1 道光皇帝大閱兵
The Parade of Emperor Daoguang
Emperor Daoguang during Qing Dynasty reviewed the “Eight Banners” Guards every New Year’s Day in the Royal Palace in Beijing. Generals of the Ministry of War in feudal China were as brave as lions and they covered soldiers with tiger skins, painting beast patterns on their shields.
The parade witnessed the officers wearing shiny helmets, with about 8 inches of feathers on the top, decorated with golden tops and HuaLings (a kind of peacock feather). They are wearing blue or purple silk robes and black satin boots. Shiny bright jewels are inlaid in the handle of the sword, the corner piece of bows and the gunstock of matchlocks. All kinds of flags are fluttering in the wind. Soldiers are carrying sedan-chairs and holding lanterns as well as dragon flags. The live royal band performs with gongs and drums. There are some wind instruments in the shape of dragons, snakes and fish, accompanied by countless clarinets and pipas.
2 圓明園正大光明殿
The Open and Above Aboard Hall in the Old Summer Palace
The 19th century of China is during the period of Great Qing Empire with an impressive and dignified manner all over the world. In Beijing, lofty palaces and row upon row of scattered houses were well organized. The Old Summer Palace became even more magnificent and gorgeous owing to reception of foreign emissaries. In the 11-square-mile park, the rockery mountain, the pond and the winding stream integrated with over 30 independent palaces perfectly.
The Open and Above Aboard Hall, built on four feet tall granite steps, is surrounded by logs painted in red to sustain the canopy top. The intervals of the inner row of pillars are filled with four feet tall brick walls, on which are decorated with lattice frames made by Hanji (a kind of Korean paper), switching freely according to the temperature change. The craft of the palace ground is simple and austere, arranged like the checkerboard with beautiful grey floor spreading on it. The golden dragon chair is standing stately in the middle of the hall. In front of the door are placed two big drums, which would be played when the emperor arrived.
3 虎丘山帝王行宮
The Imperial Palace of Tiger Hill
The imperial palace of Tiger Hill is located among hills 9 miles away from the northwest of Suzhou. There are two words “虎Hu” and “丘Qiu” written on the rock in the centre of the painting, which is the name of this place. The origin of this name has a legend: During the Spring and Autumn period, the emperor of Wu was buried here. After 3 days, a white tiger was seen crouching on the tombstone for several days and came here regularly every year. There was a saying that when the first emperor of Qin (Qin Shihuang) would like to destroy the graveyard, this white tiger would appear. Owing to this historical allusion and the exquisite scenery here, the officers of Qin Dynasty Wang Xun and Wang Min built the villa in the valley. Behind the Imperial Palace are rocks crossing over the deep valley and connecting with the cliff opposite. The beautiful Tiger Hill Pagoda is on the top of the cliff, having a broad field of vision, which used to be part of the River Temple.
4 官老爺出巡
The Officer Patrol
Dressed in curtains and tassels, the sedan has a silk net intertwined with silver wires covering and the decorative ball on its top. Two bamboo rods come through locks on both sides of the sedan, connecting with each other by the rope. Below the rope comes across another shorter rod, both ends of which are shouldered by bearers. Four bearers share the weight and when they get tired, another four bearers will follow and be ready to shift.
A group of servants walk in front of the sedan: some beat gongs and others shout to remind people to let the way. What’s more, there is a person with a short stick to alert the populace surrounding, who are watching the bustling. When reaching the destination, someone will step forward to send the red slip. If respondents are during the funeral period, then the slip will be the white slip with blue words on it. This is the officer patrol. When it comes to the emperor patrol, the sedan will become the larger one with eight bearers, matched with cavalry guards in yellow uniforms.
5 官家宅院
The Official House
The house of Chinese officials is around the rippling lake, with wooden lattice pillars supporting the gorgeous building. The double-layer roof of the guesthouse on the right side is amazing. Looking out from the balcony, you can see a big arch bridge stretching across the lake in the middle, behind which stands a tall pagoda. The roof resembles an upside-down lotus bell.
Chinese in the 19th century enjoy decorating with some Buddhist-related items such as lotuses, porcelains, lanterns and statues of Buddha. They also decorate porches and windows with mulberry leaves. Buddhism is what the soul depends on, just like mulberry leaves are what silkworms depend on and silk is what the contribution to Chinese treasury depends on. This ikon is actually based on the house of royal family Anlibo. Judging from the decoration of balconies and flower racks using “Trafalgar” style and the part imitation of twisted branches, we can imagine the devotion of the host to the construction.
6 官員府邸
The Official Residence
With the hair fixed by the golden or silver hairpin and the forehead decorated with the headband, the wife is sitting on the bamboo chair embroidered with silk, the husband is smoking and standing beside, the wet nurse is bringing children to gather together and a businessman is showing around and promoting his products.
We can get to know the actual lifestyle of Chinese according to the internal and external decoration style of the residence. Although the exterior decoration and its luxury degree are no match for those in ancient Greece and Rome, their arrangements of the residence are very similar by accident. The hall, the courtyard and the road from porch to bedroom are narrow and filled with twists and turns, but the external wall is easy to climb. Fortunately, this residence is safer than expected owing to customs and habits as well as judicial efficiency.
1 道光皇帝大閱兵
The Parade...
