1. Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead - Crash Test Dummies, Ellen Reid
2. New Age Girl - Deadeye Dick
3. Insomniac - Echobelly
4. If You Don't Love Me (I'll Kill Myself) - Pete Droge
5. Crash ['95 Mix][Version] - The Primitives
6. Whiney Whiney (What Really Drives Me Crazy) - Willi One Blood
7. Where I Find My Heaven - Gigolo Aunts
8. Hurdy Gurdy Man - Butthole Surfers
9. Too Much of a Good Thing - Bret Reilly, Sons
10. Bear Song - Green Jelly
11. Take - Lupins
12. You Sexy Thing - Deee-Lite
13. Get Ready - The Proclaimers
1. Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead - Crash Test Dummies, Ellen Reid
2. New Age Girl - Deadeye Dick
3. Insomniac - Echobelly
4. If You Don't Love Me (I'll Kill Myself) - Pete Droge
5. Crash ['95 Mix][Version] - The Primitives
6. Whiney Whiney (What Really Drives Me Crazy) - Willi One Blood
7. Where I Find My Heaven - Gigolo Aunts
8. Hurdy Gurdy Man - Butthole Surfers
9. Too Much of a Good Thing - Bret Reilly, Sons
10. Bear Song - Green Jelly
11. Take - Lupins
12. You Sexy Thing - Deee...
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