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Karl Lagerfeld: A Man of Risky Fashion
─Treva Adams
You may see him in photographs, at a fashion show, or being interviewed on television. With his shining white hair, big black sunglasses, and tailored suits, Karl Lagerfeld is difficult to miss. However, it is his creativity and willingness to push the boundaries of taste that have made Lagerfeld a fashion legend.
Born in Germany in the 1930s, Lagerfeld studied drawing and history in Paris. Through a coat design competition, he obtained a position at the major fashion house Balmain, where he learned about the fashion business. From there, he went on to design for Jean Patou, Chlo?, and Fendi.
Where Lagerfeld truly became known was at Chanel. Twelve years after Coco Chanel’s death, the design house was looked upon as out-of-date. When it offered Lagerfeld the position of head designer, his friends said that the brand would never come back. Lagerfeld accepted the challenge, though, and made changes to the elegant clothes by adding a new, edgy vibe. When some said he went too far, he replied, “Sometimes bad taste is more creative than good taste.” The results worked, and Chanel began to attract younger, more rebellious customers.
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