get a band 7, you need to have at least an average of 7 or 7.25. This method of rounding is designed to make it more difficult to get high scores in speaking (and writing).
Let's now look at each criterion in more detail and specify what you are trying to accomplish and what you are trying to avoid for each. More information about how to specifically work on each area (FC, LR, GRA, and P) can be found in a separate chapter in Unit 2.
現在我們來仔細地看每一項評分標準的規則。我會具體的說明你要達成的目標和如何避免失分。在Unit 2裡,我也會逐一教你怎麼練習口說的流利度與連貫性(FC)、詞彙豐富度(LR)、文法多樣性與準確度(GRA)與發音(P)。 流利度與連貫性(Fluency and Coherence/FC) 考官會從以下四大面向來評分:
Fluency and Coherence (FC): 流利度與連貫性
You are being judged on four main areas: 考官會用以下四大方面來評分:
1. How continuous your speech is 說話的連續性(有沒有斷斷續續)
◼︎You must make sure your answers are long enough and keep speaking until you finish your ideas. You also need to finish clearly. ◼︎Do not give very short answers or long lists (For example, if you are asked, “What’s your neighbourhood like?”, you should not answer with “Convenient, quite safe, very quiet…” Such listing would give you a Band 4 in FC). ◼︎Do not repeat words and phrases. You especially don't want to mindlessly repeat the examiner's question. ◼︎Do not pause for a long time, especially to search for words. Too much pausing can lead to a Band 4 or lower. ◼︎Do not correct your grammar - it will interrupt your answer and may confuse the examiner.
◼︎你的回答內容一定要夠長,並且你能持續講,講到你把想講的話都講完為止。還有講話要有頭有尾,讓人聽得出來你講完了。 ◼︎不要給太簡短的答案或像流水帳的列點式回答,例如考官問 : What is your neighbourhood like? 你說 : Convenient, quite safe, very quiet...(列點式回答:沒有說明,只有列點,這樣你的FC會降到Band 4) ◼︎不要反覆說同樣的單字或片語,尤其是不要傻傻地把考官問的題目重新一模一樣講一遍。 ◼︎不要停頓太久,尤其是你在想 : 要怎麼講某個情況,或是你想不出那個單字怎麼說而停頓下來。注意! 停頓過長或過多都會讓你的FC降到Band 4或更低分。 ◼︎講話的時候,不要回頭糾正自己的文法—因為這樣會打斷你說話的流利度,也可能會造成考官的困惑,聽不太懂你到底要講什麼。
1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
(?) Myth 迷思#4:
Examiners prefer British accents, so you need to speak with a British accent. ╳ 考官偏好英國腔,所以你需要用英國腔說話。
Admittedly, this may seem logical because the IELTS is written by Cambridge, a British institution. However, examiners come from a variety of countries, and they themselves have a variety of accents. Furthermore, those examiners who do come from the UK are already used to a variety of accents from test takers. Therefore, you should not change your accent specifically for the IELTS because it would simply waste valuable time and not affect your speaking score whatsoever. 不可否認這個迷思似乎合邏輯,因為雅思是英國的機構-劍橋出產的考試。然而,考官來自於世界各地,他們各有自己的口音。再者,即使是來自於英國的考官,也已經習慣了考生的各種口音。所以,你不需要為了考雅思而特別改變你的英文腔調,那只會浪費你寶貴的練習時間,而且對你的口說分數沒有加分。
1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分表
You must study the Band Descriptors to understand exactly how you can achieve your ideal score. Your score is based (almost) 100% on the band descriptors, so understanding them is one of your top priorities. While most students are too lazy to study the Band Descriptors, you cannot afford to be. To give the examiners what they want, you must know how they are scoring you. If you have taken the IELTS multiple times in the past without mu...
