優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 216 NT$ 245
Jack and Annie are whisked down under to the land of Australia, where they save a baby kangaroo, a koala, and other animals from a raging wildfire.
野火! 當神奇樹屋將傑克與安妮帶到澳洲大陸時,他們必須對抗這場大火災。而兄妹倆一點都不孤單。他們必須幫助一隻袋鼠寶寶和無尾熊逃離大火熊熊的森林。傑克與安妮能夠及時救出受困的動物嗎?想知道答案的話,只能在第二十集的故事中一窺究竟喔!
作者:瑪麗.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne):
Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce are sisters who grew up on army posts all over the world. Mary is the author of over 50 acclaimed books for children. Natalie has worked as a children’s librarian and as a teacher of English and E.S.L. This is their ninth book together.
繪者: Sal Murdocca
Sal Murdocca has illustrated more than 200 children’s trade and textbooks. He is also a librettist for children’s opera, a video artist, an avid runner, hiker, and bicyclist, and a teacher of children’s illustration at the Parsons School of Design. He lives and works in New York with his wife, Nancy.