Take a look inside The Rhythms Issue as we follow the stories of Matt McCormick, Jason Dill, Felipe Pantone, Easy Otabor, Buddy, NTS Radio and many more. With a cover by Matt McCormick and clocking in at 208 pages, this issue is a compilation of individual stories which celebrate the ups and downs, wrong turns and quiet moments of daily life that, together, bring us to wherever we so happen to be.
HYPEBEAST 目前為世界知名的生活與流行時尚媒體。對於目前創新的時尚以及文化,本刊扮演著突破性的角色,成長至今,已由單純的時尚延伸至藝術、設計與文化等不同的領域。
定價:NT$ 570
Take a look inside The Rhythms Issue as we follow the stories of Matt McCormick, Jason Dill, Felipe Pantone, Easy Otabor, Buddy, NTS Radio and many more. With a cover by Matt McCormick and clocking in at 208 pages, this issue is a compilation of individual stories which celebrate the ups and downs, wrong turns and quiet moments of daily life that, together, bring us to wherever we so happen to be.
HYPEBEAST 目前為世界知名的生活與流行時尚媒體。對於目前創新的時尚以及文化,本刊扮演著突破性的角色,成長至今,已由單純的時尚延伸至藝術、設計與文化等不同的領域。
※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,