“Drawing on the corpus of real IELTS questions reported by test-takers, Brett Lindsay provides IELTS Speaking test candidates with a meticulous break down of the speaking question types and the best strategies to deal with them, equipping candidates with handy chunks of natural sounding language that they can easily integrate with their own English speech, as opposed to the inappropriate clichés that IELTS students are so often encouraged to memorize and mechanically regurgitate.” 林熙老師透過應試者回報的雅思真實題庫(雅思機經真題),為雅思考生 精密分析口說題型,提供答題的最佳策略,以及精選道地母語人士常用的 搭配詞、慣用語。考生可以很自然地將其融入至自己的英文口說,而非一 般雅思考生經常被灌輸的記憶模板,機械性說出不恰當的陳腔濫調。 ―― Daniel Sansoni英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師
“This invaluable guide contains numerous examples of what both good and bad answers look like, along with thorough explanations, which reference the scoring rubric. In addition, the many strategies for overcoming common difficulties make this text a must-have for any serious IELTS candidate wishing to reach his or her exam g oals.” 這本無價之寶――《雅思口說教戰手冊》包含許多答題示範,根據評分標 準分析比較優劣答題範例。此外,多元應試策略點破考生常見的盲點。這 本書是任何一位認真準備雅思考生的必備寶典,引領他們達到目標分數。 ―― Dax Seutter前雅思口試考官/資深雅思教師
“The author provides clear, unique, and easy-to-follow directions for IELTS students. These directions show how your answers can be more natural, detailed, and interesting. That means a higher score! You will feel prepared and confident.” 作者為雅思考生提供了清楚、獨到且易於遵循的指導方針,教導你更自 然、更有深度且更有趣的答題技巧,也就是高分表達!這本書讓你做足 準備,自信應戰雅思口說。 ―― Brian Welter 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師
“Drawing on the corpus of real IELTS questions reported by test-takers, Brett Lindsay provides IELTS Speaking test candidates with a meticulous break down of the speaking question types and the best strategies to deal with them, equipping candidates with handy chunks of natural sounding language that they can easily integrate with their own English speech, as opposed to the inappropriate clichés that IELTS students are so often encouraged to memorize and mechanically regurgitate.” 林熙老...
Preface 作者序
Unit 1: Mini IELTS Overview 快速進入雅思的世界 1-1 General Overview of the IELTS 到底雅思是怎麼樣的考試 1-2 Speaking Test Overview 快速了解雅思口說 1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分標準 1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
Unit 2: How to prepare for the IELTS speaking test 必練!雅思口說的自我訓練法 Intro You MUST practice every single day! 一天不練口說,你就會生疏! 2-1 How to Practice Fluency and Coherence 怎麼練流利度與連貫性 2-2 How to Practice Vocabulary 怎麼練字彙 2-3 How to Practice Grammar 怎麼練文法 2-4 How to Practice Pronunciation 怎麼練發音 2-5 The Ultimate Answering System 老外思路答題法(AYEFX) 2-6 What you must do 考試你一定要做到的事! 2-7 What you must avoid 考試你千萬不要做的事!
Unit 3: Part 1 (Short Answers) 雅思口說第一部分 : 快問快答 3-1 How the examiner sees Part 1 考官眼裡的Part 1 3-2 The first four questions and the compulsory question set 考前四題 & 必考話題 3-3 How to use grammar for a high score 怎麼利用文法得到Part 1高分 3-4 Model answers to different topics 真題滿分答題示範
Unit 4: Part 2 (Long Turn) 雅思口說第二部分 : 換你講 4-1 How the examiner sees Part 2 考官眼裡的Part 2 4-2 How to use the prompts 沒人教過你提示卡真正的用法! 4-3 Note taking (or not) 找出適合你的筆記法! 4-4 The Master Stories Method - The Guaranteed Answer 主軸故事法-保證 Part 2 講滿兩分鐘! 4-5 Theme 1: Describe an Experience 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題一 : 描述一個經驗 4-6 Theme 2: Describe Information/Entertainment 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題二 : 描述資訊或娛樂 4-7 Theme 3: Describe an Object 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題三 : 描述一個物件 4-8 Theme 4: Describe a Person 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題四 : 描述一個人 4-9 Theme 5: Describe a Place 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題五 : 描述一個地方
Unit 5: Part 3 (Discussion) 雅思口說第三部分 : 探討 5-1 How the examiner sees Part 3 考官眼裡的Part 3 5-2 Good vs Bad Part 3 Answers 好的與不好的Part 3答題範例 5-3 How to repeat yourself without losing points 想重複講,又怕被扣分?不怕!我教你重述的藝術! 5-4 How to buy time 分秒必爭,要怎麼多爭幾秒而不被扣分?! 5-5 How to answer when you have nothing to say 沒話講的時候也不怕,我教你! 5-6 Questions divided into themes with model answers 真題滿分答題示範 5-7 How to cheat the system 口說考試也可以偷吃步!
