A woman’s scream splits the night air. Her skin is pale, and on her neck are two red bite marks. She’s a vampire’s latest victim, and the dark-cloaked figure has drunk her blood to continue living eternally. This is the chilling legend of Dracula. Yet, haunting as it is, did you know its background is believed to have been inspired by a real place? That place is Bran Castle in Romania. This mysterious country has much more to offer than just stories, however. In fact, Romania has a charm all its own that makes it a must-visit travel destination.
A woman’s scream splits the night air. Her skin is pale, and on her neck are two red bite marks. She’s a vampire’s latest victim, and the dark-cloaked figure has drunk her blood to continue living eternally. This is the chilling legend of Dracula. Yet, haunting as it is, did you know its background is believed to have been inspired by a real place? That place is Bran Castle in Romania. This mysterious country has much more to offer than just stories, however. In fact, Romania has a charm all ...
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