導讀 重現十九世紀的歷史面貌
如何重構十九世紀中國的面貌,除了檔案、史料、回憶錄、出土文物之外,最重要的是圖像,包括照片、繪畫、版刻等,這些圖像具有賞析的作用,更有助於歷史建築的重建。然而,這些材料既稀有亦不容易取得,裘國英先生戮力蒐集古籍,此次蒐集十九世紀的刻印畫英國畫家Thomas Allom(阿龍)的畫作,內容多元而精緻,有助於了解十九世紀中國的各種風貌。
本書主要以Thomas Allom的作品為主,他是十九世紀大英皇家建築師,在倫敦設計了許多建築物,包括聖彼得教堂和諾丁山優雅的Ladbroke莊園。一八四三年在英國出版《圖說中國帝國》(The Chinese empire illustrated,有些翻譯成《百年前的中國》),這本書問世,立即成為英國,乃至歐洲著名以繪畫本呈現的中國歷史教科書,是西方主流社會了解中國的主要讀物。當時歐洲人關於中國的知識,有些從這部書中獲得,中國較有名的圓明園、長城、景山、午門、運河、虎丘塔、雷峰塔、報恩寺、琉璃塔、金山寺、龍舟、燈籠、宴請、婚禮,乃至祭拜、擲骰子等都經由這本書流布於歐洲。
Thomas Allom的版畫比用相機拍攝更美,刻劃的內容相當豐富,到處都是古老中華帝國的風光、建築及社會習俗。有上層統治者的生活紀錄,如道光皇帝大閱兵、官員府邸、官老爺出巡等;有庶民生活,如通州賣茶和賣貓商人、迎親隊伍、天津大劇院、端午龍舟賽、賣菜船工與鸕鶿捕魚、養蠶人家等;有中國重要建築,如大報恩寺琉璃寶塔、鼓浪嶼、萬里長城、北海公園、南京古城等,不僅可了解當時中國官宦富豪居住之精美,並可一窺庶民生活況味,帶領我們進入十九世紀中國各地的情境,猶如一部十九世紀中國的精美旅遊手冊。畫中有許多建築基於戰火或其他因素現已不復存在,如南京大報恩寺琉璃寶塔、廈門城門牌樓、南京古城、乍浦古橋等,雖經修建,然與十九世紀時期的實景仍有一段落差,這些版畫有助於重現當時歷史的面貌。
導讀 重現十九世紀的歷史面貌
十九世紀的刻印畫出現最多的畫家要屬英國的Thomas Allom,我給他取個綽號叫「阿龍」。其實阿龍是個建築師,許多倫敦的名邸都出自他手,他也是英倫建築師學會的創辦人。
導讀 重現十九世紀的歷史面貌
自序 古董刻印畫裡的歷史實境
1 道光皇帝大閱兵
2 圓明園正大光明殿
3 虎丘山帝王行宮
4 官老爺出巡
5 官家宅院
6 官員府邸
7 官府宴客
8 官宦女眷的生活娛樂
9 官家庭院裡的雜耍表演
10 大家閨秀的閨房
11 長城的盡
12 萬里長城
13 北海公園
14 西直門
15 普陀山普濟寺
16 大報恩寺琉璃寶塔
17 鎮江河口
18 鎮江銀島
19 七星岩
20 湖州的絲綢莊園
21 定海郊外
22 乍浦古橋
23 秦淮古橋
24 西湖
25 南京古城
26 江南寒泉山
27 浙江富春山
28 太湖碧螺峰
29 瓜島水車
30 石門
31 焦山行宮
32 揚州渡口
33 遠眺寧波城
34 五馬頭山
35 廣州街道實景
36 珠江黃塔
37 西樵山
38 海幢寺的碼頭和入口
39 海幢寺
40 肇慶府的峽山
41 韶州廣岩寺
42 從香山要塞遠眺澳門
43 太平昭關
44 媽閣廟
45 鼓浪嶼
46 廈門城門牌樓
47 賈梅士洞
48 澳門媽閣廟前
49 香港的竹渠
50 小布達拉宮
51 迎親隊伍
52 收受聘禮
53 中國商人的園林
54 麗泉行潘長耀別墅
55 天津大劇院
56 野台戲
57 二月初二迎春賽會
58 元宵燈節
59 端午龍舟賽
60 七月普渡
61 中秋祭拜
62 重陽放風箏
63 插秧
64 蘇州府播種水稻
65 東昌府的米販子
66 寧波的棉花種植
67 茶藝茶文化
68 茶船裝貨
69 煮繭繅絲
70 養蠶人家
71 染絲坊
72 賣菜船工與鸕鶿捕魚
73 英德煤礦
74 北京燈籠舖
75 臨清州踢毽子
76 布袋戲和皮影戲
77 通州賣茶和賣貓商人
78 天成路上叫賣膏藥
79 船工鬥鵪鶉賭博
80 鞭笞犯人
81 船過運河水閘
82 金壇縴夫
83 求籤問卦
84 從古墓遠眺廈門
85 廈門古墓
86 中國的墓地
87 墓地旁的擲骰子遊戲
88 赤城兵營
89 大黃口炮台
90 鎮江西門激戰
91 晉江入口
92 奪取穿鼻
93 乍浦佛寺之戰
94 鎮海孔廟大門
導讀 重現十九世紀的歷史面貌
自序 古董刻印畫裡的歷史實境
1 道光皇帝大閱兵
2 圓明園正大光明殿
3 虎丘山帝王行宮
4 官老爺出巡
5 官家宅院
6 官員府邸
7 官府宴客
8 官宦女眷的生活娛樂
9 官家庭院裡的雜耍表演
10 大家閨秀的閨房
11 長城的盡
12 萬里長城
13 北海公園
14 西直門
15 普陀山普濟寺
16 大報恩寺琉璃寶塔
17 鎮江河口
18 鎮江銀島
19 七星岩
20 湖州的絲綢莊園
21 定海郊外
22 乍浦古橋
23 秦淮古橋
24 西湖
25 南京古城
26 ...