Unit 6: Wrap up 說再見的時候了! 6-1 Greetings and Farewells 應對考官的基本禮節 6-2 Asking for clarification – be proactive! 不要當被動的考生,拿到主導權!高分在握! 6-3 Timing of your test 什麼時候去考試最好?
Afterword後記:Why this book is also suitable for people who simply want to improve their spoken English. 為什麼這本書也適合單純想把英文口說練好的人
Preface 作者序
Unit 1: Mini IELTS Overview 快速進入雅思的世界 1-1 General Overview of the IELTS 到底雅思是怎麼樣的考試 1-2 Speaking Test Overview 快速了解雅思口說 1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分標準 1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
Unit 2: How to prepare for the IELTS speaking test 必練!雅思口說的自我訓練法 Intro You MUST practice every single day! 一天不練口說,你就會生疏! 2-1 How to Practice Fluency and Coherence 怎麼練流利度與連貫性 2-2 How to P...
You must study the Band Descriptors to understand exactly how you can achieve your ideal score. Your score is based (almost) 100% on the band descriptors, so understanding them is one of your top priorities. While most students are too lazy to study the Band Descriptors, you cannot afford to be. To give the examiners what they want, you must know how they are scoring you. If you have taken the IELTS multiple times in the past without much improvement, perhaps one of the reasons is because you don't understand the Band Descriptors. This chapter will help.
4 criteria on the Band Descriptors (each worth 25% of your score) 雅思口說評分標準的四大項目(每一項佔總分的25%)
1. Fluency and Coherence (FC) 流利度與連貫性 2. Lexical Resource (LR) 詞彙豐富度 3. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) 文法多樣性與準確度 4. Pronunciation (P) 發音
There are two versions of the Band Descriptors: the public version and the examiner's version.
Naturally, examiners use the examiner's version. Luckily, the two versions are nearly identical for Fluency and Coherence (FC), Lexical Resource (LR), and Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA). However, the public version's Pronunciation (P) criteria lacks important information, so I will explain the differences in more detail later in this chapter.
How, precisely, is the speaking score calculated? 口說分數到底是怎麼算出來的?
The four criteria (Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation) each receive an integer score and are rounded, but they are not rounded according to normal rounding rules. Speaking (and writing) scores are not rounded up - they are only rounded down. Note that this method of rounding is only for the Speaking and Writing scores but not for the Overall score. Let's look at a few examples to make it clearer:
The following scores all produce an Overall Band 7 以下四項評分標準的分數配置,都會讓口說成績變成Band 7
(FC-LR-GRA-P) 7-7-7-7 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 6-6-8-8(算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 8-7-6-7 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7) 9-7-5-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7.25) 8-8-7-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 7.25)
The following scores all produce an Overall Band 6.5 以下四項評分標準的分數配置,都會讓口說成績變成Band 6.5 (FC-LR-GRA-P) 7-7-6-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.5) 6-6-6-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.5) 7-7-7-6 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.75) 6-6-7-8 (算術平均Mathematical Average of 6.75)
As you can see, if you hope to get a band 7, you need to have at least an average of 7 or 7.25. This method of rounding is designed to make it more difficult to get high scores in speaking (and writing).
Let's now look at each criterion in more detail and specify what you are trying to accomplish and what you are trying to avoid for each. More information about how to specifically work on each area (FC, LR, GRA, and P) can be found in a separate chapter in Unit 2.
現在我們來仔細地看每一項評分標準的規則。我會具體的說明你要達成的目標和如何避免失分。在Unit 2裡,我也會逐一教你怎麼練習口說的流利度與連貫性(FC)、詞彙豐富度(LR)、文法多樣性與準確度(GRA)與發音(P)。 流利度與連貫性(Fluency and Coherence/FC) 考官會從以下四大面向來評分:
Fluency and Coherence (FC): 流利度與連貫性
You are being judged on four main areas: 考官會用以下四大方面來評分:
1. How continuous your speech is 說話的連續性(有沒有斷斷續續)
◼︎You must make sure your answers are long enough and keep speaking until you finish your ideas. You also need to finish clearly. ◼︎Do not give very short answers or long lists (For example, if you are asked, “What’s your neighbourhood like?”, you should not answer with “Convenient, quite safe, very quiet…” Such listing would give you a Band 4 in FC). ◼︎Do not repeat words and phrases. You especially don't want to mindlessly repeat the examiner's question. ◼︎Do not pause for a long time, especially to search for words. Too much pausing can lead to a Band 4 or lower. ◼︎Do not correct your grammar - it will interrupt your answer and may confuse the examiner.
