Dragons of the East and West
Get Motivated with Dopamine Dressing
Are Phones Listening to What We Say?
培養升學.英語檢定.進修實力 / 詞彙程度約 4000~7000字 / 國內幾乎高中生人手一本的《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀者需求,多年來深獲全台英文老師的口碑肯定並訂購的雜誌,為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子推薦雜誌的第 一品牌!長期雜誌訂閱,戰勝108課綱,輕鬆提升核心素養,每天只要30分鐘,學測、英檢、多益、商英統統難不倒你!
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:
February 2024
For many places around the world, February is the month of romance. It’s a time to give boxes of chocolates to the ones you love. However, this much-loved treat can be a danger to many animals. To learn more about the hazards of chocolate, check out the article “The Danger of Chocolate to Pets.” While most people love chocolate, there are a few picky eaters who don’t. “Are You a Picky Eater or a Supertaster?” discusses people with unique taste perceptions. One flavor combination that almost everyone loves is the blend of salty and sweet. Check out “The Perfect Mix of Salty and Sweet” to discover the science behind this tasty combination. For many people, the cold and dark February weather can put them down in the dumps. They might want to consider dopamine dressing to lift their mood. The article “Get Motivated with Dopamine Dressing” details the rise of this popular fashion trend. Like dopamine dressing, the rest of the articles in the February issue of Analytical English are sure to put you in a good mood. Analytical Editors
特別收錄 / 編輯的話:February 2024
For many places around the world, February is the month of romance. It’s a time to give boxes of chocolates to the ones you love. However, this much-loved treat can be a danger to many animals. To learn more about the hazards of chocolate, check out the article “The Danger of Chocolate to Pets.” While most people love chocolate, there are a few picky eaters who don’t. “Are You a Picky Eater or a Supertaster?” discusses people with unique taste percep...
【詞彙測驗】 Vocabulary Test
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation
【克漏字】 The Danger of Chocolate to Pets 美味巧克力竟是牠們的 毒藥?
【新聞集錦】 The Environmental Impact of AI 人工智慧對環境的影響 / Writers Guild of America Approves6 New Contract 美國編劇工會批准新合約
【文意選填】 Get Motivated with Dopamine Dressing 你今天多巴胺穿搭了嗎?
【主題寫作】 That Special Day of the Year 生日年年有 你都怎麼過?
【閱讀測驗】 Are Phones Listening to What We Say? 注意!手機可能正在聽你說話
【篇章結構】 Comfort Awaits in the New Office 兼具舒適與奢華感︰歡迎來到未來辦公室
【閱讀測驗】 Dragons of the East and West 東西方龍大比拼
【閱讀測驗】 Dragons of the East and West 東西方龍大比拼
【圖片寫作】 A Dream Journey 夢境之旅
【混合題型】 Are You a Picky Eater or a Supertaster? 萬中無一的超級味覺者
【克漏字(素養快充站)】 Makarapas Bring the Fun to the World Cup 酷炫世足賽應援盔:馬卡拉帕
【混合題型】 Wet Markets: A One- Stop Shop for the Freshest Food Around 吃貨必逛:你要的「新鮮」都在這!
【混合題型】 Wet Markets: A One- Stop Shop for the Freshest Food Around 吃貨必逛:你要的「新鮮」都在這!
【新聞英語】 US Company Receives Fine for Space Junk 首張太空垃圾罰單!Dish Network 遭罰 1 5 萬美元
【歷史迴廊(全程英文講解)】 The Gutenberg Bible Changes Everything 《古騰堡聖經》的誕生
【文意選填】 Hunting for Easter Eggs 電影迷集合!尋找彩蛋時間到~
【閱讀測驗(全程英文講解)】 Small Ducks with Big Personalities 鴨界的掌上明珠 認識軟萌柯爾鴨
【篇章結構(素養快充站)】 The Perfect Mix of Salty and Sweet 一加一大於二的美味
【解析文法】 完整學習教材為「 BA21 賴世雄圖解英文法」
【詞彙測驗】 Vocabulary Test
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation
【克漏字】 The Danger of Chocolate to Pets 美味巧克力竟是牠們的 毒藥?
【新聞集錦】 The Environmental Impact of AI 人工智慧對環境的影響 / Writers Guild of America Approves6 New Contract 美國編劇工會批准新合約
【文意選填】 Get Motivated with Dopamine Dressing 你今天多巴胺穿搭了嗎?
【主題寫作】 That Special Day of the Year 生日年年有 你都怎麼過?
【閱讀測驗】 Are Phones Listening to What We Say? 注意!手機可能正在聽你說話
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