定價:NT$ 299
就在被美國邊界警探飛車追逐,與後座血淋淋屍體的雙重壓力夾殺下,車手(梅爾吉勃遜 飾)在美國邊哨站翻了車,也陰錯陽差地在墨西哥「落了腳」。經過墨西哥官方的判決,他被送往墨西哥最惡名昭彰的監獄,當地人在裡面都很難混得下去,更別說是他這個「美佬」外地人,但大難不死真有後福,一個十歲的小孩(凱文赫南迪茲 飾),成了他不幸中大幸的一線生機,這個看似他有生以來最衰的夏天,反擊時刻即將到來。
During a high-speed car chase with the US Border Patrol, and a bleeding body in his back seat, Driver flips his car smashing through the border wall, tumbling violently, coming to a stop ... in Mexico. Apprehended by the Mexican authorities, he is sent to a hard-core prison where he enters the strange and dangerous world of El Pueblito, the worst prison in all of Mexico. Not an easy place for an outsider such as Driver to survive, unless its with the help of someone who knows the ropes - a 10 year-old kid.
導演:亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg
編劇:梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
製片:布魯斯戴維Bruce Davey、梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson(致命武器系列、驚爆萬惡城)金球獎最佳男主角入圍
凱文赫南迪茲Kevin Hernandez(兼差保姆)
丹尼爾吉梅內茲卡秋Daniel Giménez Cacho(壞教慾、魔鬼銀爪)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg
編劇:梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
製片:布魯斯戴維Bruce Davey、梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson(致命武器系列、驚爆萬惡城)金球獎最佳男主角入圍
凱文赫南迪茲Kevin Hernandez(兼差保姆)
丹尼爾吉梅內茲卡秋Daniel Giménez Cacho(壞教慾、魔鬼銀爪)
作者:梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson,凱文赫南迪茲Kevin Hernandez,丹尼爾吉梅內茲卡秋Daniel Giménez Cacho
定價:NT$ 299
就在被美國邊界警探飛車追逐,與後座血淋淋屍體的雙重壓力夾殺下,車手(梅爾吉勃遜 飾)在美國邊哨站翻了車,也陰錯陽差地在墨西哥「落了腳」。經過墨西哥官方的判決,他被送往墨西哥最惡名昭彰的監獄,當地人在裡面都很難混得下去,更別說是他這個「美佬」外地人,但大難不死真有後福,一個十歲的小孩(凱文赫南迪茲 飾),成了他不幸中大幸的一線生機,這個看似他有生以來最衰的夏天,反擊時刻即將到來。
During a high-speed car chase with the US Border Patrol, and a bleeding body in his back seat, Driver flips his car smashing through the border wall, tumbling violently, coming to a stop ... in Mexico. Apprehended by the Mexican authorities, he is sent to a hard-core prison where he enters the strange and dangerous world of El Pueblito, the worst prison in all of Mexico. Not an easy place for an outsider such as Driver to survive, unless its with the help of someone who knows the ropes - a 10 year-old kid.
導演:亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg
編劇:梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
製片:布魯斯戴維Bruce Davey、梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson(致命武器系列、驚爆萬惡城)金球獎最佳男主角入圍
凱文赫南迪茲Kevin Hernandez(兼差保姆)
丹尼爾吉梅內茲卡秋Daniel Giménez Cacho(壞教慾、魔鬼銀爪)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg
編劇:梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、亞卓安葛朗柏格Adrian Grunberg、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
製片:布魯斯戴維Bruce Davey、梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson、史戴西柏斯基Stacy Perskie
梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson(致命武器系列、驚爆萬惡城)金球獎最佳男主角入圍
凱文赫南迪茲Kevin Hernandez(兼差保姆)
丹尼爾吉梅內茲卡秋Daniel Giménez Cacho(壞教慾、魔鬼銀爪)
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