特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!大家準備好和A+一起慶祝Christmas了嗎?不論是跟著Laura一起動手做敲口愛又美味的馴鹿形狀的聖誕小點心,或是和一群好友們一起去玩超夯的密室脫逃,都是不錯的12月份活動唷~最重要的是,我們還幫大家整理出跨年可以怎麼大玩特玩的好點子,是不是超貼心的呀?
So are you ready to celebrate December with A+ all month long? OMG, I can't wait!!
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!大家準備好和A+一起慶祝Christmas了嗎?不論是跟著Laura一起動手做敲口愛又美味的馴鹿形狀的聖誕小點心,或是和一群好友們一起去玩超夯的密室脫逃,都是不錯的12月份活動唷~最重要的是,我們還幫大家整理出跨年可以怎麼大玩特玩的好點子,是不是超貼心的呀?
So are you ready to celebrate December with A+ all month long? OMG, I can't wait!!
Bii is a Taiwanese-Korean singer. The two “i”s in his name reflects his two identities. Bii grew up in South Korea. However, a friend of his father introduced him to a music company in Taiwan. Soon, his life as a singer began.
Bii’s latest album, Bii Your Light, came out in October. The title shows how Bii feels about his fans’ support. In the past, their love gave him light. Now, he wants to bring light and hope to others. He will have a concert at Taipei Arena on December 9. The concert is called “My best Moment.” Bii plans to share the best moments from his life with all his fans.
Bii 是中韓混血歌手,名字裡的兩個 i 代表著兩個不同面向的他。Bii 是在韓國長大的;不過,他在父親朋友的引薦之下來到了臺灣的一間音樂公司。不久後,便展開了他的歌手生涯。
Bii 在十月釋出最新專輯《Bii Your Light》,專輯名稱表達了 Bii 對粉絲們的支持所產生的感受。過去,他們的愛給予他光芒;現在,他想要將光芒和希望帶給大家。
Bii 將在 12 月 9 日於臺北小巨蛋舉辦演唱會。演唱會名稱是「My Best Moment」,Bii 將會和所有粉絲們分享人生中最美好的時刻!
Bii is a Taiwanese-Korean singer. The two “i”s in his name reflects his two identities. Bii grew up in South Korea. However, a friend of his father introduced him to a music company in Taiwan. Soon, his life as a singer began.
Bii’s latest album, Bii Your Light, came out in October. The title shows how Bii feels about his fans’ support. In the past, their love gave him light. Now, he wants to bring light and hope to others. He will have a concert at Taipei Arena on December 9. The concert ...
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