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Angela McKelvey Manuszak
Angela McKelvey Manuszak has led a variety of publications, from her college literary anthology to an award-winning local history book. She began her international foodie adventures during a semester abroad as a student and nanny in Paris, France. Currently, she is a wife and working mom -- saving for her next trip.
Unit 8 Hsinchu city - imagawayaki 新竹-紅豆餅
Attractions 景點報報
新竹市沿海有海八景觀光帶景點,十八尖山是由十八個峰頭組成的丘陵地帶,這裡的正一公園是登山健行的好去處。十九公頃青青草有櫻花、楓林、油桐步道是健走的好地方。從新竹火車站就可搭乘火車到內灣車站逛內灣老街,內灣老街總長約有200公尺,街道兩旁都是具有地方特色的野薑花肉粽、紫玉菜包、客家擂茶、擂茶冰沙、牛浣水、過鍋米粉 、客家麻糬等美食。
Popular snacks/street food人氣小吃報報
Japanese’s rule over Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 influenced the island’s appearance as well as its cuisine. Japan sought to make Taiwan a model colony and produced an economy that would further aid its expansionist plans. So, Japan poured many resources into the island, modernizing roads, rail, energy, and helping to boost Taiwan into the industrial powerhouse it is today. Imagawayaki (red bean pastry) is a traditional dessert dating from Japan’s 18th century that is still a welcome by-product of Japan’s colonization of Taiwan. It is essentially pancake batter, cooked in a special griddle that looks like a giant western muffin tin or open waffle iron with round holes instead of square holes. As the batter begins to cook, the vendor adds a large spoonful of filling on top of the batter. The most traditional type is red bean paste, though more street market stalls are also selling custard, peanut, Asian cabbage, dried turnip, and curry-filled imagawayaki. “Zhu Cheng Red Bean Pastry” is a famous place for red bean pastry in northern Hsin Chu. They sell red bean pastry with a variety of fillings such as red bean, cream butter, taro paste, sesame, dried radish and cabbage.
日本從1895年到1945年 統治台灣也同時影響了台灣的飲食。日本有心要把台灣建立為一個模範殖民地以進一步的邁向日本擴張領土的目的。所以日本在台灣這個島嶼上投入了很多的資源,改建道路、鐵路、能源設施,這些後來都是幫助台灣走向工業轉型的重要背景。「紅豆餅」也就是車輪餅是一個傳統的甜點,其歷史可以追溯到日本的18世紀,這個小吃現在在台灣仍然很受歡迎。基本上是把麵糊,倒入特殊的鐵鑄模烘烤,模子看起來像一個巨大的西式鬆餅烤具或是開放式有鐵圓孔的鬆餅,而不是一般的方型孔。麵糊煎熟後中央再填入餡,再取兩片餅皮夾合就完成。竹城紅豆餅在新竹市很受歡迎,賣的內餡有奶油,花生,最近幾年還有鹹味的紅豆餅,內餡高麗菜,蘿蔔乾甚至有咖哩內餡。賣的口味有”紅豆、奶油、芋頭、芝麻、菜脯和高麗菜。
Q & A 外國人都是這樣問的
1. How does the cook get the filling inside the pancake?
A. He actually cooks two halves of the imagawayaki at the same time but in separate holes of the griddle, placing the filling on top of one half as it cooks. Then when the batter gets firm on the bottom, he picks up half and puts it on top of the other half to finish cooking.
B. You are looking for a hole in the side like jelly-filled doughnuts, but you won’t find it. The vendor adds the filling as it cooks, not after.
C. Let’s watch the vendor make the next batch, if the people in the long line will let us get close enough. Would you like to get a cold drink first since the griddle puts off a lot of heat?
2. What are your favorite fillings for imagawayaki?
A. I like the sweet ones. Red bean and cream custard are my favorite. Yam filling is one that surprised me the most. Mashed yam is a golden color so it looks so yummy. Yam is also sweet by itself so no seasoning necessary. Mashed yam is also very satisfying so just eating three can make it a full meal.
B. I actually like the savory taste. I tried cream mixed with corn and it was very good. I also had cheese mixed with mochi. It was really unusual. There are fillings such as braised ground pork, tuna fish and even chicken nugget.
我喜歡鹹味的,我有吃過奶油玉米,很好吃。我也有吃過起士麻薯,那真的很特別。還有內餡是肉燥, 鮪魚甚至是雞塊的。
C. When we visited a night market, there were so many foods. My friend pointed out the vendor making the red bean pastry but I was so full that I could not eat anything more. However, I love night markets in Taiwan. It is just full of fun.
3. Is this expensive, since there is a special griddle and so much labor involved in making them?
A. They cost 5-20 NTD, depending on where you buy them. Does that seem expensive to you?
B. Some local people think they are really expensive, but they are also pretty large for a dessert in Taiwan.
C. Local people don’t eat a lot of desserts, so to many of them it seems like an expensive luxury. Usually visitors want to try everything though, and don’t mind the cost.