◼︎你的回答內容一定要夠長,並且你能持續講,講到你把想講的話都講完為止。還有講話要有頭有尾,讓人聽得出來你講完了。 ◼︎不要給太簡短的答案或像流水帳的列點式回答,例如考官問 : What is your neighbourhood like? 你說 : Convenient, quite safe, very quiet...(列點式回答:沒有說明,只有列點,這樣你的FC會降到Band 4) ◼︎不要反覆說同樣的單字或片語,尤其是不要傻傻地把考官問的題目重新一模一樣講一遍。 ◼︎不要停頓太久,尤其是你在想 : 要怎麼講某個情況,或是你想不出那個單字怎麼說而停頓下來。注意! 停頓過長或過多都會讓你的FC降到Band 4或更低分。 ◼︎講話的時候,不要回頭糾正自己的文法—因為這樣會打斷你說話的流利度,也可能會造成考官的困惑,聽不太懂你到底要講什麼。
1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
(?) Myth 迷思#4:
Examiners prefer British accents, so you need to speak with a British accent. ╳ 考官偏好英國腔,所以你需要用英國腔說話。
Admittedly, this may seem logical because the IELTS is written by Cambridge, a British institution. However, examiners come from a variety of countries, and they themselves have a variety of accents. Furthermore, those examiners who do come from the UK are already used to a variety of accents from test takers. Therefore, you should not change your accent specifically for the IELTS because it would simply waste valuable time and not affect your speaking score whatsoever. 不可否認這個迷思似乎合邏輯,因為雅思是英國的機構-劍橋出產的考試。然而,考官來自於世界各地,他們各有自己的口音。再者,即使是來自於英國的考官,也已經習慣了考生的各種口音。所以,你不需要為了考雅思而特別改變你的英文腔調,那只會浪費你寶貴的練習時間,而且對你的口說分數沒有加分。
1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分表
You must study the Band Descriptors to understand exactly how you can achieve your ideal score. Your score is based (almost) 100% on the band descriptors, so understanding them is one of your top priorities. While most students are too lazy to study the Band Descriptors, you cannot afford to be. To give the examiners what they want, you must know how they are scoring you. If you have taken the IELTS multiple times in the past without mu...
“Drawing on the corpus of real IELTS questions reported by test-takers, Brett Lindsay provides IELTS Speaking test candidates with a meticulous break down of the speaking question types and the best strategies to deal with them, equipping candidates with handy chunks of natural sounding language that they can easily integrate with their own English speech, as opposed to the inappropriate clichés that IELTS students are so often encouraged to memorize and mechanically regurgitate.” 林熙老師透過應試者回報的雅思真實題庫(雅思機經真題),為雅思考生 精密分析口說題型,提供答題的最佳策略,以及精選道地母語人士常用的 搭配詞、慣用語。考生可以很自然地將其融入至自己的英文口說,而非一 般雅思考生經常被灌輸的記憶模板,機械性說出不恰當的陳腔濫調。 ―― Daniel Sansoni英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師
“This invaluable guide contains numerous examples of what both good and bad answers look like, along with thorough explanations, which reference the scoring rubric. In addition, the many strategies for overcoming common difficulties make this text a must-have for any serious IELTS candidate wishing to reach his or her exam g oals.” 這本無價之寶――《雅思口說教戰手冊》包含許多答題示範,根據評分標 準分析比較優劣答題範例。此外,多元應試策略點破考生常見的盲點。這 本書是任何一位認真準備雅思考生的必備寶典,引領他們達到目標分數。 ―― Dax Seutter前雅思口試考官/資深雅思教師
“The author provides clear, unique, and easy-to-follow directions for IELTS students. These directions show how your answers can be more natural, detailed, and interesting. That means a higher score! You will feel prepared and confident.” 作者為雅思考生提供了清楚、獨到且易於遵循的指導方針,教導你更自 然、更有深度且更有趣的答題技巧,也就是高分表達!這本書讓你做足 準備,自信應戰雅思口說。 ―― Brian Welter 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師
“Drawing on the corpus of real IELTS questions reported by test-takers, Brett Lindsay provides IELTS Speaking test candidates with a meticulous break down of the speaking question types and the best strategies to deal with them, equipping candidates with handy chunks of natural sounding language that they can easily integrate with their own English speech, as opposed to the inappropriate clichés that IELTS students are so often encouraged to memorize and mechanically regurgitate.” 林熙老...
