你是否曾幻想過可以進入喜愛的動漫場景呢?諾德林根除了因與《進擊的巨人》場景過於相似,而成為粉絲間口耳相傳的新興景點,它更隱藏著一段由隕石撞擊所書寫的壯闊歷史。本期 ED 雜誌將帶你了解這座城鎮如何成為「鑽石城」的神奇故事。1&2月號還要帶你一遊臺南,歡慶這座美食古都的 400 年!
•Language Highlights:解析重點句型、字辨、文章賞析、文法,最適合熱愛英文的您自修!
•多益即時通單元:介紹多益考題裡常出現的主題單字,讓讀者能快速且有系統的學習,並透過練習全真模擬試題,更熟悉考試出題方向,取得高分 !
Translation1 can be a tricky2 business. Some words and expressions have a clear equivalent in another language, but others just don’t translate easily. Here are a few Chinese ones with cultural connotations that make them hard to express simply in English.
Jiā Yóu (加油)
Literally, this means “add oil,” but this phrase is frequently used as encouragement. Depending on the context, the expression can also be used to cheer people up after a disappointment, or wish people good luck. In English, each of these situations has its own sayings.
Translation1 can be a tricky2 business. Some words and expressions have a clear equivalent in another language, but others just don’t translate easily. Here are a few Chinese ones with cultural connotations that make them hard to express simply in English.
Jiā Yóu (加油)
Literally, this means “add oil,” but this phrase is frequently used as encouragement. Depending on the context, the expression can also be used to cheer people up after a disappointment, or wish people good luck. In English...
1-2 封面
3 雜誌使用說明
4-7 目錄
8-10 Unit 1 翻譯這些中文詞彙很燒腦!But What Does It Really Mean? “Untranslatable” Chinese Expressions
11-13 Unit 2 主題寫作 Topic-Based Writing
14-17 Unit 3 健康飲食的不二選擇:鷹嘴豆 Fuel Your Health with Nutritious Chickpeas
18-21 Unit 4《理想丈夫》:愛情、權力、道德三者皆可得?Morality and Marriage Explored in An Ideal Husband
22-25 Unit 5 文法複習
26-29 Unit 6 冬季睡眠時間大解密 Cracking the Code of Winter Sleep Patterns
30-35 Unit 7 臺南 400:從歷史古都到美食天堂 Tainan 400: From Past to Palate
36-38 Unit 8 新聞 Digest
39-42 Unit 9 中譯英 Translation
43 聽力測驗 1
44-46 Unit 10 命名疾病不簡單 小心地名帶來的誤區 From COVID-19 to Ebola: The Problem with Naming Diseases
47 聽測解答 1
48-51 Unit 11 誰是兇手?劇本殺帶你一起抽絲剝繭 All in the Game: Murder, Mystery… and Mealtime!
52-55 Unit 12 多益 TOEIC
56-58 Unit 13 簡涵寫作 Letter Writing
59 聽力測驗 2
60-63 Unit 14 小鎮諾德林根的多重身份 從隕石巨坑到動漫場景 Fantasy Meets Reality in Nördlingen
64-67 Unit 15 新聞 Watch
68-73 Unit 16 從美國大學錄取政策爭端反思教育平等 How the US Supreme Court’s Ruling Impacts College Admissions and Diversity
74-78 Unit 17 文法複習
79 聽測解答 2
80-86 翻譯
87-92 字卡
1-2 封面
3 雜誌使用說明
4-7 目錄
8-10 Unit 1 翻譯這些中文詞彙很燒腦!But What Does It Really Mean? “Untranslatable” Chinese Expressions
11-13 Unit 2 主題寫作 Topic-Based Writing
14-17 Unit 3 健康飲食的不二選擇:鷹嘴豆 Fuel Your Health with Nutritious Chickpeas
18-21 Unit 4《理想丈夫》:愛情、權力、道德三者皆可得?Morality and Marriage Explored in An Ideal Husband
22-25 Unit 5 文法複習
26-29 Unit 6 冬季睡眠時間大解密 Cracking the Code of Winter Sleep Patterns
30-35 Unit 7 臺南 400:從...
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