Intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
Complete each sentence with correct ending
1. Plants in the tropical forests
2. Species have grown to a certain height
3. Species staying below the canopy of the forest
4. Intraspecific competition
5. Interspecific competition
6. The same species
7. A favorable advantage in height or power
8. Mating opportunity and territory
9. Competition among cubs
10. Loot apprehended by female lions
11. When food resources are plentiful
12. When food resources are finite
13. The level of competition
14. Cheetahs and hyenas
15. Geographical changes
16. Male lions
17. Winning challengers
18. The offspring
19. Harmed bodies
20. A sharp jaw
21. Humans
22. Female lions
A. is the representative of the intraspecific competition
B. so that they are capable of getting enough sunlight
C. refers to competition among different species
D. it will pose dangers to some cubs
E. will be influenced by something like the thickness of the population in a herd
F. will lead to competition among lion herds
G. need light from the sun so they are competing the identical resource
H. are something that species are competing against
I. are competing with members of the same sex
J. will get significantly less sunlight
K. refers to competition among the same species
L. will supercede the role of the herd owner
M. will have the doomed fate
N. can increase the survival rate
O. can be quite tolerant with one another
P. will be something young lions are competing with
Q. intraspecific competition can be minimal
R. are competing food resources with other carnivores
S. will do female lions no good
T. is something heynas are equipped with
U. might deem hyenas’ stealing as something unfair
V. are not that sizable when compared with hyenas
Unit 3 句子簡化題:動物族群過剩
If this occurs in the region where there is no human interference, the problem of overpopulation will eventually end when there is depletion of food resources. Without sufficient food resources, the population will experience a dramatic decrease, but when this occurs in places where humans live, additional forces will be added to revert the situation since a non-native species often causes serious problems for the region. Often the solution will be introducing another natural predator of that species to control the overpopulation.
1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
(A) Unlike most species, a non-native species which experiences explosive growth in places where humans live will be regulated by extra forces, since it can create detrimental problems.
(B) The outcome for the population will be quite different if humans are involved.
(C) If there is human interference, overpopulated species will be regulated by extra forces, such as an introduction of a non-native species.
(D) Under normal circumstances, the population will dwindle, if it experiences a depletion of resources, but a non-native species which experiences explosive growth will revert the situation in the places where humans live.
Australian animals were faced with intense intraspecific competition with rabbits since they were relatively mild. The inability to compete with the so-called invasive species, the European rabbits would lead to a decline in other species and make this method useless since foxes were more inclined to eat sluggish Australian animals. Eventually, most Australian animals experienced starvation, and the ecological loss was unimaginable and unbearable for Australia.
2. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
(A) The preference to eat sluggish Australian animals is a result of the evolution because foxes were more prone to eating them.
(B) Under the rule of the survival of the fittest, the European rabbits have more chances to live since foxes were more inclined to eat lazy Australian animals.
(C) The scheme for using a natural predator as a way to control the overpopulation of the European rabbits deemed fruitless, since lethargic nature made Australian rabbits favored by predators.
(D) Sluggish Australian animals were not competitive so that they could not compete with the European rabbits; thus, they are useless to experts.
Directions: Complete the table below to summarize the information about female lions and female sloth bears as discussed in the passage. Match the appropriate statements to the listed animals.
Sloth Bears
Answer Choices
A. adopt a loose approach by letting other species take care of the young.
B. know how to hide their infants from predators.
C. has a less well-structured system, but still can protect their cubs from dangers.
D. can learn the ability to hunt from their mothers during an early stage of their lives.
E. are able to get the protection with the group, if living in a pride.
F. can stay on the back of their mother’s back for a certain amount of time
G. are enviable in the eyes of other creatures, since their parents do not show extensive care.
Unit 4 修辭目的題:剋星 Nemesis
1. A depiction of _____ and _______ in the novel is suddenly the __________ of getting trapped in the _________.
2. Chou Bao Tung was fooled by Zhao Zhi Jing and then got stung by a ___________.
3. The spider has ____ colors and are so __________ that people cannot seem to discover a ___________.
4. From the understanding of the _____________ ___________ manufactured by the spider, _________ are sure that Chou will get killed.