Preface 作者序
Unit 1: Mini IELTS Overview 快速進入雅思的世界 1-1 General Overview of the IELTS 到底雅思是怎麼樣的考試 1-2 Speaking Test Overview 快速了解雅思口說 1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分標準 1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
Unit 2: How to prepare for the IELTS speaking test 必練!雅思口說的自我訓練法 Intro You MUST practice every single day! 一天不練口說,你就會生疏! 2-1 How to Practice Fluency and Coherence 怎麼練流利度與連貫性 2-2 How to Practice Vocabulary 怎麼練字彙 2-3 How to Practice Grammar 怎麼練文法 2-4 How to Practice Pronunciation 怎麼練發音 2-5 The Ultimate Answering System 老外思路答題法(AYEFX) 2-6 What you must do 考試你一定要做到的事! 2-7 What you must avoid 考試你千萬不要做的事!
Unit 3: Part 1 (Short Answers) 雅思口說第一部分 : 快問快答 3-1 How the examiner sees Part 1 考官眼裡的Part 1 3-2 The first four questions and the compulsory question set 考前四題 & 必考話題 3-3 How to use grammar for a high score 怎麼利用文法得到Part 1高分 3-4 Model answers to different topics 真題滿分答題示範
Unit 4: Part 2 (Long Turn) 雅思口說第二部分 : 換你講 4-1 How the examiner sees Part 2 考官眼裡的Part 2 4-2 How to use the prompts 沒人教過你提示卡真正的用法! 4-3 Note taking (or not) 找出適合你的筆記法! 4-4 The Master Stories Method - The Guaranteed Answer 主軸故事法-保證 Part 2 講滿兩分鐘! 4-5 Theme 1: Describe an Experience 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題一 : 描述一個經驗 4-6 Theme 2: Describe Information/Entertainment 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題二 : 描述資訊或娛樂 4-7 Theme 3: Describe an Object 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題三 : 描述一個物件 4-8 Theme 4: Describe a Person 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題四 : 描述一個人 4-9 Theme 5: Describe a Place 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題五 : 描述一個地方
Unit 5: Part 3 (Discussion) 雅思口說第三部分 : 探討 5-1 How the examiner sees Part 3 考官眼裡的Part 3 5-2 Good vs Bad Part 3 Answers 好的與不好的Part 3答題範例 5-3 How to repeat yourself without losing points 想重複講,又怕被扣分?不怕!我教你重述的藝術! 5-4 How to buy time 分秒必爭,要怎麼多爭幾秒而不被扣分?! 5-5 How to answer when you have nothing to say 沒話講的時候也不怕,我教你! 5-6 Questions divided into themes with model answers 真題滿分答題示範 5-7 How to cheat the system 口說考試也可以偷吃步!
Unit 6: Wrap up 說再見的時候了! 6-1 Greetings and Farewells 應對考官的基本禮節 6-2 Asking for clarification – be proactive! 不要當被動的考生,拿到主導權!高分在握! 6-3 Timing of your test 什麼時候去考試最好?
Afterword後記:Why this book is also suitable for people who simply want to improve their spoken English. 為什麼這本書也適合單純想把英文口說練好的人
Preface 作者序
Unit 1: Mini IELTS Overview 快速進入雅思的世界 1-1 General Overview of the IELTS 到底雅思是怎麼樣的考試 1-2 Speaking Test Overview 快速了解雅思口說 1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分標準 1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思
Unit 2: How to prepare for the IELTS speaking test 必練!雅思口說的自我訓練法 Intro You MUST practice every single day! 一天不練口說,你就會生疏! 2-1 How to Practice Fluency and Coherence 怎麼練流利度與連貫性 2-2 How to P...