定價:NT$ 300
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 285
港灣及海岸地區之結構物常採用樁基礎設計,進行考慮土壤-樁基礎-上部結構系統於液化前後之動態互制分析為進行結構設計、安全評估及研擬防制對策之要件。本年度計畫將進行土壤非線性與孔隙水壓激發行為且可模擬基樁與上部結構之三維有效應力動態模擬,分析棧橋式碼頭考慮土壤側潰之動態反應,與前期大尺寸地表震源重模試坑單樁液化試驗結果對數值分析結果進行修正,利用相關成果進行現地營運中碼頭動態監測站規劃與安裝。成果與效益: 1.本研究計畫完成之棧橋式碼頭動態有效應力分析,可應用在震後土層液化分佈之快速評估與災害速報系統,并提供相關單位功能性設計之參考。 2.依據本現地模擬地震之液化試驗研究分析方法與結果,可作為本所、或相關單位後續災害應變管理及執行港灣及海岸地區災況模擬研究計畫之參考。
For pile in liquefiable soils, analyzing the soil-pile-superstructure dynamic behaviors prior to and after liquefaction is an essential issue for proper structure configuration, seismic safety assessments, and countermeasure designs. This project will implement state of the art numerical techniques, which take into account the nonlinearity and pore pressure generation behavior of soils, to perform three dimensional, effective stress-based, dynamic soil-pile-superstructure interaction analyses. Large-scale dynamic pile testing on liquefied soil using large-energy vibration source on surface will verify the numerical results. The calibrated numerical procedure and experience from large scale physical modeling will be implemented to design the long-term monitoring station, and a pilot instrumentation system will be developed and implemented in a currently running wharf. ACHIEVEMENT AND BENEFIT: 1. The results of effective dynamic stress analyses on a pile-support wharf can be implemented for quick evaluation of spatial liquefaction distribution and development of a real-time seismic assessment system. 2. The results of seismic scenic simulations will provide background information on the development of disaster management and response systems in harbor areas for associated administrations.
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 285 NT$ 300
港灣及海岸地區之結構物常採用樁基礎設計,進行考慮土壤-樁基礎-上部結構系統於液化前後之動態互制分析為進行結構設計、安全評估及研擬防制對策之要件。本年度計畫將進行土壤非線性與孔隙水壓激發行為且可模擬基樁與上部結構之三維有效應力動態模擬,分析棧橋式碼頭考慮土壤側潰之動態反應,與前期大尺寸地表震源重模試坑單樁液化試驗結果對數值分析結果進行修正,利用相關成果進行現地營運中碼頭動態監測站規劃與安裝。成果與效益: 1.本研究計畫完成之棧橋式碼頭動態有效應力分析,可應用在震後土層液化分佈之快速評估與災害速報系統,并提供相關單位功能性設計之參考。 2.依據本現地模擬地震之液化試驗研究分析方法與結果,可作為本所、或相關單位後續災害應變管理及執行港灣及海岸地區災況模擬研究計畫之參考。
For pile in liquefiable soils, analyzing the soil-pile-superstructure dynamic behaviors prior to and after liquefaction is an essential issue for proper structure configuration, seismic safety assessments, and countermeasure designs. This project will implement state of the art numerical techniques, which take into account the nonlinearity and pore pressure generation behavior of soils, to perform three dimensional, effective stress-based, dynamic soil-pile-superstructure interaction analyses. Large-scale dynamic pile testing on liquefied soil using large-energy vibration source on surface will verify the numerical results. The calibrated numerical procedure and experience from large scale physical modeling will be implemented to design the long-term monitoring station, and a pilot instrumentation system will be developed and implemented in a currently running wharf. ACHIEVEMENT AND BENEFIT: 1. The results of effective dynamic stress analyses on a pile-support wharf can be implemented for quick evaluation of spatial liquefaction distribution and development of a real-time seismic assessment system. 2. The results of seismic scenic simulations will provide background information on the development of disaster management and response systems in harbor areas for associated administrations.
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