Information 美食報馬仔
Unit 8 Hsinchu city - imagawayaki 新竹-紅豆餅
Attractions 景點報報
新竹市沿海有海八景觀光帶景點,十八尖山是由十八個峰頭組成的丘陵地帶,這裡的正一公園是登山健行的好去處。十九公頃青青草有櫻花、楓林、油桐步道是健走的好地方。從新竹火車站就可搭乘火車到內灣車站逛內灣老街,內灣老街總長約有200公尺,街道兩旁都是具有地方特色的野薑花肉粽、紫玉菜包、客家擂茶、擂茶冰沙、牛浣水、過鍋米粉 、客家麻糬等美食。
Popular snacks/street food人氣小吃報報
Japanese’s rule over Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 i...
我可以感受為什麼他們堅持要帶我們去逛夜市,因為他們很關照我們的孩子,所以要讓孩子吃好吃的東西。 他們甚至買了剉冰讓我們帶回飯店吃。我當時可以看得出來我們的新朋友是想讓外國父母體驗夜市在台灣日常生活的重要地位。
Taiwan is special to me and my husband because that is where our children were born. We are European-Americans who adopted three Taiwanese siblings. By co-writing this book, I had the opportunity to research and write about Taiwanese foods. This book provides information about unique Taiwanese foods. Readers can also learn about the influence of foreign powers throughout the centuries on Taiwanese foods, and get a glimpse of the lifestyle of the Taiwanese people as we did on our very important trip to Taiwan.
During the week of the Autumn Moon Festival, my husband and I explored one of the night markets in Kaohsiung, guided by two local young women. Unusual smells, the crush of people, lighted signs in traditional Mandarin characters and in English – and so much delicious food. This was an experience to remember for many reasons.
We had arrived in Taipei just a couple of days before from the US, scheduled at last to meet the children who were joining our family by adoption. For over a year prior, we had completed paperwork, sent gifts and enjoyed the occasional teleconference with the kids. We had also studied Mandarin and prepared our home to shelter a family of five.
Suddenly, we were together on their turf. The children’s English language tutor and their social worker had insisted on escorting us to the night market before we left Kaohsiung. They met us at our hotel and led us to the market, via the city’s art-filled subway. That’s where these ladies snapped our first family portrait – a treasured souvenir of our very first days together.
It was clear to me why our guides wanted to take us to the market so urgently: These generous young women loved our children and lavished them with unique local snacks – even sending us back to the hotel with melting, bagged-up dishes of shaved ice for later. I could tell our kind new friends also wanted us foreign parents to understand the market’s important position in daily life in Taiwan.
Time flies and five years have passed by. We love our Taiwanese children more than anything. By co-writing this book, I had the chance to read more information about Taiwan. My memory of a night market in Taiwan is the true refection of daily food that people eat. Almost everyone who grows up in Taiwan has their own night market experience. No doubt the market will be a frequent stop for us every time we return to the Beautiful Island.
跟著小吃用英語晒台灣 目次
★【PART 1】北台灣的文化風情
Unit 1 基隆【肉圓】
Unit 2 基隆【鼎邊銼】
Unit 3台北【滷肉飯】
Unit 4台北【鐵蛋】
Unit 5桃園【餡餅】
Unit 6桃園【刨冰山】
Unit 7新竹【潤餅】
Unit 8新竹【紅豆餅】
Unit 9苗栗【水晶餃】
Unit 10苗栗【臭豆腐】
★【PART 2】中台灣的魅力風情
Unit 11台中【豬血糕】
Unit 12東海【雞腳凍】
Unit 13彰化【鹹麻糬】
Unit 14彰化【麵線糊】
Unit 15南投【意麵】
Unit 16南投【營養三明治】
Unit 17雲林【炊仔飯】
Unit 18雲林【煎盤裸】
Unit 19嘉義【火雞肉飯】
Unit 20嘉義【豆花】
★【PART 3】南台灣的熱力風情
Unit 21台南【割包】
Unit 22台南【蝦米飯】
Unit 23台南【鹹粥】
Unit 24善化【土產牛肉】
Unit 25高雄【燒餅】
Unit 26高雄【楊桃湯】
Unit 27高雄【鹹水鴨】
Unit 28屏東【胡椒蝦】
Unit 29屏東【東港鮪魚】
Unit 30屏東【潮州旗魚黑輪】
★【PART 4】東台灣農村風情
Unit 31宜蘭【三星蔥油餅】
Unit 32宜蘭【麻醬乾麵】
Unit 33宜蘭【魚丸米粉】
Unit 34花蓮【蛋餅】
跟著小吃用英語晒台灣 目次
★【PART 1】北台灣的文化風情
Unit 1 基隆【肉圓】
Unit 2 基隆【鼎邊銼】
Unit 3台北【滷肉飯】
Unit 4台北【鐵蛋】
Unit 5桃園【餡餅】
Unit 6桃園【刨冰山】
Unit 7新竹【潤餅】
Unit 8新竹【紅豆餅】
Unit 9苗栗【水晶餃】
Unit 10苗栗【臭豆腐】
★【PART 2】中台灣的魅力風情
Unit 11台中【豬血糕】
Unit 12東海【雞腳凍】
Unit 13彰化【鹹麻糬】
Unit 14彰化【麵線糊】
Unit 15南投【意麵】
Unit 16南投【營養三明治】
Unit 17雲林【炊仔飯】
Unit 18雲林【煎盤裸】
Unit 19...
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