Part One Introduction
Ⅰ.English and Standards of English Pronunciation
Ⅱ.Good Pronunciation
Ⅲ.Purpose of This Course
Ⅳ.Organs of Speech
Ⅴ.English Phonemes
Ⅵ.English Letters
Ⅶ.Relationship Among English Phonemes, Syllables, Phonetic Transcription, Letters,Word and Sentence
Ⅸ.Way to Learn English Pronunciation Well
Part Two Phonemes
Lesson One Front Vowels( 前母音 )/1:/ /i/ /e/ /ze/
Lesson Two Plosives(爆破音)/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /9/
Lesson Three Nasals(鼻音)and Lateral(邊音)/m/ /n/ /rj/and/1/
Lesson Four /a:/ /eL/ /aL/ /f/ /v/ /w! /j/
Lesson Five /s/ /z/ /S/ /3/ /0/ /5/
Lesson Six /ts/ /dz/ /tJ / /d3/ /h/ /r/ /tr/ /dr/
Lesson Seven /A/ /u:/ /u/ /au/ /3:/ /3/ /3i/ ~
Lesson Eight /~:/ /o/ /ou/ /in/ /~o/ /u~/
Revision and Exercise for Lesson One-Lesson Eight
Part Three Phonetic Theory ..
Lesson Nine 音節與詞重音( Syllables and Word Stress)
Lesson Ten 讀音規則( Rules of Reading)
Lesson Eleven 輔音連綴( Consonant Clusters)
Lesson Twelve 連讀與同化( Liaisons and Assimilation)
Lesson Thirteen 弱讀與強讀(Weak Form and Strong Form)
Lesson Fourteen 句子重音(Sentence Stress)
Lesson Fifteen 節奏與意群(Rhythm and Sense Group)
Lesson Sixteen 語調(Intonation)
Revision and Exercise for Lesson Nine-Lesson Fifteen
Part One Introduction Ⅰ.English and Standards of English Pronunciation Ⅱ.Good Pronunciation Ⅲ.Purpose of This Course Ⅳ.Organs of Speech Ⅴ.English Phonemes Ⅵ.English Letters Ⅶ.Relationship Among English Phonemes, Syllables, Phonetic Transcription, Letters,Word and Sentence Ⅸ.Way to Learn English Pronunciation Well Part Two Phonemes Lesson One Front Vowels( 前母音 )/1:/ /i/ /e/ /ze/ Lesson Two Plosives(爆破音)/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /9/ Lesson Three Nasals(鼻音)and Lateral(邊音...