Throughout human history, our hands have always beenthe primary medium of how we react and act towards thenature. With civilization, we started to use our hands inmore sophisticated ways: calligraphy, weaving, sculpture,sign language or even hand gesture sensors. What handscan achieve on its own has developed from making,crafting and decorating to a more abstract level of communicating,and interface-generation. And with these developments, we have witnessed a mind-blowing spectrumof designs and arts that nourish around the idea of handsand the messages hands can communicate.
In this issue, we will dive into the world of communicationdesigns that are created with hands, use hands as avisual element, or will change the way our hands interactwith information.
定價:NT$ 650
Throughout human history, our hands have always beenthe primary medium of how we react and act towards thenature. With civilization, we started to use our hands inmore sophisticated ways: calligraphy, weaving, sculpture,sign language or even hand gesture sensors. What handscan achieve on its own has developed from making,crafting and decorating to a more abstract level of communicating,and interface-generation. And with these developments, we have witnessed a mind-blowing spectrumof designs and arts that nourish around the idea of handsand the messages hands can communicate.
In this issue, we will dive into the world of communicationdesigns that are created with hands, use hands as avisual element, or will change the way our hands interactwith information.
※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,