作者:John M.Swales,Christine B.Feak
優惠價: 95 折, NT$ 523 NT$ 550
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The third edition of this successful guide to writing for graduate—and undergraduate—students has been revised and expanded in many ways. This edition includes
● newer, longer, and more authentic texts.
● greater disciplinary variety in texts (with more from the hard sciences and Engineering).
● more thorough treatment of research articles.
● greater emphasis on vocabulary issues.
● additional tasks that require students to do their own research.
● more corpus-informed content.
● a new design to improve ease of use as a reference or coursebook.
This edition of Academic Writing for Graduate Students, like its predecessors, has many special features. (or research) English and extensive classroom experience.
● It is as much concerned with developing academic writers as it is improving academic texts.
● It provides assistance with writing part-genres(problem-solutions and Methods andDiscussion sections)and genres (book reviews and research papers).
● Its approach is analytical and rhetorical—users apply analytical skills to the discourses of their chosendisciplines to explore how effective academic writing is achieved.
● It includes a rich variety of tasks and activities, ranging from small- scale language pointsto issues of howstudents can best position themselves as junior researchers.
● It is based on the large body of research literature dealingwith the features of academic