Latte art, the technique that baristas use to craft patterns on the surface of lattes and cappuccinos, represents modern coffee culture. The primary method for crafting latte art involves pouring steamed milk into espresso to create hearts, flowers, leaves, and other detailed designs. Controlling how the milk flows takes a lot of practice and patience.
Though the craft first appeared in Italy in the early 20th century, its real growth in popularity took place in Seattle, US. In 1988, café owner David Schomer noticed a colleague, who was raised in northern Italy, pouring patterns into coffee. The idea occurred to him that this could become an art form in itself. Schomer then focused on training more baristas in the craft, thus growing and spreading latte art across the world.
Latte art, the technique that baristas use to craft patterns on the surface of lattes and cappuccinos, represents modern coffee culture. The primary method for crafting latte art involves pouring steamed milk into espresso to create hearts, flowers, leaves, and other detailed designs. Controlling how the milk flows takes a lot of practice and patience.
Though the craft first appeared in Italy in the early 20th century, its real growth in popularity took place in Seattle, US. In 1988, café owner...
1-2 封面
3 雜誌使用說明
4-7 目錄
8-11 Unit 1 咖啡上的畫布 探索拉花的魅力 Latte Art: A Canvas in a Cup
12-14 Unit 2 新聞 Watch
15-17 Unit 3 主題寫作 Topic-Based Writing
18-23 Unit 4 從《黑桃皇后》認識俄國文學之父普希金 Greed Punished in Pushkin’s “The Queen of Spades”
24-27 Unit 5 滑不停的「抖音腦」背後 你的記憶力還好嗎?How TikTok Brain Affects You
28-31 Unit 6 多益 TOEIC
32-34 Unit 7 探索澳洲地下城市——庫伯佩地 Beneath the Surface: Uncovering Coober Pedy’s Hidden World
35-38 Unit 8 中譯英 Translation
39 聽力測驗 1
40-44 Unit 9 蠟像王國的背後:杜莎夫人的勵志傳奇 The Tale behind Madame Tussaud and Her Wax Museum
45 聽測解答 1
46-49 Unit 10 環保奇蹟:從電子垃圾中重新提煉黃金 Green Chemistry Unlocks Gold in E-Waste
50-52 Unit 11 新聞 Digest
53-56 Unit 12 看圖寫作 Picture Writing
57 聽力測驗 2
58-61 Unit 13 透過車窗看世界 得來速的起源和發展 The History of Drive-Through Restaurants
62-64 Unit 14 一小時的奇妙變化 帶你認識「夏令時間」 The Two Sides of Daylight Saving Time
65 聽測解答 2
66-71 Unit 15 長照之路:面對人口老化,臺灣如何積極應對? Tackling Taiwan’s Aging Dilemma Head-On
72-75 Unit 16 文法複習
76-82 翻譯
83-88 字卡
1-2 封面
3 雜誌使用說明
4-7 目錄
8-11 Unit 1 咖啡上的畫布 探索拉花的魅力 Latte Art: A Canvas in a Cup
12-14 Unit 2 新聞 Watch
15-17 Unit 3 主題寫作 Topic-Based Writing
18-23 Unit 4 從《黑桃皇后》認識俄國文學之父普希金 Greed Punished in Pushkin’s “The Queen of Spades”
24-27 Unit 5 滑不停的「抖音腦」背後 你的記憶力還好嗎?How TikTok Brain Affects You
28-31 Unit 6 多益 TOEIC
32-34 Unit 7 探索澳洲地下城市——庫伯佩地 Beneath the Surface: Uncovering Coober Pedy’s Hidden World
35-38 U...