1. Phiry — The Bird Sings
2. Duma Orphaned
3. Cute Kitten Montage
4. Dad Sick
5. Move To City
6. At School
7. Coming Home
8. Pushing Motorcycle
9. Land Yacht
10. Leaving Rip
11. Duma Sees Crocs
12. Land Yacht Remix
13. Croc River
14. Change
15. Freedom
16. Goodnight
17. Run To Village
18. Xan And Duma Say Goodbye
19. Issa Lullaby
1. Phiry — The Bird Sings
2. Duma Orphaned
3. Cute Kitten Montage
4. Dad Sick
5. Move To City
6. At School
7. Coming Home
8. Pushing Motorcycle
9. Land Yacht
10. Leaving Rip
11. Duma Sees Crocs
12. Land Yacht Remix
13. Croc River
14. Change
15. Freedom
16. Goodnight
17. Run To Village
18. Xan And Duma Say Goodbye
19. Issa Lullaby
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