楊國樞教授早期從事實驗研究,論文多以英文寫成,在後來各個重要的研究階段,也都會撰寫英文論文來做總結。先生活躍於國際心理學界,參與重要的心理學研討會,推動心理學本土化研究,發表許多英文論文。本文集特將楊先生的英文論文集結成冊,以「早期實驗與社會人格研究」(Early Experiments and Social Personality Research)、「心理轉變與現代化研究」(Research in Personality Trandformation and Modernity)、「華人本土心理學研究」(Research in Indigenous Chinese Psychology)三大主題出版九、十、十一等三冊。這三冊英文論文集可說是楊國樞教授畢生主要心理學研究論著的縮版。
Kuo-shu Yang’s Collected Papers in English II:
Research in Psychological Transformation and Modernization
Social Orientation and Individual Modernity Among Chinese Students in Taiwan
Chinese Personality and Its Change
Will Societal Modernization Eventually Eliminate Cross-Cultural Psychological Differences?
The Psychological Transformation of the Chinese People as a Result of Societal Modernization
Chinese Responses to Modernization: A Psychological Analysis
Methodological and Theoretical Issues on Psychological Traditionality and Modernity
Research in an Asian Society: In Response to Kwang-Kuo Hwang and Beyond
The Nature of Achievement Motivation in Collectivist Societies
Some Correlates of Achievement Motivation Among Chinese High-School Boys
Social and Psychological Aspects of Fertility in Asia
An Analysis of Direct Questioning and Pictorial Thematic Interviewing as Two Methods of Measuring ideal Family Size and Son Preference
Psychological Correlates of Family Size, Son Preference, and Birth Control in Taiwan
Beyond Maslow’s Culture-Bound Linear Theory: A Preliminary Statement of the Double-Y Model of Basic Human Needs
Kuo-shu Yang’s Collected Papers in English II:
Research in Psychological Transformation and Modernization
Social Orientation and Individual Modernity Among Chinese Students in Taiwan
Chinese Personality and Its Change
Will Societal Modernization Eventually Eliminate Cross-Cultural Psychological Differences?
The Psychological Transformation of the Chinese People as a Result of Societal Modernization
Chinese Responses to Modernization: A Psychological Analysis
Methodological and Theoreti...