5. What rascals fail to take into account is Xiaolongnu understands the foundation of the _____________.
6. She comes up with a ________ solution. Chou’s pain is eased by the _________ produced by bees.
7. The tremendous ______ _______ is destroyed by groups of ____________.
8. From changes of Chou’s body, they are able to conclude that an ________ for the spider bite is bees’ venom.
9. The story successfully uses bees as _______.
10. Tarantulas are able to capure snakes by ____________.
Unit 5 資訊歸納題 :母性本能和對子女的養育
1. In Africa, for example, carnivores roam on the savanna and sometimes cubs after being born have little protection from their moms. Other times, it is because parents are starting to learn about how to be one. It is not some innate skill. Take lions, for example, older ones are professional and experienced. They know how to hide the cubs from other predators, such as hyenas and cheetahs. They cover up smell of the cubs so that predators will not find them. Younger lions are less experienced, and a lousy one can sometimes find its young not in the place she hides them. The likelihood of the young getting eaten by other predators is exceedingly high especially after searching for a long time.
2. In the lion world, some mothers exhibit greater strength than mothers in the pride. Raising the cub without the protection of a pride of lions is pretty like a single mom raising kids without a father in the human world. It is an admirable trait that people find it commendable. Pressure is high for individual female lions living without a pride, especially having a cub to raise and worry about. Foods captured by female lions can be stolen by nosy and opportunistic animals, such as hyenas. A well-structured lion system can successfully guard cubs from the danger of carnivores and prevent things such as foods from being stolen.
Intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
Complete each sentence with correct ending
1. Plants in the tropical forests
2. Species have grown to a certain height
3. Species staying below the canopy of the forest
4. Intraspecific competition
5. Interspecific competition
6. The same species
7. A favorable advantage in height or power
8. Mating opportunity and territory
9. Competition among cubs
10. Loot apprehended...
修辭目的題其實最主要的是了解寫作者寫這個字、句等的目的,作者在這個段落中寫出這個字或句都是有目的的,可能是要提醒讀者或者是對於某個現象感到吃驚,算是比較隱含意思方面的理解,書中是由一篇自然現象來介紹這個題型,可以一次演練數個修辭目的題。另外要注意的是要避免將正確答案與段落中提過的訊息混淆到而選錯了。再來是內容總結題,這部分其實沒有想像中難,可以回歸到學習閱讀一個句子時,每個句子都會有較不重要的部分(minor details)或支持性的細節(supporting details),其實在看完一整列選項後,刪除這兩部分,就能看到康莊大道,選出正確答案,而主要提到的部分其實就剩那幾個選項。
韋爾 敬上
新托福閱讀 編者序
倍斯特編輯部 敬上
Part 1 新托福初階:詞彙和代名詞指代
Unit 1-19 動物間的捉迷藏 1-19
PART 2 新托福中階:詞彙、代名詞指代、細節和否定資訊題和推論題
Unit 1金蘋果和海倫 Golden Apple and Helen
Test 1
Unit 2特洛伊戰爭 Trojan Wars
Test 2
PART 3 新托福高階:插入句子、修辭目的題、資訊歸納題、簡化句子題和內容總結題
Unit 1插入句子題:邁向成功的道路 The Road to Success
Test 3
Unit 2 資訊歸納題:種內競爭和種間競爭
Intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
Test 4
Unit 3 句子簡化題:動物族群過剩Animal overpopulation
Test 5
Unit 4 修辭目的題:剋星 Nemesis
Test 6
Unit 5 資訊歸納題 :母性本能和對子女的養育 Maternal Instinct and Parenting
Test 7
Unit 6 內容總結題:龍蝦與人類 Lobsters and Human beings
Test 8
Part 1 新托福初階:詞彙和代名詞指代
Unit 1-19 動物間的捉迷藏 1-19
PART 2 新托福中階:詞彙、代名詞指代、細節和否定資訊題和推論題
Unit 1金蘋果和海倫 Golden Apple and Helen
Test 1
Unit 2特洛伊戰爭 Trojan Wars
Test 2
PART 3 新托福高階:插入句子、修辭目的題、資訊歸納題、簡化句子題和內容總結題
Unit 1插入句子題:邁向成功的道路 The Road to Success
Test 3
Unit 2 資訊歸納題:種內競爭和種間競爭
Intraspecific competition and interspecific competition
Test 4
Unit 3 句子簡化題:動...
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