UNIT 1 數字篇
1. 一清二楚 crystal clear
2. 兩敗俱傷 Both sides suffer.
3. 三思而行 Think twice.
4. 四面八方 from every side
5. 五光十色 bright with many colors
6. 六親不認 turn one’s back on one’s flesh and blood
7. 七嘴八舌 all talking at once
8. 八面玲瓏 a smooth operator
9. 九霄雲外 cast to the winds
10. 一見鍾情 love at first sight
11. 一拍即合 hit it off right away
12. 一心一意 wholeheartedly
13. 一諾千金 A promise is a promise.
14. 一馬當先 take the lead
15. 一鳴驚人 set the world on fire
16. 一毛不拔 very stingy
17. 一貧如洗 as poor as a church mouse
18. 一刀兩斷 make a clean break
19. 兩小無猜 innocent playmates
20. 兩相情願 Both parties are willing
21. 兩全其美 satisfy both sides
22. 三番五次 again and again
23. 三令五申 repeated orders and instructions
24. 三五成群 in threes and fours
25. 四平八穩 as steady as a rock
26. 四通八達 be accessible from all directions
27. 四海為家 feel at home wherever one goes
28. 五花八門 all kinds of
29. 五湖四海 all corners of the land
30. 五體投地 be lost in admiration
31. 六神無主 out of one’s wits
32. 六親無靠 have nobody to turn to
33. 六根清淨 free from human desires and passions
34. 七零八落 at sixes and seven
35. 七手八腳 too many cooks
36. 七上八下 be agitated
37. 一舉兩得 Kill two birds with one stone.
38. 接二連三 one after another
39. 張三李四 Tom, Dick and Harry
40. 四分五裂 fall apart
41. 五顏六色 all the colors of the rainbow
42. 七拼八湊 scrape together
43. 九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket
44. 十拿九穩 in the bag
45. 十全十美 be all roses
46. 百折不撓 Never say die.
47. 百讀不厭 be worth reading many times
48. 百年不遇 once-in-a-century
49. 千言萬語 a thousand words
50. 千山萬水 a thousand miles
51. 千變萬化 ever-changing
52. 萬籟俱寂 The air is very still.
53. 萬人空巷 The whole town turns out.
54. 萬象更新 Everything is fresh again.
UNIT 2 「一~九」開頭的中文成語英譯
一清二楚 crystal clear
兩敗俱傷 Both sides suffer.
三思而行 Think twice.
四面八方 from every side
五光十色 bright with many colors
六親不認 turn one’s back on one’s flesh and blood
七嘴八舌 all talking at once
八面玲瓏 a smooth operator
九霄雲外 cast to the winds