In this Flow Issue 28:
To-do or not to-do?
Today's to-do lists never seem to get any shorter. Are we adding more stress to our lives with each new task we list?
New thinkers
According to Kate Raworth, economist and author of Doughnut Economics, it's time we look at the economy in a new way: we need to change our vision of what it is and how it works.
Clean me green
If you want to improve your health and well-being, follow in the footsteps of the Japanes and do some forest bathing.
Looking at life differently
It's nobody's idea of fun, but it pays to think about death now and then. Journalist Caroline Buijs explores life's finiteness.
Extra goodies: Flow mini course workbook and transparent stickers.
創意無所不在,只要用點心就做得到。Ray Bradbury說的好:「思想是創意的殺手」。創意是不請自來的,所以屬於頭腦的,向來就不是創意,充其量只是設計罷了。這是獻給喜歡手做藝術的讀者,尤其是喜歡動手畫、動手做,把自己心靈中的意像表露出來的讀者,最需要靈感的衝擊和醞釀。Flow Magazine正好提供了這麼豐富的園地,讓讀者的生活饒富樂趣。